/v4/ + Turkmenistan

Italian thot edition

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she could snap me in two

Seems like a lovely way to die.

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I'd legitimately be afraid

I am an incel.

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what is she saying, haha?

>tfw no qt athletic Italian gf who chokes you with her thighs

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you better take that back

All women are thots, user.
Iktf bro

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>"no no no no, I don't want another wh*te boi, I need a BBC to satisfy my needs"


Oh god her number is 68, so close. I'm not into it at all normally but I'd let her bully me

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when will things go back to normal? I want to go on vacations to east asia for few weeks


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>tfw got bullied by a similar looking girl back in primary school


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Fuck, wrong pepe. I can't do anything right.

>not even 81 kg and I have been trying to eat with a little surplus to avoid muscle loss
Ufff, gaining wight is really hard.

Easy if you blaze it

Shut up Manoloid

You are addicted to porn

Good edition

Btw Manolo:
Idk if you like this Yas Forums Turkette, but they finally found her IG
& this.

>dream of getting a qt gf and being happy
>wake up
>now have suicidal thoughts

why does my brain do this

It's your fault.

>spaniards are throwing stones at ambulances carrying sick and elderly
is there a lower lifeform than a med? how can they be so dumb lmao

im tryinbg to gef a gf, but i get literally 0 kikes on Tinder

She is NOT a thot, you retarded magyar cygany

Try Badoo

I found czech was actually really bad for tinder.. the women were incredibly ugly

I have Badoo for at least 6 months and only "matches" i have (like 5 of them) are thanks to some girls just visiting my profile. Literally no actual match.

I will do a wise decision which is stop that conversation that is leading nowhere and instead watch 500 Days of Summer.

Delete both tinder and Badoo and install them again you will get more matches also do you have good pics or autistic bathroom selfies?

they are an uncanny mix of slav and german, therefore ugly; in the same manner, romanians are an uncanny mix of slav and balkan, therefore ugly

Why? She's still a woman; and a beautiful one at that. You think she doesn't ever lose herself in her boyfriend's masculinity when he cradles her in his arms and makes her feel safe? Think again.

Her proportions are 1,5 to 2x mine, besides the height which is most likely similar (I doubt she is over 6')

Man i'm just gonna skip past all the advice i already tried. The thing is i am not compatible with most girls. I am not ugly, i'm just sort of an asshole and my humor and interests are just not something that would interest a girl.

Shit how skinny are you?

Blessing this thread

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Its just that they have this reputation of having really hot women but I thought the opposite. Most are bulky like Germans but with uglier English accents and they're quite poor.

Stop being insecure then be genuine

I am normal BMI

>bro just stop having your character lol

Why be yourself when you can be better

Forget about dating apps :)

"having hot women" is a common coping mechanism for eastern europeans, meanwhile, only the Baltics and Yugos stand out in terms of beauty. Poles have that specific face, east Balkans are goblinas, Ukrainians are often ugly with puffy faces, Romanians and Hungarians - somewhere in between

Blessing this thread.

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World War Z for free on Epic store. Coop zombie shooter, something that v4 could play

Fuck Hungary, Visegrad is Slovakia

who is this semen demon

Height is irrelevant in Eastern Europe

it's a man

Fuck Hungary, Slovakia is Hungary

>and Yugos
Definitely not this area.

>t. gypsy

Dutch women were hot when I visited


Yea, I think you're more similar to BG and south RO types. I was talking more about the tall Dinaric ones with long faces

I want to go to South Korea or Romania

Yes i am tall 177 and have same success as my 160 friend


And that’s a good thing

This is literally impossible, you all cant be below 180

>I was talking more about the tall Dinaric ones with long faces
Slonoid? Would you enlighten this man on dinaric beauties?

Even better.

Well, at least you admit defeat.

I am 201 and average face, had lots of succes in hungary and cz

Balkanimals RAUS.

Still virgin tho

height is irrele-

>12cm "dick"
>balding hair
>disgusting ugly face
>28 yo virgin with no experience

>the same people who consoom
>the same people who attended to the freedom Fridays
>the same people who would go to Starbucks for a pumpkin spice latte
>the same people who buy a new iPhone every year
>the same people who think Endgame was a good movie
>the same people who quote Harry Potter irl
>Now celebrate the lock down and the slow down of this modern life, because Corona is just a warning from Mother Gaia

Why is Croatia so empty? I was in Gornij Karin and it felt dystopian, lot of half finished abandoned houses

Reminder that repeating things ironically can and will eventually turn unironic, so be careful what you shitpost about

Can someone tell me how Easter yurop is dealing with the coof, I'm not following local news

>nooo you can't buy things
what the fuck else am I supposed to do with my money?

Fuck Hungary and Slovakia, there is only Visegradia

Face and head shape > Face > Height > Body >>>>> Personality

we are doing fine I think, situation here seems much better than in west yurop

Look in the window and see for yourself, moron

>the times when Yas Forums was starting and making fun of girls because it was a boys' club was actual fun


Can confirm

How come ugly guys have hot gfs despite not being rich then?

What are you, Central Europe? XD

big penis or tall


Sloni is bisexual I'm 100% confident