/balt/ + /ausnz/

Barbora edition

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no one:
literally no one:
me: the person reading this is handsome

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Lol, I had sex yesterday with a milf 9 years older than me
She was also out of my league by far. She wants for us to be friends with benefits from now on.

Life is good.

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I have to wait until tomorrow to have sex, when gf will come to my place.

why do I have to suffer so much

>not available in Al*tus
such is life in dirty south

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> yesterday
enjoy your corona

>friends with benefits
I am very sorry, my brother, but that is haram.

>Having a gf
lol, Both her and me have divorced, don't want to have relationship ever again

Being in relationship is nightmare

where can I find a milf that wants to fuck me? I havent had sex in 22 years

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I'm 23 who spent active lifestyle before quarantine so I don't give a fuck desu


>i didnt feel anything to girls who were interested in me
>crushes didnt feel anything towards me
such is life of a virgin me

Questioning why things are haram is also haram.

Dunno, met through tinder

Flirted with her for a while, then got to her place with few bottles of wine and we played poker, then had a massage, then lots of sex.

Was nice.

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how do you fuckers get girls interested romantically in you? The best thing I can get are girls wanting to be friends with me

Based Lithuanian muslim

just bee yourself

Be direct and sexual person.

Is that her? She cute
What your tinder profile looks like? I'm think of making one, but dunno if I want to include info that will get me laid or info that will get me longterm relationship

>The best thing I can get are girls wanting to be friends with me
teach me how. women don't want anything to do with me. i was told by multiple women in high school they think i am gonna kill someone one day

I mean beeeeeing myself. Thats how I become friends with everyone

>how do you fuckers get girls interested romantically in you?
Why would you want that? Relationships are a drag.
To become fuckbuddies you have to
>Be fairly attractive
>Know how to keep conversation
>Not be boring
>If you want more than one night stand, be good at bed
It's that easy

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>i was told by multiple women in high school they think i am gonna kill someone one day

Probably because you're a loner who sits alone and doesn't talk to anyone and had occasional sperg moments.

I still dont get why balts try toassosiate with a first world westeen nations You are are three excommie shithills. Accept what you are

yeah, so you become friends, and then they want to have sex with you
isn't this how it works?

I dont know, man, I just talk to them like they are guys, and it just works out.

How do people have lots of sex?
Like in movies?
>omg antanas, 4 times in a row?
>yeah, sorry babe, i was tired today

My dick goes to sleep after 1st coom

oy vey

I gave you a hint last time, you utter waste of oxygen, figure it out

thank you for gracing us with your presence, Master :)

Shahar fuck off

not the guy you were replying to but my dick works in mysterious ways

sometimes I can fuck like 3 times in a few hours sometimes my peepee goes to sleep after 1st coom as yours

Not her.

She looked kinda like pic related, but with bigger boobs.

My tinder profile is just random photos of me and some shit about pro's and con's how i'm an alcoholic

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>Be fairly attractive
People tell me I look like a 30 year old serial killer. Im 22
Afraid of making the first move, otherwise, pretty confident
>Know how to keep conversation
I know how to spin believeable bullshit
>Not be boring
>If you want more than one night stand, be good at bed
I dont know how I am in bed, I never tried it

lel, dunno, my dick sometimes works for a short sex, cums and then I don't want to have sex for hours, other times I can fuck multiple times in a row for a long time.
I think it all depends on how relaxed are you. I was very relaxed with her, last time I had sex with her before leaving I didn't even cum, while she came few times. She had to finish me off with a blowjob.

>thread goes full /soc/ even with out roastoids

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To oven Shlomo

women arent romantically interested in me, but I keep attracting gays. It always happens, I dont know how to stop it

>everyone is better than me
thanks for reality check

>People tell me I look like a 30 year old serial killer. Im 22
oof . Start to workout and take care of yourself, get nice haircut, look through /fa/.
>Afraid of making the first move, otherwise, pretty confident
You're not confident
Videogames and anime aren't hobbies, user
>I dont know how I am in bed, I never tried it
You can start with getting ugly fat chick into relationship and finally having sex, it should help with your confidence. Some people have to have sex to have sex.

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maybe they know something you don't want to admit to yourself

Shutthe fuck up already why you are incel is because you are desperate ,start working out and improve yourself and dont cry here everyday. Fucking everysingle day some shithuanian incels cry here.

i have been hit on by a gay guy once and never by a woman. i could probably do alright if i went gay

I am more attractive to gays, but women find me good looking often as well.

>believing any of these wet dreams

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Lithuanians are either
>Alpha chads
>Omega incel virgins who kills themselves

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>Wet dreams
You wish

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How to have sex with milfs from tinder?

p-please translate it. i want to pretend it is a woman talking to me


Now you see women don't know how to play poker
It's either larp or gay man

>Hey {censored}, {censored}
>When you'll come call me. Thank you. I'll wait at 9 pm. Dressed sexy and looking for a poker night. For a massage - as well. ;)

Some women do
Also strip poker point is to lose so you undress

is your autism diagnosed?

>Cory Chase


>9 PM

Oh you

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>You can start with getting ugly fat chick into relationship

I dont meet any

What's wrong?

You dont see any wrong with this, youre already gone. Get americanized.

Lithuanians are most americanized out of all balts both historically and nowadays

I have never seen or heard any Lithuanians unironically use PM and AM when talking about time

Get out more

Lel, even my job uses am/pm format

Are you living oytside Vilnius?

to where? Seriously, I dont know


balts don't use AM/PM normally?

No, because we're not mutts