
haha funny edish
prolly gonna die before dawn

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Other urls found in this thread:


first for

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why do indogs just WANT to be Original Poster

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Should've been an early Caturday edition.

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I'm thinking catgirltuday but thanks for the suggestion anyway

Something Oofy is going on behind the scenes
Hmm. Earlier, it was reported that AFP General Santos tested positive for Covid. Yesterday, it was one of the MalacaƱang Staff. Prior to this, we watch PRRD's taped interviews. He hasn't appeared live since. Then baam, media blackout!

Seems fishy to me. As if there's a Covid positive patient inside they're keeping a secret.

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Please reconsider your decision
There's still so much time to improve your life, user

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haha its supposed to be the thread not me hahaha

Post kot!!!!!

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so cute!!!!


Do you guys still use FB to shitpost? If yes what did y'all think of those "mimerfb" lurking in there?

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I haven't logged on my account for years. But memepages are pretty hefty eons ago.

Nah, the last time I used FB and Twitter was in 2011.

It was supposed to be this but since indoanon made OC I changed it to that

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Pedophilia posting in subtle way



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Yeah we were kinda full of ourselves, sorry

Sorry i mean this

>Yeah we were kinda full of ourselves, sorry
now this deserve a soyjack

Her voice sounds like 9 y.o.

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Quoteth whoms'tve?

>Quoteth whoms'tve?

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I'm this guy What I meant is those kids on fb who spamming on every post with doges pic "buset bla bla... Tp gw ngga nanya sih" and other shitty reaction images.

(This is pretty cringy for me to say)
I'm an admin of meme page and Everytime people spamming those image on my post it's really annoy the shit out of me.

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>80's Disco Mix Nonstop Party

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Indogs in general are bunch of attention whores.
Most of them are fucking cancers.

is vietnam a nice place to visit?

when a pandemic isn't going on, of course.

the jungles are nice

Filipinos should bully indogs more to put them in their place

More fishy corona china virus shit

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What page?

What page. If you're running a big page with massive followers i think it's your own fault for being a member of mim page administration

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fuck you gorona

Attached: fuckgorona.jpg (720x328, 54.44K)

Not that big, but decent amount of followes.
Sry but I won't say the name tho, don't know why but that's kinda make me feel insecure for people knowing what I'm doing

How many followers?

>I'm an admin of meme page
Taufik? Faisal?

Have ever posted greentext meme?

anime for this feel?

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what about anime for this feel?

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no pedo element on that webm except for a little girl based retard bro.

Just reply to them with "Haha lucu lo kontol." Simple yet clear enough to understand that you want them to shut the gibberish.

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Hmm, I don't quite remember bc I'm not the main admin, but I think it's 16-18K? not reach 20K yet because we usually celebrate something like that.

No, neither of both sorry. stop trying to identifying me man... That's make me uncomfortable

Naw, not that kind of posts


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Other than being a nigger why would Chris Tucker on that list?

That's the problem man, whenever you try to scold them they'll get angry back and calling their shitty mobs friends and calling you elitist, I don't give a fuck about that, but..... it will have impact with my post's reach because they didn't want to react to my posts, and that's suck


what's your favorite anime film?

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Maybe whoever is in charge likes the rush hour movie(s)

what's your diagnosis frens?


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Did you make money from the page? If no, then it's depend on you which worse, lose a bunch of viewers or hold a grudge in front of screen

>same image
>same filename

all friends of China end losing at the end.

Venezuela = China made Venezuela become a debt slave with a broken economy.
Sudan = Civil war backed by China
Russia = chinese virus made oil price go down to 20 USD barrel.
Laos, Cambodia, Cuba = debt slaves of China.
Spain, Italy = chinese virus deployed massively in those countries.


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>Found the newfag

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Hmmm, what could this mean? I wonder...

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hi im late
how did malaybros and /asean/ as a whole react to the gibs announced this evening?

>Did you make money
yeah maybe you right, I should just grow balls and take the consequences whatever is it. And also other pages like "indoges" or "meme goreng" and the others got it worse anyway, better be losing a few here but kept the quality than swarmed with retards later