Why do they have to eat all that crazy shit that they eat?.
Why can't the chinese eat like normal human beings?
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I don't though.
I had rice and salmon today
Umu deliciuuuu!
She looks like my ex-gf
What's with all the Made in China pandemics?
Man was made to eat everything and anything that moved. You think your ancestors were like "yucky that thing looks gross im not gonna eat it"? No they ate and killed everything. We are the apex predators of this Earth and the urge to dominate will always remain in our hearts.
Apex predators don't eat everything. The alpha lion eats the best parts of the killed prey. You're confusing apex predators with rats.
Exactly. What's going on there.
kill that bitch
t. Locust chink retard
Even since biblical times people had safety standards for food.
Why is it always Canad and Australia flags that defend China? Also these flags tend to make the most hostile pop in loo threads, not banter but outright hateful stuff. Is it chink propaganda machine at work? What VPN do you guys use? How much are you paid?
This nigga is closer to apes and chinks than to humans.
>What VPN do you guys use?
VPNs are banned on 4chin.
Unless you buy a pass
Cut off her head and feed it to some street dogs. Only then justice will be served.
Which is why I asked how that? Maybe I should have worded it differently, how are they getting past that.
Ngl always wanted to try those cambodian spiders and scorpions and those live bird fetus in philippines
It's just a mouse, all it does it brings disease, why would you feel for a mouse?
He's obviously not gonna buy a pass. No need to bring up that idea.
why are Indians so based?
Buy the pass. But I bet you won't. Everything in India is fucking expensive as hell.
reminder this poster is chinese
calm down bro
It's just a mouse
do you also react like this when you see someone eat chicken?
Go back to chink land
go home Zhang
Tell me about the bird fetus. Does it taste good?
Shut up baniyalet. Go choke on garlic.
I've never tried bird fetus, but I might give it a go if I ever have the chance
Who gives a shit lmao
Have you guys tried eating a live chicken or fish? Seeing it suffering surely brings pleasure to you, right?
I don't care if people eat mice or even humans. At least kill it and cook it before eating.
fucking chonkies
Any idea where she is from?
What about the scorpions and spiders? Not joking, my dad has eaten bat meat and salted mayflies before. Says those are acquired tastes.
Ok poomer
based sperging schizo
>Man was made to eat everything and anything that moved. You think your ancestors were like "yucky that thing looks gross im not gonna eat it"? No they ate and killed everything. We are the apex predators of this Earth and the urge to dominate will always remain in our hearts.
Sharks don't eat everything they come across, lions and tigers do not do that either, apex predators only eat that crap when they're starving.
based. I poo only in western toilets.
Who the fuck would buy a pass for this shithole? I bet you are a rich fag who has been sheltered all his life so he thinks he is hit shit for not pirating stuff like a cuck
Good lad.
>Why is it always Canad and Australia flags that defend China?
Hmmm, what could possibly be the reason for that...
I've never eaten live animals but I don't see what the big issue is.
It's going to die anyway, so does it really matter?
and don't give me that bullshit about """"humane"""" killing lmao
the weirdest food I've eaten are only rabbits and these really small snails, I'm not sure what they're called.
white women are evil disgusting beings
>I bet you are a rich fag who has been sheltered all his life so he thinks he is hit shit for not pirating stuff like a cuck
Read my last statement. Yes nobody would buy a pass. But there are some who do buy. Definitely not me Lmao.
The weirdest food I've eaten is pizza with ananas on it.
muh murican bro.
Evolution has stopped in china thousands of years ago it seems.
What the fuck is wrong with chinks? Why can't they eat normal food? Such depraved shit.
I've had rabbits too. I didn't feel bad about eating them after how nice it tasted lmao
They have to financially pay for that to the world. but they don't have to for the loss of chink tourists. They should oversea travel ban on their people instead
Rabbit is great but they're not as filling as chickens
Luckily, I can only empathize with mammals.
>It's going to die anyway, so does it really matter?
>I've never eaten live animals but I don't see what the big issue is.
Why don't try eating a live chicken today. At least you'll assume your primitive form then.
Eating uncooked meat is what leads to these outbreaks if they cooked the fucking meat instead of going
>Ooooh it's still twitching how fresh!
>Luckily, I can only empathize with mammals.
Ok my taste for bugs ends at things with less than ten legs.
Same desu too many bones too little meat
the balls on this girl to post this video online with her face in it. i'd never understand that but ruining your entire life over shitty fetish video seems inspiring
I guess I'm already numb to killing insects and such.