
good morning

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Good afternoon.

I am sick
sick of quarentine

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Rate my coin frens.

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too much green for my taste

How old are they and from where??

Good rating.
1786, Malta.


Malta under Hospitaller rule, I should add.

are you full maltese?

>tfw zero cases in my town

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Better to be sick of quarantine than to be sick.

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cool, did you guys mix with english people alot?

I wouldn't say alot, but Anglo-Maltese people are certainly not rare either.

>Anglo-Maltese people are certainly not rare either
So basically what you're saying is...it's extremely likely that I could get a cute Maltese gf.

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There's a considerable amount of Maltese emigrants living in the UK, so she might be closer than you think.

Those ones have been tainted by anglo culture - a Maltese girl living in the UK is the sexual equivalent of a delicious kebab dropped in a puddle. I want one who walks barefoot to the beach each day to go fishing, and has travelled no further from Malta than Italy.

it's driving me nuts

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Hello frens


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I wouldn't leave her waiting.

Why are Georgian women so beautiful?

like a man.

Cute tummy
Like desu

Hello frens


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Hi fren.

hi guys.

Still listening
How's it going today? Any new cases?

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Aurora looks like the kind of girl you'd take to a hike and watch the stars together desu

Doing good. 5 new cases. The job agency is closed down so I won't be getting any updates until it's done. Thought they'll be contacting me to get some details.

I feel like she would be jumping around and running the entire hike.
That reminds me. You never heard back from that interview you were talking about that one time?

Just went to register for jobs and right after the country started going into lockdown.

she's my favorite disney princess :D

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bad taste imo

JVPITER created them to protect the NERO BOVEM in the mediterraenean from the b*rbarian scum . ROMANS are the attack force of the MED race. This is why ROMANS conquered Europe around the same time the MED KANGZ were attacked in the mediterraenean. They destroyed the b*rbarian kingdom of g*ul and replaced it with NARBVLLNENSIS, to honour our BLACK BVLL (NERO BOVEM) nature.

When the Med KANGZDOMS were destroyed ROME was the last NERO BOVEM country on earth. The b*rbarians subhumans attempted to take it down in order to permanently end the KANGZ and nearly suceeded. Luckily the biggest NERO BOVEM of them all, JVLIVS CAESAR, fought of the b*rbarian beasts and created a MED utopia in the meditteraenean. However the nefarious schemes of the b*rbarians continued, attempting to bring the NERO BOVEM ROMANS into the foedus where they would be overwhelmed by gayrmanic B*RBARIANS immigrants.

Luckily from the furthest we can get from Europe in The MED SEA, the PVRE ROMAN MED BLACK territory, a new NERO BOVEM rose for the first time since JULIUS CAESAR. IMPERATOR AUGUSTUS (OPTIMUS PRINCEPS) destroyed all b*rbarians corrupted devils and restored himself as the IMPERATOR of ROME. Now the BLACK NERO BOVEM ROMANS must struggle against the b*rbarians to end that accursed race once and for all.....

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what a terrible post right here
truly horrendous

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>got my degree
>social unrest
>currency got fucked
>country went bankrupt
Yep. I feel ya
Good thing she did a solo version desu. The official one hurts my ears
Opinion invalid

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That guy is so ugly

looks like a child...

I think you got the wrong idea of why we aurorapost fren

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she is just ugly

she has the voice of an angel
plus she's Norwegian, vår beste allierte

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objectively wrong also

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I find her cute also this

Nothing like a good ol Croat horse, right?

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I don't find her attractive either desu.

I like her voice and general vibe more than her looks

It's the week-end.
And the quarantine is extended by two weeks.

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Also speaking of croatia

She's probably retired though

It's gonna be extended more. Get comfy

Don't get your hopes up senpai, this will last until the end of April, or even May.

I was appealed by how the supposed united Europe treated the South in the 2008 crisis and how the leader nations are still deaf with the corona crisis. I can see the EU potentially breaking up thanks to this.


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Nice. What year?

What are they made of btw?

1895, i also have older ones

Copper, according to a website I found.
Nice. Which is the oldest?

1840s but i dont know where i have them, they are all from my family

I got my from my father, who in turn got them from my grandfather. The one I posted is the oldest that I have.

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