Difference between Sweden and Finland

Difference between Sweden and Finland

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is this real? i thought your women are white but now i see that they are brown


She's from India you retard.

The joke is that a high ranking Swedish nationalist politician has an Indian woman while his Finnish counterpart has gay sex with an african.

yeah nice joke ahmed

Pic related is the MP of True Finns (nationalist) party with his wife

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I'm pretty sure the guy who was the head of Norway's anti immigration party had an Iranian wife

why are nord right winger like this

Yeah right-wing men have a thing for exotic looking women, but they despise all men that don't have their color. Might be different for gays tho

>keep women
>kick out the 3rdie males
Sounds based to me.

Both are wrong and degenerate. It should be a couple of 1 cute swedish boy and 1 cute finnish boy.

What's the womans name?

Finnish right-wing politician with his latina wife

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Although teuvo is an inbred redneck hes still quite chad

>French right wingers aren't fucking brown cuties
Fucking faggots lol

>tfw i've sat in sauna and drank beer with Teuvo
And i'm not even from Viitasaari

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Based Finland

why is he even right-wing then

Fucking foreign women is extremely right wing

Are you a member of Bandidos?


Because we should be importing brown cuties, not male rapefugees. Simple as.

is fucking men also right wing then?

Dominating other men is even more right wing

but do you realise no white male can come out of a brown womb?

lol I really hope you lads really think this one through

u wanna get ur boypussy fucked?

sandfittejägaren har inte nåt att säga här

Bah, mon kp1 c'est trop tard... l'Europe es fini. Surtout la France et la Suède

pic related is his kid from white wife (left) and his kid with brown wife (right)

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Based Finlandssvensk

>u wanna get ur boypussy fucked?
wot? das gay

>das gay
for you

contrary to amerifat's jewish propaganda, french rarely racemix.

you're wrong, french right winger politicians are all married to jews
jews are not cute though
but im sure it's more useful than fucking streetshitters of all races (just why???)

Right wing doesn't mean ethnonationalist.

Politician in OPs pic is Mattias Karlsson and he already has 3 Swedish kids with his ex wife. The Indian girl is his girlfriend after the divorce. It's also misleading because he's not a politician anymore but he was a higher up in the nationalist party before

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Left is pretty, but right one looks an absolute pussy slayer chad.

The other son is a Chad the other one is a closet faggot

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>contrary to amerifat's jewish propaganda, french rarely racemix.
Je sais, je sais. C'est pareil en Suède. Mais (comme nous) vous avez beacoup des arab, qui ont tous beacoup des enfants.

Whatever mate, I think you should be posting pn anyway.

He had an aryan gf

i still don't understand why you're proud of that
explain how this is any better than all thise american "alt right" people dating asian women ? it's not

>you can't post on any other board than Yas Forums if you have views that differ from mine
>is also a French speaking faggot and interracial fetischist
Big surprise

>some rando
>you son of a bitch
Pls upbaot.

>i still don't understand why you're proud of that
It's called banter. We're joking and having fun.

If you can't understand this, consider going to instead.

he has a georgous gf even though he is apparently a "faggot"

>you can't post on any other board than Yas Forums if you have views that differ from mine
You're more than allowed to but you should try to have a sense of humour if you do.
>interracial fetischist
>Anyone who speaks french is a faggot

>Retard is retarded
Big surprise. Shouldn't you be outside in some epatraktor right now?

oui ça c'est vrai, ils baisent comme des lapins

>"look ! our head nazi is fucking a brown girl ! haha so funny"
it's not "banter" at all it's just 1st degree humor without any thought put into it
it's you who should go to Yas Forums if you want such bottom of the barrel laughs

he wasn't the head, but he was like second in command and a well known local racist (i'm from his hometown)

pol uronically are the biggest racemixer faggots
many thread "muh asian waifu"

>he is a racist
And? Who gives a fuck?

oui c'est vrai

>it's not "banter" at all it's just 1st degree humor without any thought put into it
Ok, didn't know you were a blague connaisseur, will only do sophisticated jokes from now on.

>it's you who should go to Yas Forums
Jokes aside, noone should go to Yas Forums. It is shilled and spammed 24/7 so you can't have a discussion over there.

she looks negro

>Although teuvo is an inbred redneck
pic related is you

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I fucking hate sw*des.

Come to Brazil and get your own Kuruminha.

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Some nazis said the same thing. The guy went really fucking mad, sued them and wrote a lengthy facebook post saying that she was half Swedish half Indian.

I'm guessing she's tamil or something.

Yea, I did hear that even Swedish fags would rather wear our flag than their own this days.

Keep seething, third worlder.

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>Purebred finn fucks a negro

Why do some finns on Yas Forums act like this nowadays?

you are not a girl

He looks swedish.

>tryhard dork trying to look elite
>absolute bros being bros

finland wins

Never said I was.

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and what finn looks like?asian?

stop being gay

a sw*doid calling a RVSSIAN a third-worlder. LOL
At this point you've literally not right to call anyone a third-worlder.

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I'd post some statistics but the Russian janny will just ban me instantly and delete the thread

No brown girl has ever called me incel.

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