

Boris Johnson has the coronavirus edition

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mental how Boris Johnson’s genetic material reproduces at a faster rate than the virus raging inside him

this is getting fucking ridiculous now
I'm gonna lick every toilet seat in the county

boris the big dosser got jealous that everyone was working from home so hes pulled a sicky lmaooo what a lad fuck me i love the tories now

Why are threads being deleted?

lmaoing @ the comments feigning outrage about him getting tested

hope he dies

I expect to see memes of virus Johnson on a screen like mr house from fallout new vegas
hahaha no way autocorrect turned "Boris" into "virus"
what are the chances

Boris is a lovable scamp

>tfw no high functioning Autist gf.
It's not fair lads.

boris johnson will make a full recovery but ONLY if you respond to this post with 'FUCK CHINA'


State of those seething comments
Leftypol isn't human holy fuck

really hope i've had 'rona so i can just get on with my life at this point



he’d be more loveable dead

>man jailed for 5 years for killing a man who broke into his home, stabbed him and said "I'm going to kill 10 people, starting with you and your wife"
Fucking state of the country



That's fair țbh
You dont stab someone 17 times simple as

Lads, how many suicides do you think will come from the Corona virus self isolation?

boris johnson will croak from the the 'ol rona but ONLY if you respond to this post with 'FUCK CHINA'



Here's a BBC article you BBC lover


sometimes have to wonder who's side the law is on

fuck boris

omg lal the i hope you die tweet and the reactions


Fuck china?

Literally hooting and hollering fucking boris standing there with it


think most neurotypicals will just go outside before it comes to that
dunno about those who are already mental

you do if hes just stormed into your gaff and told you hes gonna kill you and your family

>give everyone free money
nice legacy there bozza

how many times is the right amount in that situation?

>Boris Johnson has the coronavirus

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Yas Forums got me watching that angela anaconda autist girl and I reckon I could be happy with someone like that

t. Never been stabbed
Life isn't a John Wick film m8. Most people who get stabbed in a fight dont even realise until after the fight. If a man says hes going to kill you and your wife, you dont stop until he's dead.

love china

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are people on twitter really this retarded?

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post sue48

He committed a crime and was found guilty in a court
The alleged robber was executed without trial. Only n words support vigilante justice

>boris johnson will make a full recovery

nah they're just polemists


'fraid they are yeah


Should see the BBC article on it mate. They have the guy who broke in and tried to murder two people represented by a smiling Facebook picture and the guy who saved his and his wife's lives represented as a pale, baggy eyed man tiredly stepping out of court

doing a fucking poo right now, just right now while posting this


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Twice maybe. He deliberately killed him

it's called virtue signalling
they know they're being retarded but if anyone acts out they can point at them and call them inhuman bigots

boris is pretty based desu shutting down the country to save them from the virus


every single person using twitter needs to have its internet access revoked

both are the same, the foundation of both law and vigilante justice is violence.






coronavirus is putting the UK back on the map. Only donald trump getting it could defeat this clear lead

reckon trannies using 'memes' that are purposefully done badly with shit font and styling is just their internal knowledge that theyll never be a passable woman seeping out

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Mental how there's a swarm of runts who follow the Twitter accounts of people like Trump and Boris very closely just so they can be the first ones to let off an epic zinger that'll have all the npcs retweet and like in appreciation

Have one
It takes patience I tell you, but I love her and she is a great gal

>twice maybe
Okay, you stabbed him twice and then stopped. Now the man is extra angry, still armed and more determined than ever to kill you and your wife. Well done. Now dont forget, you've already done your allotted 2 stabs, so when he starts cutting your wife's head off in front of you, you have to just sit and watch okay?

Hundreds if not thousands.

The isolation may seem like it's going on for a short time, but even a few days is enough to make people go insane. Plus, many people seem to be realising that their entire life up til now was a lie.

>rent free
no one even mentioned trannies mongoloid

you seem very angry

The state has a monopoly on violence
That's how society works

>stab someone to death
>"Yeah he said he was gonna kill my wife and burn my kids, oh I also think he didn't file his taxes"

depends where you stab 'em mate
*sips pint*
there's a commando technique where you stab a man in the right place and he's dead in 3 seconds
*eats pork scratching*
it's completely silent too, they can't make a noise
*puts led zeppelin on the jukebox*
I read about it in a book about the SAS
*drains pint*
same again?

Now I beseech you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake, and for the love of the Spirit, that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me

>people seem to be realising that their entire life up til now was a lie.
People are realising they dont have lives. They get by day to day by distracting themselves with work or other people. They're realising they have no hobbies, no interests, no passions.

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He'll be fine. All he has to do is call Trump for the antidote.

It's a sad life but the dopamine rush on the rare occasions when senpais notice your zinger in particular is definitely worth it

fancy a pint lads?

t. tranny

its no better than vigilante justice.

> They're realising they have no hobbies, no interests, no passions.
unimaginable that people live like this desu
surely it is tiny minority tho


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What did he mean by this?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-27 Boris Johnson #StayHomeSaveLives on Twitter This is going to be a fantastic year for Britain https t [...].png (598x588, 377.61K)

>unimaginable that people live like this desu
>surely it is tiny minority tho
says the man whos only hobby is being a /brit/ personality that everybody hates and wishes would go away and most people filter

Retarded ancap

>hope you die
if hate speech is a thing surely this is one of the most flagrant examples

Rees-Mogg and Cummings are next.


doubt many other prime ministers get to pull a sicky
must be laughing it up leaving it to rishi and the lads

The man literally had a knife strapped to his wrist like the fucking Predator and had already stabbed the guy who ended up killing him

sunburnt twat

im not a capitalist

indoctrinated any children recently?

defending yourself shouldn't be a crime
defending your family is an obligation
using deadly force is perfectly appropriate in a life or death struggle with an attacker trying or threatening to kill you

yes the man that posts once a week only has brit in his life
also you seem to have fucked up your filter

might make noodles for lunch lads x

Brexit finally meant Brexit, 'rona can never take that away.


boris is unironically based for admitting he has it unlike trudeau and the spanish PM who just said their wives got it
he's a man of the people


Love working from home. I can only hope that a pandemic like this occurs every year.

This. Thank you for your sacrifice Boris.

Unemployed since August, I used to be a normalfag but now I enjoy being a NEET. It sucks that I have no money but living outside of society is otherwise great

conservatism isn't covered under hate speech?

Revenge for Brexit

how much do you wank now?

Bit suspect

pro-tip: add twice the number of veggies you usually have with it. noodles should be a sideshow

Britain is arrogant
so it's panishment

Boris has literally done nothing wrong since he became PM.

>muh family

ah yes, peep show references

Trust the plan.

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ah ok wheres the grenfell money then



what plan


your country is hiding the true number of infected because abe wanted the olympics to go ahead. i hope you enjoy paying billions to delay it though, you slant eyed bastard

I keep it down to once a day as an absolute maximum (have been doing this for a while long before the virus was a thing), but sometimes I do it during my lunch break now.

boris is the best PM we've had in my lifetime desu

Fully jumping on the BoJo loyalist train now

I'm going to defend and support MY Prime Minister who will save us all

I don't understand why Britain and Australia don't have castle doctrine. IF someone is in my home uninvited then he has a sign saying 'kill me' plastered all over him. I feel so sorry for the people attacked by those Sudanese cunts in their own homes. If you can't feel safe at home you can't feel safe anywhere.

It's also why I'm against domestic violence. Domestic violence is bad lads.

alri leftypol, just imagine the man said he would murder brown people or tranners instead

Political beliefs are not a protected characteristic

don't know what this is but it doesn't look like it has much to do with british culture


Why isn't Australia in lockdown


He didn't say I'm gonna murder tories
How are you all so fucking thick lmao

did a wank on a conference call (muted no cam) while someone i find sexy was talking. was well hot and kinky.

why not
religion is covered and that's a choice
so is your political position

your property isn't worth more than a human life

where does it end though, could a business owner shoot a customer for accidentally going into a staff only section of the shop due to trepassing on property?

>protecting your family from danger is an american concept
how middle class are you

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