Daily reminder that Finns have high cheekbones and Gook eyes

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Other urls found in this thread:


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that's Tove Agren. Hon är svensk.

Attached: tove agren_5.jpg (740x987, 117.03K)

The post that saved a thread.

that fucking bigonial width, jesus christ what an abomination

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finns are cute; cute!

>gook eyes
That's no way to speak of your Nordic overlords

>Tove Agren. Hon är svensk.
Tove is indeed Swedish but her name is "Ågren" with an Å.

Mongols the lot of you

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Don't talk like that about your ancestors

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and that's a good thing
because you cant into sami beauty, doesn't mean they're ugly, my chinese friend

The creation of a hybrid race was the only way to end the finno-korean hyperwar.

>because you cant into sami beauty, doesn't mean they're ugly, my chinese friend

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>>because you cant into sami beauty, doesn't mean they're ugly, my chinese friend

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high cheekbones is a good trait though

She looks 100% European.

>>>because you cant into sami beauty, doesn't mean they're ugly, my chinese friend

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AAAAAAAAAAA I need to impregnate Finnish slags

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What's the matter? Can't stand the sight of a strong Nord woman?

>>>>because you cant into sami beauty, doesn't mean they're ugly, my chinese friend

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seething somalian fanbase


Not white, absolutely not Nordic

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Me? HUNGarian blood runs through my veins. My Uralic brothers :))

Das rite.

our biggest fan right here

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She'd look fine if she didn't blow up like a balloon

Finnish posters think too highly of themselves

ooga booga go back to india

Uralic is white unless you've been fucked by a Turk like your pic.

Attached: finnishgirl.jpg (639x995, 74.75K)

That is not a Finn retard

>lmao le epic indian meme
Are Hungayrian/Finnish posters illiterate or something? Indo European languages originate in Europe.

Sure they do Rajeev.

Yes it is dipshit. And 99% of finns look like her phenotype
>highest blonde hair blue eyes in Europe
>highest amount of Yamna dna in Europe
>control of the world thousands of years ago
finland is obviously the most white race Muhammad (pbuh)

>pic related
guess she's not white either.

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What a hideous Gook.


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She looks like a fucking snail, I want to pour salt on it and watch it crawl together in pain as it dies

You have been making this 'daily reminder' since 2013. Almost 7 years in a row. You are mentally ill and need help.

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small bone sissies

>t. jawlet

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Lågpannad primat

is this the vi spela lite dota chad?

Looks like a video game texture

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As far as I'm concerned, this thread has convinced me that Finns are a superior race
It's like white but even better


whites do not have high cheekbones and small eyes like finns do

High cheek bones are typical for Slavs

Lol what's ANE?
Europeans are fucking mutts, people need to get over it

Dude stop wasting your entire life posting the exact same shit over and over and over again. One day you will be old and dying and all you can remember from your younger days is how you tried to convince Yas Forums that Finns are gooks for literally 7 years in a row

This guy from the other thread is white but his cheekbones are high wdym

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all whites had high cheekbones, and a "squinty" eyes is usually from evolution pressure from snow or some shit. thats why some irish have them and khoisan niggers have them too.

are you seriously trying to shill for 7 years to disprove how white finnish people are?

Attached: A FUCKING LEAF.webm (640x360, 1.51M)

wtf is wrong with you

Speaking the truth

>yes i'm finnish, how could yo tell?

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All replies after this one were responses to this
Was this bait

Because you're Asian and don't look anything like Caucasoids in Western Europe

this is a high elf from the Elder Scrolls saga

>Why, by your haunting beauty of course.

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how can someone be so obsessed? Swedes i can somehow understand why they are so obsessed about us, but why canadian?

Finngolian appearance

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Mental illness.

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my descendants :)

a fucking leaf

>yes i'm romanian how could yo tell?

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For some reason she reminds me of james grime


Ending this thread

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Why not sardinian? It's almost all Neolithic farmers that went into Europe. And Lapp some people think are early europeans like the Basque.

Now imagine the huge difference between Germans and Poles

And how close Turks are to that red circle

How is Spain in the european cluster lmaoooooo we are moors

She's Russian you fucktard, her name is Anastasia Vasileva kavyar.com/xy6buq3iexbb

Finns live in Northern Russia too

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Finno-Ugrics ≠ Finns