
are jezza edish

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Shut the fuck up you cringe retard, why would I be jealous of fucking Australia’s? I’m lamenting that you’re all shitty posters, like really really bad and some of the stuff you post I would literally feel ashamed or embarrassed of posting. You’re retarded.

looool boys look at this seeting jealous jelloid
alright jelloid


"Jezza" is a crybaby and he has no leadership ability

are Jezza dabbing on the Boris thread

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u jelly?

>Unironically hate the Irish more than the yanks

Attached: Polish_20200322_223745845.png (500x562, 375.11K)

daves using his irish vpn today I see

With the random breath tests cancelled due to coronachan i reckon i got a pretty good chance of making it to maccies and back. what do you reckon lads?

the lefties are celebrating bossman boris getting it
tis a MAUD ting

Yanks are infinitely better posters than the Australians, they are actually an awful assortment of virgins and retards but lack the self awareness to recognise that

be safe

let the chaos come!
I beseech thee, only gods above still looking to us mortals
bring on the end times, my body is ready

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Waiting for Janny to decide which thread stays

might have the virus lads but if I do it feels very weak, not what I was expecting
I remember being bedridden from other flu's in the past

Is this a joke? The Irish identity in /brit/ is how much you either hate the British or are somehow better than them
alright jelloid, can tell you're a mere jelloid because the Australian posters are the complete opposite of what you described but you're so laser focused on your seething jealousy to see the truth

you can't even quote my post correctly you fucking spastic
every single one of your posts is entirely unpalatable, every post that comes from that wretched fucking flag has this insufferable aura of unfounded smugness wafting from it that I am sick to bastard death of, I honestly can't recall a single time an irish post has invoked any feeling within me other than pure bitter resentment. None of your posts are thought-provoking, amusing, or valuable in the slightest.

u weak poof get some chicken & corn soup in ya

Politicians pulling pints is usually disastrous

when your mrs leaves you for an australian


seething at that ngl

This thread gonna stay up then yeah? Alri

Just had the six monthly performance review with toilberg, pulled off a "performance exceeds expectations" despite doing less than an hour of actual work a day
Grad schemes really are a gravy train

think you may be mistaken because no one here asked.

I'm confident in my ability to not get in an accident while drink driving just scared of getting caught is all

Irish in fully fledged jelloid mode

lol what a fucking jelloid

Every Australian post has a thick cringe icing and a big reddit cherry on top

did you not read my post?

>posts 10000 word essay because he didnt get a you

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Mong of the people

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mental how easily this thread is riled up by someone like this irishman

says the bloke who has australia in his head rent-free

I’m 100% that there isn’t a single Australian poster that has ever been in a woman

it represents how he makes spergs foam at the mouth

>persistent cough
>doesn't cough during entire video

It's a PR stunt

fuck off yank

You likely won't believe me, but I genuinely made the original of that image back in 2014, drew it on Microsoft Paint

Yeah I did now that you asked me to.
Not sorry for what I said though, get some chicken and corn soup going.

Italian maffia > Russian mafia > yakuza > triad > power gap > irish """mafia"""

you'd know 40% into pulling the pint that you've fucked it and stop

The gas is high, you just pull it through

Nothing wrong with what he is doing

you're angry at me because I tell the truth

>teehee so randum xD

weren't most italian-american mafia jewish italians?

not paying my LL's rent

can you bake bread in a crockpot lads? ovens shagged and prob not even going to bother fixing/replacing it 2bh

Can't speak for the other Australians but I had sex today
Australians are top shaggers hence our attitude here

Wee scrapper and the Yoker fleeto > the rest


Not worth remarking on: Australian mafia

No you didnt

Simply cannot wait for this to blow over
Miss the percolator coffee
Miss the industrial HVAC temperature control
Miss the fluorescent lighting
When we get back, it's gonna be like this

Attached: whenwegetbacktowork.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

What did you think about that clapping malarkey last night?
Didn't feel right. These staged, choreographed feel-good stunts never really do. Just feels insincere and patronising.

but covid-19 WAS a national


mine in an hour
except im middle management level so im probably going to get an hour long bollocking for the fact you only do an hours worth of toil

Our whole country is a mafia mate
come here and we'll bash your willy up your ass and up through you're mouth

>No you didnt

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this gimmick's growing on me I must admit


He just put an unangled pint under the tap and expected it to full up with sweet lager, the man is an uninitiated fool

cheers lad. will watch after my wank

What was random about that? Was only saying how the image you posted was made by my person back in 2014, in direct response to your post there. No need to play dumb

Attached: various flag pepes.jpg (648x176, 93.2K)

Young Maryhill Fleeto would rip them both to shreds ya bam

rent? nah

Young Maryhill Fleeto would rip them both to shreds ya bam

Mad how this Irishman spent years learning how to speak English just so he could come to a British culture general and accuse us of being obsessed.

Lmaoooo sorry lad

people literally opened up their doors and clapped outside into the street it was all around cringe

Yeah, the reddit mafia

Nice collection virge

this post legitimately screams jealousy, ahahaha

Sup lads I have an issue with indirect speech.

She told me: "I want to London last year."

After our theory this sentence turns into:
She told me that she has gone to London last year.

My issue is that it sounds very strange to me to say has gone. I feel more like saying:

She told me that she has been in London last year.

Can you help me? Is the sentence with "has gone" proper?

this post legitimately screams jealousy, ahahaha

Hes not holding the glass either, hes wearing a navy jacket and you can clearly see the person holding the glass is wearing a green jumper

I'm not a virgin, in fact I have sex (or shag) frequently