I like Brazil
I like Brazil
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I hate Brazil more than anything in this world
before I proceed, how old is this girl?
I wish flags could be toggled so I could guess the flag of a post
sorry for not being a pedophile?
I am transitioning. I now identify as Brazilian. Do you support me?
Wouldn't mind fucking some brazilian twink in his pink bussy
Thank you for your support
I need a Kuruminha gf. I need it. Give it to me.
I have no strong feelings towards Poland
Brazilians are white
I like Bruzil
This is a weird meme
You are not black and you are not amerindian so you must be white
Do you have pictures of real life Brazilian girls who look like her ?
NO one wants to be white.
literally no one.
hopefully he is med that are not white.
No, brazilians are white
I'm brown tho.
I look like an Arab terrorist
I just like Bundazil
Moar please
Why do they look like tanned asians?
I know you are going to jack off to them you pervert
Shit taste in bunda
I'm doing a no nut week
>sorry for not being a pedophile?
I'm trying to find a specific pic that I posted here, i'm not finding it tho
... that's exactly what they are
Found it
Where did you find that picture of my wife???
Good lord
sex sex sex
Have an índia cavala then.
You had one job
You're making it very difficult for me
That is a parda not an injun
I have some bad news for you.
imagine the breeding
Only these are injuns
Everytime I heard someone post something like that for some reason Aquarela do Brazil comes to my mind.
First one looks like a parda too. I think might be one but maybe she's just a mentally ill larper.
This red thing in the face is a mark that Indians in Brazil use. Maybe she's larping for carnival or some shit like that. Heres other kuruma
I love our macaco brothers too
Brazil was my favorite nation to play for in Victoria 2
Alright, looks like I made up my mind bros. After Coronavirus ends, I'm COOMING to Brazil. Dump more pictures, NOW!
Post more more of theseee
A land where the women look like this and the men look like pic related. Brazil is a veritable paradise.
Thanks bro
I love Poland
Where do you get these pictures?
Read the filename.
>Yas Forums
Is she actress?
She's a retired prostitute.
That's one hell of a belief you got there.
She is alluring bros. Why am I starting to get excited when I see this phenotype?
Because of her butt.
There was a very fat native girl in my school I wanted to date but I failed.
They are brown devils created to enslave and turn you into a shell of a man.
their women are so fucking hot Polskabro you don't even know it
there was this Brazilian mutt in my class in highschool, to this day still the most beautiful woman I've come across
she was from Goias and to me she looked like what I can only describe perfect balance of all the races, her skin was tanned, her hair was dark brown and curly, she had freckles somehow despite being non-white and she had a divine ass, a truly fantastic "bunda" as they say
but what tied it all together was the accent
not one of those screeching favela monkey accents but the beautiful melodic accent of a soft-spoken middle class Brazilian girl
even as jaded as I am today those kinds of Brazilian accents still do it for me, when a woman speaks in them there is a seductive quality to them I find hard to explain, like everything she says is somehow vaguely sexual
so yeah, Brazil
o meu sonho
I wish...
Who in the fucking world fuck girls like this?
You legitimately have to be a UBER GIGA CHAD or a BBC BVLL
Just go recolonize it
She looks like she body-built that fucking thigh.
She could pass as a tanned Chun-Li
Thats too bad. There was this upper middle class Paulistana in my class last semester who I went on a date with, but we weren't on the same page according to her. She ghosted me for a few months and just told me this week over text
What do you mean devils? Did you have a bad experience with one or something?
Damn, it seems that none of us get the Brazilian girls on here :(
> beautiful melodic accent
Even middle class people here in Sao Paulo state mostly have this screeching, rough tone of voice and manner of speaking like some excited ape. Nothing worse seeing some cute girl and once she opens her mouth it sounds exactly like some fat maid called CLEIDI from the favela having a shouting match inside a crowded, stinking bus. Brazilian girls should be forbidden by law from speaking.
Drug dealers and funk mcs.
They are succubi.