What's your current employment situation?

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Working from home.

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Working from home every other day as a precaution

currently working from home, but my contract ends next week, it's the same for most of my coworkers, they laying off everyone.

many people are going to lose their jobs in the coming weeks and months, trust me.

NEET parasite!

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hey bb why don't you fly over here once this all blows over and bounce on my cock for a living

no job since 2017

no job since 2019

Almost 28, never employed.

Worked for 2 months and quit


Working normally. Most of my life has been completely unaffected. My work is "essential", the gym I go to is our workplace gym, I meal prep so I always have a weeks worth of food ready and I don't socialize much during weekends due to how much I have to deal with people during the week.

Been in my current job for a little bit over four years. Although my job is non-essential, I haven't been stood down yet, but that could change in the coming weeks. My job kind of sucks, or at the very least I don't like it much. But now we're coming back into the time of year when large companies start advertising apprenticeships again. Even in spite of the current habbenings, some have already started, so I'll be trying to move on to bigger and better things once again.

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unemployed due the virus

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Company has gone full remote, so working from home. Only one person permitted in the office at a time.

What does every other day accomplish?

Chinese diaspora foreverNEET on welfare.

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I work at a school, they are still open here but only every other day.

Am currently working less than 50% for 100% pay, feels good man.

Well I work for a medical device company, so it accomplishes reduced chance of spread by limiting the number of people in the plant at once. At the same time we're operating on the smallest in person staff we can and still make things. The government is already up our ass demanding numbers we don't have the capacity to produce.

If we get a confirmed case we'll have to trace and test and shut down for full sanitation for 2 days. 2 days worth of product is a lot, we're a high volume facility

Employed full time software developer working from home.

Annoying because the thing I work on is suddenly critical to the company's success because of corona virus.

full-time job + self employment

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>Am currently working less than 50% for 100% pay, feels good man.

Working normally and phoneposting from work right now

Ah, less people density, makes sense. Well, at least you don’t need to worry about your company going out of business.

Working from home, fucking hate this shit.

Got to say I'm loving that there aren't as many cars on the road now that everything's shutting down. Driving to and from work has been an absolute breeze this past week.

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I was in high school right after the crash. My field was chosen specifically to be bulletproof in a recession. I had seen my friends earn more in riskier fields and questioned if my decision was right. But here we are.

The 2007 recession you mean, right? Less headaches being in a safe field at least.

I’m in software, so I’m not worried about demand for employment, but currently working in an entertainment company, so either the demand is going to go way up, or way down. We’ll see what happens, haha. Fingers crossed.

Yeah that's the one I mean. I graduate in 2010.

Good luck. Staying employed through a potential recession is going to be important. I'm still not sure how this plays out long term. Stay safe!

Literally me 4 years ago.

I've been teaching at a high school, we recently switched to online classes, this shit is a fucking nightmare

Yeah I'd imagine it's a lot harder to fuck them over Skype.

Our business actually improved during that recession, so hoping for a repeat :).

You too! Take care when going into work, this thing is spreading fast.

Uni with no part-time jobs

skype would be a dream, the program we use has open links so anyone can join

Didn't feel like working for a few days in a row so I just quit

How important? The people who lost jobs to recession are forever fucked as bunch of fresh graduates are hired instead?

Got made unemployed just a couple of weeks before the coronavirus lockdown, meaning that the government won't give me free money to stay at home all day. Also unable to get a new job cos nobody's hiring. Bit annoyed by the situation desu

Got a job one week before this shit absolutely blew up. This was my third week there. Won't close because essential industry. This morning my vehicle died while going to work. The mechanic is closed. All vehicle dealerships (both car and motorcycle) are closed. Can't go out to buy a vehicle from someone else. Public transportation is closed. Two people or more in cars is now illegal.

Unless I figure something out I'm unemployed now.

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unemployed since birth

Weird. Every poorfag I met says its incredibly hard to find jobs, but every businessman I know always needs people and bitches about how they can't find employees, and I'm not talking about high-end jobs, I'm talking about waiting tables.
I blade the socialist fuckers who keep giving people money for free so they get to live with just the minimun and since they are all fucking loser more concerned with parting, gambling and getting cigarettes none of them will ever try to get a job anyways because going anywhere in life seems to be anathema line of thought in this country.

Economically independent NEET.

>because going anywhere in life seems to be anathema line of thought in this country.
Welcome to socialism, where mediocrity is the norm and trying to better yourself is a crime.

Oh, sorry I thought OP meant my cunt's, not mine. I'm fine for now, but if this little pandemic continues the family business is going to be fucked beyond redemption.

Data analyst/consultant.
Got my contract renewed this week, but for half a year instead of a whole year.

I hate working from home though.

Finding good employees is like finding a good partner. There’s tons of lonely people looking on both sides, but both sides are picky.

And if you aren’t picky, like a poor fag, then you’re that lame ass cuck that girls have no interest in.

Hand it out to Yas Forums, /soc/ and Yas Forums. Just fuck it up completely by flooding it with vulgarity, abuse and autism.

that's what is happening in my classes already

CivEng student with part-time Structural Modelling job. On paper I do the same job from home but since quarintine means no builders I have yet to receive anything to do as of yet. I should still get my full paycheck. Uni has Videoconference classes which make me dizzy as fuck but whatever.


Working from home as English support IT.
Living the life desu, and since this is a big ass company I don't think I'm getting laid off anytime soon.

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I registered online as unemployed to get insurance in case of coof. I can't get gibs though because I've never had a job.
They told me to appear in their office in a month but I don't think I'll be keeping that fucking appointment lmao

I haven't worked a single day in my life
t. 29 years old

high school student living with parents

HVAC. An "essential" business even though its not hot enough to kill even the oldest boomers. But i'm not complaining. I need the money. I just hope these customers don't block me from coming in their house like a retard after calling me there to fix it. Some retards think the entire AC is outside and i don't need to come inside to the thermostat or furnace(furnace is used in ac mode too)
Start knocking on doors asking to buy their vehicle.

you'll get banned for 6 months if you miss an apointment. They are serious about this shit.

> Start knocking on doors asking to buy their vehicle.
> Start knocking on doors asking to buy their vehicle.
this. Or online forums. Seriously, I bet there are people dying to sell their car to make some money for living.

Unironically employed by the CIA.
Just as an engineering intern though, nothing related to psyoping you guys, hehe.

Love it when an american use acronyms that no one else understands

Working from home.
Except I work very little.

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What's your favourite HVAC filter? For me, it's the MERV-13

What part of "you can't go out except for buying groceries and work" you don't understand?
I'm not risking two or three weeks worth of pay just to see some old ass used car or motorbike I might not even be interested in.