Edition de la fraternité entre la Flandre et la Wallonie

Editie van de broederschap tussen Vlaanderen en Wallonië

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vive la bière
vive les frites

Kon ik maar Frans :(

Absolument basé, c’est quoi ta bière préférée? Pour moi c’est la campus

bump zodat de draad sneller gaat en jullie weg blijven

comment on fait pour que la wallonie soit mieux

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We zijn hier om elkaar dat te leren
Nous sommes ici pour apprendre les uns des autres

Les frites haha
Moi je mange des patates à midi.

Il faut instaurer une nouvelle politique économique et sociale
La Wallonie a du potentiel, faut juste des personnes compétentes pour la gérer

heu j'aime bien la chouffe, la duvel
sinon des petites bières un peu au hasard

Ik ga ook elke van mijn paal vertalen dan
Je vais aussi traduire chacun de mes poteaux alors

>belgen praten nederlands en frans
>de rest praat alleen frans

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>je zal nooit anuna haatneuken


why is not belgium france? because chocolate?

because the most part of the country doesn't even speak french to start with

>stel je voor die dikke negerlippen van haar om je piem

Why is Japan not chink? Because sushi?

extremement basé
extreem gebaseerd

Zo zal je nog iets bijleren ook
De cette façon, tu apprendras aussi quelque chose

mais mon français est tres mauvais

>why is country not other country?

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Uhmmm frères? Il fait soudainement chaud ici

Uhm broeders? Het is plotseling warm hier
Ik doe ook maar gewoon mijn best haha.
Je fais de mon mieux

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Ik moet mijn taal onderhouden eigenlijk
Je dois entretenir ma langue en fait

uw frans is echt goed hoor

i think belgium people speak french, sorry

japan and chink are different

is there much difference between france and belgium?

>Ja, ik weiger Nederlands te leren, hoe kon je dat zien?

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Mentality, culture, ethnic background, languages are the main differences between France and Belgium

merci copain

salut mes potes

well you're wrong, it's about 60/40 Dutch/French with a handful of German speakers in the east

one is based; the other won the world cup

about as much difference between korean and jap I think
depends which part of France of course
pic related

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what do wallonians think of french/france?

You see it's all about the Flancucks who are way more prosperous; in theory the Walloons wish to go to France. However the Flancucks would surely not follow, so in order to make the Flancucks serve them the based Walloons set up a "national identity" to keep them chained to them without them feeling like they need to leave.

Ik ben geen Waal, hier in Brussel haten we Parijzenaars, de rest is fijn
Je ne suis pas wallon, ici à Bruxelles nous haïssons les parichiens, le reste est bon

We like to pretend we hate them

I for one also hate parisians. Rest of france is good (flamand)

>in theory the Walloons wish to go to France
Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about lol

i see so you are no friend with france?

is that so?

but south africa won rugby

some korean and japanese look similar but culture is very different
is belgium and france same?

so french speaking belgium people want to be france?

>let me tell you about your country

Of course that France is our friend, especially the northern parts

why are you making up theories

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>to keep them chained to them without them feeling like they need to leave.
>Implying they actually don’t want to stay here for the most part

belgium is a strange little country.
If you're bored this is a good explenation:


Grappigste is dat het altijd zonnig is nu
Le plus marrant c’est que c’est toujours ensoleillé maintenant

ignore the dutch flag, he is eternally buttmad

France is culturally different but the northern parts are more similar to us. We don't hate each other like jap and korean do, it's mostly just pretend for fun.

>french speaking belgium people want to be france
Dunno brah I was funposting, but Flanders is quite a lot more wealthy and countries a mess so I just think they're together out of habit or something.
I guess it is cool know French and Dutch so you can enjoy a lot of geography in Europe greatly.

>in theory the Walloons wish to go to France
Why would Wallonia want to be rural region #54285 of France, where only Paris counts ?

i see, thank you




Is Priscilla famous in Belgium ?

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Fuck off u freak

no, sorry, just some things he said, but I won't get in to it, I admit it's generally a good video to show outsiders

Why a big kitty cat everywhere?

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and a cock

>u frite

What you mean by that?



Limburgchads where you at?



LIMBURG! Dood aan de Hollanders oetz

>Antwerp has no lion but a double headed eagle

is die HRE spirit toch

Really makes one think huh

Not sure, but that's the shield of Mechelen (malines)

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kom terug, Limburgse man