Kot thread

Post your kots. Here is mine, he is 17 y/o very fluffy and healthy boi.

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My kot is dead five years ago
She got liver disease

my cats couldn't live past 15yo

Are koshkis allowed? She's just 3 and healthy but a bit chubby. I'm trying to play with her a bit more then usual but she is such a lazy ass and sleep all day long in a closet

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Stap postin sad things pls. Post kots.

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Lovely cats


There is a kot at the bottom of my garden with no collar, but I don’t know how to tell if she is stray abandoned or owned, how can I tell bros?

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sorry for your kot, hope he is in a better place now.

I don't have a cat. My neighbor's cat used to visit me but I haven't seen her in weeks, I wonder if she's okay.

Sure, she is very cute :з

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She gave birth to a litter of of kitten few years before she die
But we gave all of them to other family
Her legacy will live on

If she in your garden she is yours. Isnt that how capitalism works? Anyway i think she dont have owner since no collar on her in 1st world.

Wow so many, they must be pooping everywhere, indian atmosphere, still cute.


my 13yo buddy.

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I want kot but everything i touch dies

This ist Apo. He will be 1 year old in may :)

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Looks comfy af

This is his sister, caly. Same age but half the size

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Bretty gud for eleventy-seven.

I don't have one but I feed many kots in my campus.

apo looks qt desu.

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My kot ran into a car before new year
miss this lil nigga

>Yesim, the cat, passed away, the butcher said

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>I feed many kots in my campus.
based man

Saved little kot from freezing 2 months ago. Warmed him, washed and feeded. Found new home for him on next day. Feel proud of myself. But rude big kot wasn't be happy about new guy in house.

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Why are there so many wild cats in Turkey

I am pretty sure they just homeless, not wild.

lol that little one is ready to fight for his place.

idk about the wild part but they're mostly just street kots. maybe it's bc ppl take care of them. most of the street doggos are vaccinated and checked regularly by the municipalities, i guess it's the same for the kots.

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> lol that little one is ready to fight for his place.
He is not hissing, just happy meowing to get attention, he loves attention.

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cat got fucking run over in 2008

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You are a true russian heroe

user that's fucking adorable UwU.

you know we need more photos, user.

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they all get along so they don't poop outside the litter box

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Why Apo?


>17 yo
U wot

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Here’s mine

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Picked him outside thinking its next door cat. But theirs was at home.

Looked for his owners for 2 weeks no response, so he just stayed with first one.

This is one of mine. He's very nice.

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ah crap photo

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these are my weird cats

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he does look very nice


he has a good mane
what a chad cat


looks dirty

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doesn't look friendly at all

Good thread

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I don't know how old she is, she's with me since 2017

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Her name is Lotharinge de Bourgogne. Yes, I am an autistic asshole.

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very thick and fluffy, 8/10
very cute, 8/10
nice kitten, 9/10
so much cat, 7/10
i would pet him, 5/10
6/10. colourful
cute kitten, 8/10
adorable darkie, 7/10
lovely, 7/10
cheeky, 8/10
cats and tits make me fits. 9/10 batman cat