>mom... please stop...
>mom... let's just go... please...

Why is Australia so BASED?

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Suprised she didn't get her teeth kicked in. I don't know how people remain calm in a situation like that. I'd knock her out and rape her kids in front of her

You wouldn't do shit faggot. You would be just like them and there like a cuck.


Not everyone is a pussy like you Zhang.


Imagine if these vids wen viral in Asian countries

Tamil BVLL

India coming in with BASED posts as always.

The Asian guy was pretty confrontational. Most Asians just stand there and don't do anything. He actually responded and asked if she wanted to fight outside.

Nice projection and delusions pussy. Aussies are all soft cunts who think they are tough and macho. You fags got rekt by lebs in your own country. Go sit in your corner like the good pussy you are and drink that piss you call fosters beer.

>>based mother
iki, please stop I am starting to miss Kelly and it hurts

you germans keep destroying the west

Without larping, how many of you have actually abused Asians 3 months into this pandemic?

Have you seen any abuse thrown at Asians? Did you just watch or did you step in?

What the fuck is a "leb". I have never even met a Lebanese person in my life. You don't know shit about this country, fag. You got genocided by our relatives (English) and cucked by them for centuries. Indians are the most slave subservient race/ethnic group. You would literally cry on the floor and slit your wrists while I rape your mother in front of you, cuck.

They are shocked. Never been in duch a situation
Before probably, but they will regret not kicking her ass, but in 5 years from now when they are randomly taking a shower the regret will really be felt


why didn't they just stomp her head in?

nah, better to play martyr in these kinds of situations

They actually drink Victoria Bitters

She is more masculine than me, wtf?

Once again Aussie thinks he is tough. You are a continent of pickpockets and junkies. Your greatest accomplishment is losing to emus, who the fuck loses to birds. You bastards are so dumb you fucked over your whole agriculture by bringing in sheeps because you need to have that sheep pussy. You won't do shit to anyone in your life, your the kind of pussy who want even ask for ketchup because you don't want to bother people. Dumb vegemite addicted pussy

I don't understand why an Indian would think himself tough. Indians commit crime in groups. Only ever heard of an Indian 'fighting' someone one-on-one and that was when a bloke was bashing his own wife

>Wahh wahh fight me 1v1 bro.
Aussies literally should never talk about honor and all that bs. Nigga what will you do with your honor when I pull out your teeth and make you eat my ass?

>rape her kids in front of her

You are true India man

only mallus are this based

To be fair it looks like they might have done some shit to her before they started filming, She was saying "is it because i'm a homosexual" or something.

>Nigga what will you do with your honor when I pull out your teeth and make you eat my ass?
Are you black?

What an abhorrent accent

How do I become as based as India?

bitch lasagna

>be aussie
>your choice of women is between lady dike, abos or jing jang

they suffer

never thought pajeets could be this based

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Poo in Loo

Non-whites are used to rolling over and taking it from their white Superiors. They wouldn't know how to fight back. Neither would you.

good old parent freak out embarrassing the kid lol

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what ? you guys will stop coming to australia?

t. Dravidian bvll

Ah yes the Great """"white"""""Irish. How pathetic is your country? Your own fellow whites would compare you to apes and dogs just a few decades ago. Britian raped you over so much and still you are here being their lapdogs. Boiled chicken skin headass, no potato equals millions dying of famine ass. Cuck bois of Europe, go lick the English's boots.

based lasagna

the aussie accent sounds so feminine

Ah yes because indians are known for their assertiveness.

Potatoniggers BTFO

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unbelievably based posts

only "animals" react to word with physical violence.

"superior whites" insulting chill asians as usual.


The fire rises

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orientals are weak and cringe, and thus an easy target. if you were to replace the chinkoid with a HINDVSTANI BVLL, she would've humbled herself.

Seriously how is it possible for Indians to be this based?

I would of kicked that faggot's teeth in. Why are East Asians such pussies?

If he said that to a PAKI or BLACK, he'd be on the floor bleeding.

We don't like confrontation. We also might get arrested/fired from our jobs.

that's a woman

He was shouting at a paki in the group. Pakis are weak as shit. Only English "men" fear pakis.

> Paki

Only in the UK are people afraid of pakis

EDL, UKIP, BNP, National Action, Britain First and all those alt-right groups got BTFO by us.

You're both from mutt countries that will be non-white in 20 years.

Not my point Pakis in Canada are sterotyped as small and nerdy. The UK is a different story though

>Suprised she didn't get her teeth kicked in. I don't know how people remain calm in a situation like that. I'd knock her out and rape her kids in front of her

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He looks like he has Klinefelters.

Pakis in Canada ran away from their native India in 1947, they're all from Karachi.

Absolutely based post