“Hong Kong identity isn’t just based on the rejection of Chinese identity...

>“Hong Kong identity isn’t just based on the rejection of Chinese identity, but a collective sense of resilience and autonomy and saying no to oppression,” Johnson Yeung, a veteran activist and former student leader who was arrested during a protest last month, told me.

>“Hong Kong people are putting up a fight to save their unique status.”



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good for them

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Yas Forums during hong kong riot
>die chinky bastards glory to china (unironically)
Yas Forums during corona
>wow fuck china

make up your mind

I mean, it's not wrong.

Anyone who says otherwise is a CCP shill.

I’m look forward to yeh chinese army going door to door in full PPE gear with shotguns to “enforce quarantine” on everyone of these traitors

It's wrong.

one crispy duck with noodles please

Race traitors deserve the rope. The only thing anyone is going to see when shit hits the fan is what shape their eyes are.

I dare any of these HK race traitors to try and live in Europe or America right now and see how long they can go without getting spit on and beat.

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*spits in it

Here’s your order

fighting a losing battle

HK is an expandable proxy conflict land between china and west

Hong Kong is part of China. Hong Kong is what Brits unlawfully and violently robbed from China. It should be back to China.

But since I'm an outsider, I wouldn't stick my nose into this issue. It's what Hong Konger and mainland Chinese should decide.

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>race traitors

Race doesn't fucking matter here you brainlet.

being nostalgic of colonialism is prime cuck behaviour, seeing them flying british flags after what the british did in China and particularly in Hong Kong is disgusting
if you wanna reject the CCP fair enough, rejecting being Chinese is retarded

HK handover was somewhere in the 1990s but only in 2019 the west suddenly began to care, why?

How are they race traitors lol? They just want a different system of governance.

Look, the virus doesn't give a shit if you're Chinese or white or anything. It just wants to spread.

Hong Kong's fate was sealed when the British abandoned them like 20 years ago, and I don't get why people are suddenly getting upset about it.

Because we can have empathy for a population that shares similar values to our own facing oppression by a country that shares completely opposite values

If you've been to both Hong Kong and mainland China, you'll get what Hong Kongers are coming from. Not that most of you here would get that far from from your parents' basement anyway.

They're trying to ingratiate themselves to other races while denying their han bloodline. It's disgusting but not entirely unexpected. They're basically fifth column filth that China should've purged as soon as they took back the island. What these dumb niggers don't realize is how pathetic they look even to the people they're trying to kiss up to. You just can't respect someone who betrays their kind.

It's the pinnacle of pozzed.

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chinese quality and service numba one

>while denying their han bloodline
Aren't they also Mongol because of the Yuan dynasty and Manchu because of the Qing?

I can only imagine the cognitive dissonance when HKers hear news of their white masters treating them like shit overseas. It's one thing to dislike the CCP but claiming you're not Chinese? When you're closes trading partner is China? When you regularly intermix and marry with the mainlanders?

Don't be racist against hong kongers it's the chinese who are bad asians. We're the good asians we're practically white.

>How are they race traitors lol? They just want a different system of governance.

So how do you feel about the Indonesians who were slaughtered in the hundreds of thousands as part of a joint Australia-US led coup? Any empathy for them?
Fifth column yank parasite.

This has nothing to do with race. They feel resemblance and community to the Western World because they share the same values.

>betrays their kind

Stop grouping all Han together like they're one big family. I don't think the French are my fucking brothers cause they're White

Recent aznidentity is fucking top. They only talk about racism in usa over this flu and how hong kongners taiwanese japanese are same chinks to westerners then keep insulting those same non chinese asian bros. Should rename to chinesediaspora

but the French certainly ain't sucking up anybody else

I stan Hong Kong, die chinese fags

What does this have to do with the US? I can simultaneously understand why Hong Kongers would want to reject CCP influence while also hating CIA coups.
Again, it's not a race issue, it's an identity one.
Honestly if you're a protest movement and your going up against the CCP, gathering international support isn't really that bad of an idea.

>They feel resemblance and community to the Western World because they share the same values.
The only western values in Hong Kong are harbouring rich criminals, foreign political espionage and western business elites making money while the locals live in high priced capitalist cages.
The actual locals are far closer to the mainland in every respect than they are with the west. To say otherwise is either extreme arrogance or extreme stupidity.
Those traitors are bowing to foreign colonial parasites they should have instead killed off.

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Betrayal of one's race is the ultimate sin because it comes from a place of self-loathing. You can be critical of the system without inviting foreign invasion. I got no respect for anyone who would stab their own race in the back, especially for gud boy points with a rival house. You stand by your people or you fuck off and go live somewhere else.

I don't care if you're brown, white, black, Asian, what have you - at the end of the day, family comes first and if you won't stand by family then there's the door. HKers are basically like elves who never beheld the light of the Trees of Valinor.

They're lesser just by the crime of their existence.

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Are you especially sensitive about this because of your country's reputation for supplying cheap prostitutes to foreigners?

>What does this have to do with the US?
You pig ignorant clown.

Have you even spoken to locals? Everything you just mentioned has nothing to do with culture.
Why are you calling them traitors? Why the fuck would you be loyal to something you have no want of being resembled with? The average Hong Konger enjoys the fact he has access to the WWW and not stuck using the same monitored apps all day. That and so many more examples are included. You have no clue how different they feel from one another.
I guess you're Thai so you see this differently, but you should understand that Hong Kongers don't see themselves as part of this 'family'.

Russians aren't my brothers, and Mainranders aren't Hong Kongers'. Why the fuck would I have any care for a Russian just cause he shares my skin colour?
Motherfucker I meant you can separate the two.
>Protests justified
>CIA interference no justified
See what I did there?

You'd be forgiven for not understanding since you're not of the Eastern Houses. I do not begrudge you or your worldview, such as it is. I don't expect you to understand, especially since Western nations have basically given up all hope of maintaining racial integrity at this point. The problem is that some from the East are starting to be infected with that sort of cancer and they ought to be cut down like the tumor they are.

I understand this, but it's also for this reason that HKers need to leave and find a new home in the West. And I sincerely, unironically wish them the best of luck, I hope they follow your example.

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Hong Kongers are just different simple as. They have a different culture and anyone who just views their struggle to maintain that as some cringey racial war needs to have a look in the mirror

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....so is that a yes to the prostitute thing?

Well I'm glad you understand.

Sucks for people who can't afford the move though. The CCP has said they'd possibly allow continued autonomy past the date but we'll have to see what Xi's next-in-line says.

HK is too crowded anyway, it's good if more people move out. I see it as win-win for everyone. If Westerners really stand with HK then they should be more than happy to accept HK immigrants.

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Can't agree with this whole 'If you don't like it just leave' thing but the second point is completely real.

Canada especially did that before '97 anyway and it's turned fine for both sides. The BNO was a shitty excuse for 'Haha sry we care but please don't mass immigrate here'

Yeah that was a dick move. Whenever I see HK zoomers begging to be ruled by bongs again I cringe hard. Like nigger, they don't even WANT you. Have some self-respect.

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Eh, that's actually a tiny radical retarded minority from the ones I've spoken too - similar to Texans wanting independence or Argentinians wanting the Falklands.

Of course most locals see the Brits more favourably, but being that their identity comes from being a colony and being given many Western values, you can kinda see why they'd see more relation to them than the historically backwards Mainrand.

On the contrary, I doubt most were even alive during the British occupation. Or else they would know they no elections or right to protest until after being returned to the mainland.

Well yes exactly, but the kids have grown up in that culture which was left behind and the adults know it well. They have very little connection with a Mainland that has a nationalistic culture which wants them to integrate into values completely backwards to their own.
To be fair Patton did give them some democracy before he left, and as well taken as it was there it pissed China to high hell. He's actually an interesting guy to listen to.

Reminder: Hong Kong and Taiwan are largely unharmed because they didn't trust China for one bit

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Didn't the SARS epidemic of 2002 originate in hong kong?
Yeah guys, you totally aren't a bunch of disgusting chinks as well lmao

>race traitors

They want to live IN asia. They just dont want to live under the laughably shit tier rule of the quasi-human mainland chinese.

The cantonese are “Han” now too?

Is there any identity that is more entirely fabricated that “Han” now lol. It’s a meaningless term that apparently is applied to anyone that is near china.

Imagine if the Confederacy after losing the civil war, fled to Cuba and declared they're the real americans and that the rest of US is occupied territory of the Confederacy.
Then, after seeing nobody recognises them as such, they turn and say "akchually, we're not the same as US, I'm Havanan not fucking American", all the while speaking the same language, havng the same culture and traditions, and coming from the same ethnic stock as US.

The analogy is terrible. But as a terrible analogy, it would more fit Taiwan, not Hong Kong.

Yeah my bad, I was thinking of Taiwan too.

I don't see how being independent would benefit us. We rely on our banking and financial sector, which is heavily reliant on our connections to China. What would we depend on without China? Our tourism industry?

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>Is there any identity that is more entirely fabricated that “Han” now
The "Yamato race" in Japan and "white race" in America are solid contenders

>all the while speaking the same language
I thought they spoke Cantonese in Hong Kong as opposed to Mandarin?

this. Less than half of """"white"""" Americans are predominately white an meaningful ethnic sense.

They do, but so does all of southeastern (mainland) China. Cantonese has almost 70million native speakers, and Hong Kong has 7million total. If every single person in Hong Kong spoke Cantonese natively, they'd make up 10% of the cantonese-speaking population.

Reminder that Hong Kongers have been bombing hospitals during this pandemic. They are African tier.

But Non-Chinese do business with Chinese through HK because of its trusted English common law system right? The courts must remain independent at least.

I am deeply respectful of the lengths that Hong Kongers are going too in order to protect their rights, If my people had that kind of attitude we might not have lost our guns.

>Hong Kong identity isn’t just based on the rejection of Chinese identity, but a collective sense of resilience and autonomy and saying no to oppression

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They fire-bombed one place because it was a quarantine centre near residential areas
It was in Guangdong retard

They're cringe.
The only thing that would make sense is asking for democracy in the whole China.
The whole "Hong Kong is not China" rhetoric is ludicrous.

Corona virus has PROVEN democracy = meme. Democracies look like absolute shit compared to China.

I am an absolute monarchist.

It's a rejection of the Mainland because they see no connection to it culturally

When the central government is trying to install it's backwards values onto you, of course you're going to reject it.

Enjoy getting butt-fucked by your wrinkly old Royal bro

>PROVEN democracy = meme

Not really. Everyone has always known that democracies are slow to respond to things and a strongman authoritarian country can respond to something quicker if they decide to.

But think about after corona. Millions pf people will continue to flock to immigrate to a country like the US whereas a country like China will be avoided. Why? Ask yourself if you have desires to move to China.

What is my Race?
Am I Bavarian? German? European? White?
To whom should I be loyal in the case of a crisis?

>hehe da Chinese-a arr rook a da same-a

>Less than half of """"white"""" Americans are predominately white an meaningful ethnic sense.
No I meant the entire concept of white in America is fabricated and subject to change. There is no "meaningful ethnic sense" because there is no real definition. 50 years ago the Italians weren't white. 50 years before that the Irish weren't. 50 years before that the Germans weren't....you get the idea.

South Korea and Japan are doing ok