What are some comfy maps?

what are some comfy maps?

Attached: Morrowindmap.jpg (3000x3515, 3.87M)

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Morrowind’s map always looked cool to me, but the actual in-game world is hideous.

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Oh Vvardenfell, I miss you so much...
I despise having become way too much efficient with and aware of the gameplay mechanics...

install some mods nigga, this game unironically looks great with just some basic mods

Mods don’t fix the wikipedia article NPCs. I’m just waiting for Skywind to make the game actually playable.

What nigger? This was the most beautiful and original landscapes any rpg has come up with
Do your NPC ass perhaps prefer those of Oblivion or, may Allah forgive me for uttering that word, Skyrim?

Get some taste, dude. The game looked like soup. You’re just parroting contrarian Yas Forums rhetoric to sound hip.

The sole fact that I imagine actors recording voices in studio everytime I talk to someone in such a game ruins the immersion and the feeling of freedom for me

I never go on Yas Forums and I often make a new Morrowing game since it was out


You sound like an absolute drag to be around. The game was outdated even when it came out. For fuck’s sake, Windwaker came out the same year.

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those three countries have some of the strangest international borders

Attached: 1280px-Central_Asia_-_political_map_2008.svg.png (1280x1015, 216.13K)

windwaker lol

you can make anything look modern and polished with childish cartoon graphics

Morrowind is kino you tard

I bet you play as meele character running around and swinging at things with 0 fatigue

Attached: Mapa_del_Referéndum_de_España_de_1986.png (698x484, 12.42K)

what was that referendum about

For fuck sake, it was so less immersive
And I had both

Joining NATO

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Cope. Even Halo CE and Half-Life 1 offer a more immersive experience with limited graphics. Pre-Oblivion beth games are hipster fuel.

How come every one of them is pretty meh excluding maybe Latvia?

low IQ

>*casts 100% magic resistance spell*
>*puts on Boots of Blinding Speed*
>*runs at lighting speed and jump huge distances while swinging meele weapon*

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Coronavirus sure take its toll on your brain...
Do you still manage to breathe America??

Magical Kenya


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>fortify alchemy 100
>drink 30 fortify intelligence potions

it's time to do some homeworks

Attached: 834.png (680x760, 191.08K)

Cope. The whole game is just a stats simulator for autists. None of the charming NPC interactions or daily schedules of its successors.

>not achieving godly stats without the blindness with alchemy till you break the game and don't wanna play it anymore
NVM to be honest

Ok I admit this one is good

Designed by Stalin & Co.

They respect ethnic differences unlike UK and France in Africa

It sure not has the absurd level scaling in which a whole world waits for you to level up to also train, talk about immersion!
Neither has it the invincible NPCs because we wouldn't want you to ruin your destiny by mistake!
Fuck off

>ethnic differencies
Literally the over9000 SJW-genders for rightwingers

Learn english.

>hurr durr I'm a retard

learn to dilate


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Now THIS is a based game. Glad to see it’s not just faggy frogs and wops in this thread.

Unironically kys although Mountainblade is good

It's a great game and I love it, but I can't believe how badly the graphics have aged. There was a time when I thought vanilla Morrowind looked great, now it looks like ass. Maybe I've just gotten too used to texture mods though.

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Go diddle your basement daughter or some shit, fag.

>what are some comfy maps?

Attached: world's worst map.jpg (1258x1236, 450.91K)

Ze faggot broken English froggy

Go shoot up a school then get shot by a police officer only to receive a 400k dollar hospital bill and contracting nigger-AIDS

Come home ash mer...

Attached: Ashlands_Region.jpg (1235x664, 349.39K)

Unsurpassed to this day.

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The borders were crafted intentionally to keep the countries from rebelling against the Soviets. Notice how each of the countries has a population center in this valley, which makes up around half of each country's population, but they all lack a connection to the rest of the country that doesn't cross some very steep mountains. As such, the borders were purposely created to ensure a sort of separation between the population in the Ferghana Valley, and the population outside of the Farghana Valley. The government will always have to prioritize one or the other.

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Attached: ugh, what could have been.jpg (512x442, 92.8K)

it will be surpassed eventually
but it was the best that could be done with their time's techology
also GTA 2 was extremely comfy on its maps too

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Text dialogue allowed for longer lines of explaination and more in depth exploration of the lore
God i hate you nu elder scrolls fan so much
I wish Bethesda failed around 2004 and Oblivion and Skyrim never came out

>just a stats simulator for autists
That's called an RPG you retard
No, early elder scrolls games weren't just fantasy themed GTAs, and that's a good thing

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Thanks, I hate it.

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