Is this true?

Is this true?

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>tfw no Iberian bf

It depends.
You are only superior to mexicids and south american injuns, north american natives the founders of aztec civilization are superior to you and are nordid tier

Attached: aztec [silvid].jpg (285x382, 13.25K)


>north american natives the founders of aztec civilization are superior to you
How are you "superior" when you lost and your country got colonized?

I'm not inferior neither superior to any of them, stupid Amerifat. We are more beautiful than them, that's a fact. Also less violent.

Aquline nose amerindians are ancient eurasians and they have strong jawlines, its olmec broad nose amerinds who are usually weak with recessed chins.

Attached: Joe-Black-Fox-a-Sioux-Indian-from-Buffalo-Bills-Wild-West-Show-ca.-1900-gertrude-e1400525815862.jpg (750x944, 133.74K)

you are latinx

please, consider suicide faggot

>We are more beautiful than them
You only think that because you are comparinf yourself to olmec margids
>Also less violent.

Nothing wrong with violence.

Attached: margid subhuman [typical mex native].jpg (282x397, 13.77K)

Go back to watch Ancient Aliens with your tacoburguer, José.

>How are you "superior"
Im not a pure silvid, I do not consider myswlf superior
>when you lost and your country got colonized?
Silvids are superior because they are a more progressive and evolved race

Attached: 1494013809207.jpg (1654x961, 101.83K)

> Egon Freiherr von Eickstedt pseudoscience

Ancient Aliens is about to start.

I'd take it seriously if there Spain had as good a boxer as Mexicans do.

>Noooooo living in high altitudes bad!

>tfw no latino gf(male)

I love latinos now.

That tranny is not mexican, mexican amerindians are more primitive and do not tend to be paedomorphic and feminine. The tranny is an isthmid admixed mestizo most likey from colombia.

Attached: isthmidm.jpg (304x380, 14.79K)

Really depends on if they're Chad Basques/Catalonians or pig disgusting Castillians.

Attached: infanteria marina mexicana 18.jpg (474x472, 46.65K)

Latam is pretty diverse

Here boxing is hardly popular. If a sport does not have fans in a country, it is difficult thay a champion emerges.

Most trannies are istmid (colombians) and amazonid (brazilians) mestizos

Yes... I would love to serve a tall Iberian man...

spanish police looks like THAT?

Yes. Spanish police here. Send me nudes.

Isn't that tranny on the left a chicanx? I think that's true only if goes about Hispanic diaspora in America. Sudacas for example must be manly tho

Europeans make these threads and pretend to be masculine and then they make another thread about how much they love black cock.
Peak mental illness.

Attached: 029283.jpg (540x411, 131.92K)

Its colombian

Nothing more masculine than sucking another mans cock.

Tranny in op looks part asian

sorry I only suck white cocks

Sucking cock is a sign of submission, there is nothing masculine about that you mentally ill nordcuck

t. Wilson Reyes Ramírez

Arr latinos look the same anyway
Except Argentines and Uruguayans who looks somewhat white and Dominicans who are black

not me that's for sure

>sorry I only suck white cocks
You are not white then, white faggots are cucks obsessed with negros.

Attached: 02o3.png (946x1062, 1021.48K)

i wonder what does it take for somebody to make this kind of post

>Arr latinos look the same anyway
Not all "latinos" look the same, they can look the same because amerinds are not all the same

Why are white people so mentally ill?

Attached: 1585283792190.jpg (1208x812, 299.03K)

high standard of life?

What is more mentally insane for you, sucking penises or killing another drug dealer because your boss asked you to?


Attached: 43811391390_4740e09c16_k (1).jpg (688x1024, 166.75K)

So much going on in such a short flurry of words. Peak burgercuck projection.

You win nothing by getting cucked by more primitive people, killimg for profit makes more sense tbhq.

Attached: file.jpg (600x599, 115.24K)

Cuckery is a white fetish

>iberian male
>fuckling cop

so a person that chosen to enforce laws that are a product of billions of euros of lobbying and campaign spending by corporations is an exemplary male here? Fucking bootlickers lol

Attached: tenor.gif (498x482, 1.85M)

>latinx got colonized by THIS

Attached: B24C9C2F-42E8-4717-B68F-DA3A300EEEEC.jpg (325x577, 15.9K)

Modern day domesticated euros and conquistadors are not the same thing

>Argentines and Uruguayans who looks somewhat white

Attached: wtf_NI.jpg (600x341, 19.65K)

pretty, but im tired of him advertising his twitter every time

When the average latino "male" looks like this, It's no surprise.

Attached: 1575491174920.jpg (3264x2060, 3.25M)

And you’re no aztec you border hopping mutt

Who cares

it was just a way to post lewds without risking a ban but sorry
i'll stop

Attached: 1582410753413.jpg (1000x900, 450.19K)

i do

thank you for being nice to me :)

Attached: 1580801603035.png (750x751, 70.28K)

Who cares

It's true, but the one on the left has a bigger penis.

>And you’re no aztec
I never claimed to be aztec, I just said pure silvids were superior
>you border hopping mutt
I was born here and I do not mind being mixed with conquistador blood

Whites law

screw you too, meanie

It's mostly asian-americans/asian-canadians who post this sort of stuff. They think that by spamming black/cuckold porn, they're scoring a victory against the white guys who bullied them in high school

Attached: GENGHIS.png (1218x560, 130.87K)

no this is the average iberian male

Attached: iberianmale.jpg (840x560, 80.06K)

How's that picture proof of this:
>north american natives the founders of aztec civilization are superior to you and are nordid tier

Attached: Eugene Gu.jpg (1569x1032, 248.44K)

Just make one yourself and stop being jealous

Threads like these almost make me want to go back to my crossdressing days

I only post this stuff when people make threads like these

What are you so mad about then you psycho beaner?


im not jealous and that isnt the point


>racemixing lead to degeneracy and cultural decay
>tfw spaniards ruined whole continent
>dios mio

>shitposting in a b8 thread means im mad

pls don't be mean to slovenia
I already said I will stop posting my twitter

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No, but shitposting in every bate thread and saving screenshots on the archive to prove your point gets quite close to being insane

Please don't, you're my personal hero

I might just upload images to imgur.
Or don't upload nudes in here.

Won't stop posting of course.

Attached: 1577744419069.gif (275x319, 1.88M)

The cutural decay is mostly in triracial countries like colombia and brazil. Mestizo countries might be poor and violent but they are not degenerates