What's the most famous statue in your country?

What's the most famous statue in your country?

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The one that ungrateful Skåningar like to spit on.

Attached: Jarl Birger Magnusson Stockholm.jpg (1500x999, 470.67K)

The one witha poem written by a jew on it saying that we are supposed to accept the entire third world into our borders no questions asked.

this probably

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him I guess

Attached: michelangelo-david.jpg (667x1000, 64.45K)

What? I'm genuinely interested.

Liberty Statue

Since everyone knows the first, the second most famous, are the 12 prophets by Aleijadinho I think

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Not my country.

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The selkie, sealwoman. It's in the middle of nowhere, tourists love it.


Attached: kópakonan.jpg (1920x1280, 545.81K)


Very beautiful, much better than Denmark's shitty mermaid

Selkie? As in Seal animal?

>Mikladalur has a legend of a selkie/sealwoman. Seals were believed to be former humans who voluntarily sought death in the ocean.
Pretty based myth

Wasn't Michelangelo gay? Why didn't he sculpt David sporting a nice 8 incher?

Same word for Seal in my language.

because it would divert from looking at the whole form, proportions are celebrated
in other words it would just turn statue into a weird sexual, fetish thing not art
Same reason woman figures from antiquity and renaissance don't have huge tits or asses


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selkie is the english word, we say kópakona.

No one ever uses that word in English.

selkie is the word for the mythological seal woman.

Memes aside, probably this one, Poseidonstatyn. It's quite iconic for Gothenburg.

Attached: goteborg_gotaplatsen.jpg (1148x861, 172.64K)

Looks like a slug-dick hybrid.

yeah people made fun of it so much, they had to change the head

Faroese are very stupid...

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Extremely nice.

Our was decapitated at one point, the one in the photo I posted and then it was given a new head with a more rounder shape.

shut up scatlander

What does your passport say retard?

people should stop hating benis

Maybe he liked cute benises


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We showed dem Polacks for once...

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Quintessentially American

yer wrang, lirn ya ain leid

Wow rare flag, also tiddies :DDDD

I don’t know, to be honest.

Fy! Thon isnae Scots! Buist be Faerae lede or siclik.




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Ye Northmen is teenum awgaits. Belyk keis ye isnae gaun til the Kirk thir-days.

What the fug DD:

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>What's the most famous statue in your country?
Fake myth concocted by german nationalists.
hermann the german ultimately accomplished nothing and was murdered by his own people.

ay, a dinnae go tae kirk on thirdays?

I forgot what bullshit meaning it's supposed to have.

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Some big fingers

Attached: dedos-punta_del_este.jpg (1024x682, 104.07K)

or this one

Attached: C57FC7A8-BE7A-43A7-81DE-1BD25FED3129.jpg (370x498, 36.61K)

I like the scarf

gotta disagree

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>on thirdays
I said "thirday" nae "fuirsday", skeyr bambot.