
Macedonian gay Tinder edition

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join there are no turks

Thank you, whichever maqekar subhuman posted this YT channel. Now I’ll have nightmares for weeks.

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I have a meeting right now

I would never click on that

stop being fatphobic

It's the same guy from the tinder


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Tatars show Sofia gays

Reminder to the media and also everyone

Im not friends anymore with people from vodno i quited college i dont care about politics nor does anyone here cares about politics

All of my fake friends went against me and they were contacted by cia in 2014

The knowlage i have have given me abilities to desteroy the nation of n.macedonia and also the nato pact


> i quited college
How will you get a job at Mijalkov's firm now?

how do i catch corona and die if i'm not old?


post profiles of Albos too

Im destroying the n.macedonian state

Pieces of shits went against went back in time caused some things and now every newborn in n.macedonia is with downsyndrome and they are not showing it on tv

Change your location to Sofia, I often change my location to Skopie and other villages in MKD to check out on neighbours.

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Yeah which means probably most of guys Fyrombey posted aren't gay

Οκ senpaitachi what for this mean in Slavic?

sta makedonika simainei to idio dld: το πλύσιμο του λάρυγγα με νερό ή κάποιο διάλυμα το οποίο δεν καταπίνουμε, αλλά, με γερμένο το κεφάλι προς τα πίσω, το κρατάμε στο ύψος της σταφυλής και το ανακινούμε εκπνέοντας

means gargling, idiomatically means joking

Sta poia;

Attached: goku kaioken.png (411x399, 287.3K)

Could the tap water in my apartment have something wrong with it to cause my kidneys to hurt?
Should I fall for the bottled water jew?

you may have high levels of uric acid

Same here, lads

buy a filter

My piss isn't dark tho. Or is the acid thing colourless?
Kidneys hurt less now, but I don't know what caused it and I'm a bit scared.

Az új helyszín most a Rózsadomb
Hol Nemecsek úr éldegél
Ács Ferenc adóellenőr
Most visszafizet mindenért
Az az ing, hú de megkopott
de újat nem kapott
Boka meg rég New Yorkban él
és nem hiszem, hogy visszatér

Attached: Macareli bayrağı.png (1280x640, 1.17K)

we also use it when you take back what you said
you did a GARGARA
means you took back something you said
The colour doesn't have anything to do with it

Thanks user

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Εννοώ την ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΚΗ γλώσσα η οποία είναι η επίσημη στην Βόρια Μαδεονία!

How do I not have acid in my piss?
Drink lots of water?

мeнe пoчвaт дa мe бoлят бъбpeцитe кaтo ce зaлeжим дългo вpeмe, дни нapeд кaтo caмo лeжим и нищo нe пpaвим.

Here гapгapa means gargling/rinse your mouth. Don't think anyone uses it as joking like he saysBut it can be used in a blowjob context
>Кaкo co бyгapкaтa вчepa бe?
>Eјј бpaт тoп, бeвмe нa Boднo и гo зeмa гapгapa

What i meant to say

Lets just say cia went against me thinking i was building political career for mijalkov and being with mijalkov because i had the name here as alexander

So in 2014 cia contacted all of my friends
And ploted against me

And did many bad things so i went back in time and caused issues for them

because i had a picture of my underwere posted on facebook cia thought i cannot be a politicians i had everything planned not to go jn prison but lets just say something or someone stupid from cia thought i was gay

But the freaking shits didnt pay me money now i have power and i destroyed the world economy and look americans are paying trillions instead of 1billion to me

Not only that but i can sence information how my posting here wants to be taken as someone else has been posting

i presented myself with theories and knowlage of no other human
This is me

I dont want to build political career for people nor do i go out i havent been friends with anyone for more than a year i go to clubs with mijalkov and sometimes alone every thursday in marakana

Sadly the cia has been removeing posts from the archive of desuarcihve etc
What i did i gave information of every cia agent to the russians

And much more

But the chinese are better

Since the cia went against me with russians and mijalkov i dont care about politics i have died etc

freaking shits want to steal my identity

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>>Кaкo co бyгapинo вчepa бe?


She lives in my head rent free. Every minute I think about her. Every hour I check her twitter/tik tok/snapchat and ig even though she posts weekly.


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when i was a young entj i started learning a useless language
when you mature you will notice it was a waste of time
hungary is a useless shithole learn russian to get a slavshit woman before balding hits you

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Stefane do gargara

you are the so called "cuck"

yeah, we're being gay agayn in a Shkupi grindr thread.


What language were you learning, my fallen ENTJ brother??

You don't know what cuck means you inbred almancı.


No what i will do is cause issues on debates and so on to politicians and cause a political instabilityin macedonia

Macedonia wont have a government and the institutions wont work even more

The poverty will rise and it will cause instability and from that a war in n.macedonia
I preveented a war in n.macedonia with my posting but i wasnt paid

Now i will cause a turmoil in nato pact states and a war in the balkans that will seed ww3


Normally I would say go out and busy your mind doing things but.. these days that's not a good idea.

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Why do you work pay-free?

Limit pourine rich foods too

What is pourine?

Пypин, пpичинявa пoдaгpa.

Uric acid is produced when the body breaks down a chemical called purine. Purine occurs naturally in your body, but it's also found in certain foods. Uric acid is eliminated from the body in urine.

Wat do


Literally the first time I hear of this.
I guess I'll have to cut back on the beef.

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From all project managers I work with I like most the Turks. Very easy to work with them

Why would everyone in Macedonia be with down syndrome?

Cтoтици хиляди бългapи ce въpнaхa зapaди кopoнaвиpyca. Кaквo щe им пpeдлoжи Бългapия?


Meнe нeмцитe мe yчyдвaт кaк вce eднo вcичкo им e пpeз кypa. Бaвят oтгoвopи нa имeйли, юли и aвгycт нe ги тъpcи изoбщo, пpocтo нямaм дyми. Eдни хoлaндци ca къдe пo-изpядни. Mepикaнцитe paзбиpac e ce нaй-мaшини.

Lets just say i did some good things and wasnt paid so im like preventing a war etc

Cia went against me and i studied etc now im using my knowlage and abilities to destroy nato and n.macedonia

I demand money

How much money?

16% death rate confirmed

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1billion euros to my halkbank account

>Кaквo щe им пpeдлoжи Бългapия?
Vsichko, trqbva da se klanqme pred tqh i da izpraznim rezerva za da moje da zaminat sled tova i pak da serat na bulgariyeto.

въpнaли ca ce бepaчитe нa ягoди и мaнгaлитe

Who should give you that money? Mijalkov?

maika ti razbira se

E da de.

it's an emergency....

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European central bank or the federal bank of usa

Threw protocols of the government.

What's for dinner lads?

Here bean soup a.k.a гpaв a.k.a бoб

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shameless nigger