Set Grindr location to random American cities and towns for fun

>set Grindr location to random American cities and towns for fun
>literally everyone is obese, trans, feminine, hidiously ugly, brown, a furry and/or talk about how much they hate Trump in their bio
Do Americans really?

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why do fags hate trump so mumch?

I thought Grindr was strictly for gay people. Not trans?

He’s the one hating us non cis people

Enjoy your AIDS faggot.

Is there anything more annoying than a right-wing homosexual? Ooh look at me I'm based and redpilled, I call other gay people faggots and hate women and minorities shower me with praise fashy daddies uwu
fucking kill yourself cunt

>gross outcasts go gay
No way.

It was for gay/bi men only but then trans people started using it too and now there's a gender and pronoun feature

Attached: Screenshot_20200327-135501_Grindr.jpg (1080x1920, 201.99K)


>I want gay married couples to be able to protect their marijuana plants with guns

why are americans like this?

mental illness

>Custom woman
I wish I had a custom woman in my life.
PS: What's the difference between 'Cis woman' and 'Woman'?

Trannies push into everywhere

Are trans people not that common over there?

>He thought America was white
Only Europe is white now

I guess "women" is for women who don't want to say if they're trans or not. Take it with a grain of salt, I'm not fluent in woke mutt.

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Shit why are there so many sections?

>'Autist' ranked 6/20

You don't say!

It's free to change localization? I want to see the south of my country kek

Lots of people seem to be downloading grindr "just for fun" these days.

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same for brown rightwingers
>please wypipo, pat me in the head and tell me how much of a good nigger I am

do the right-wingers actually eat this shit up or do they have a schizo theory on how this is an infiltration designed to undermine the legitimacy of their ideals?

Because it's woke. They got 3 male genders, 3 female genders and 4 gender neutral ones plus the option to add your own. "Autist" is just something I typed as a custom gender, 6/20 refers to the number of characters.
As for pronouns, they got he, she and they as well as the option to enter your own.

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Yeah just press the rocket icon at the top of the screen.

If I enter shit will people be forced to address me with 'shit'?
I tried this in 2017' and got banned for telling people to call me shitlord

?? Fascism was born in Italy, a brown country

You must be think about nazism

I wouldn't know. I'm a Marxist.

No, it just says it's your gender on your profile

Attached: Screenshot_20200327-141037_Grindr.jpg (1080x1555, 491.75K)

That's impotent on Grindr's side. lol


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Viva la Quinta Brigada


Why are you on grindr

The ultimate redpill. Faggot like this need to be put on their place

Grindr is full of fat ugly middle aged men everywhere, just like all hookup websites
If you want a hot twink to have to be out there in person


american gays are sodomic freaks who will fuck/rape anything that moves

european gays are cultured individuals who appreciate the beauty in the same sex


I use to rent rooms to foreginers and Scandinavians would want to go to gay bars, while saying they were straight. Apparently gay bars are similar to normal bars in Europe. He could just be confused

>tfw no bf to conquer asia with

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gay bavarian in every thread

All gays are subhuman filth.

Get out of my site faggot

that's what you get for using Grindr fag

Attached: gay.jpg (1285x1808, 613.41K)

What did he get though

That's just right-wingers in general, regardless of sexual orientation.


first off
>using grindr
typical of a nord faggot

liberals are all ugly and degenerate

Are /lgbt/ fags really like this? Coping Yas Forumslets? Disgusting

based reply

cringe options

Cringe. Fucking twinks is the most based and redpilled thing you can do, fellow redditor.

im not even a fascist but this argument you're making is retarded. You act like the only form of fascism is nazism. You can literally make a fascism for your country. I.E. Brazil can go fascists and support only brazilians. Fascism is for whoever runs it, not only white people.

That being said, fascism is retarded for a completely different reason than what you're claiming.

Where'd you go?

to be fair. I understand bitching about the trans and the feminist though. They literally are coopting gay men's struggles and shit and claiming they must work with them etc.

It's all bullshit. The rest though i just coping Yas Forumslets

El basedo espanolo

the ones about females and demi-pan-polysexual otherkin are right and based

The lesbian is based as fuck.