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they're doing another NHS clap tonight lads

had to wank into a crisp packet earlier
dire times

anyway im off to toil (key worker)

i'm sorry
we are so sick of europe's panic

you okay with this?
page 2?
alright then mate as long as you're alright

Surely not, another one? So soon?

man prefects were dinguses
I remember the year group's arselicker crying when he didn't make captain or vice captain
now years later he's just some guy like everyone else

every night now

mad how there’s like loads of different types of british people but people from other countries are basically all the same

in love with coworker

no we're clapping for the gays tonight and the immigrants tomorrow

good thing about emulators is I can just reload the save file everytime this bloody Tauros flees

whats all this about clapping?
sounds a bit american to me

why did you feel the need to post this shite engrish post then you irradiated dumb fuck

mad how Rey Mysterio killed a guy


Ok fuck off I almost believed you for a second

make sure youre alone when you play this game my lord

many such cases


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did he 619 them

uganda be kidding me?

honestly dreading the clapping more than the virus itself

Wouldn't be surprised. I'm telling you all, it's social conditioning

unironically made a pornhub account lads

caught tauros lads


Why are we clapping for the nhs? Pretty sure they can’t see me from my flat

londoners sure are something else
might as well be a different species
strange brown bunch

why did you make a new thread when there is another one with 60 posts?

if they were white christians there would have been outrage on a national, possibly european level. there would have been death threats and antifa attacks

How did I totally miss all the clapping?
How did everyone know what time to do it?

Tore down all images of Jesus at my local church and replaced them with NHS posters

Just got back from the supermarket for the first time since the lockdown, holy FUCK I didn't realize it was that bad. Literally queued outside for a fucking hour. Madness. Silent as the grave too, just everyone stood there with their trollies with facial expressions ranging from bored to terrified. Surreal.

as a former NHS worker I'd like to thank everyone in this thread for your kind applause last night.

you didn't get the govt text?

i heard it on the radio while doing volunteering toil

Because normal people use social media so hear about this stuff

This. they got off incredibly lightly

yeah unironically

god and his son jesus will not be pleased

felt like it
free country

How do people know how to do anything? What is this mysterious force informing people of events?

I must've slept through it
hope their clapping was suitably mocked by my loud snoring

Wasn't that yesterday? Or is this a daily thing now? Police car drove down my street wooping it's fucking siren yesterday while everyone was clapping.

the world series

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Saw the clappening on the late news

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who should i wank to with my new premium pornhub account then lads

I velly crean darrink

gay fisting and prolapse-play

>norway has more cases than australia

uhh based department

anya olsen

Make a twitter account lad, it's 2020. That's how I find out about everything.

>twitter in 2020
lol, twitter is so 2010

Spains on a highway to hell

remember when the anglican church said it doesn't support gay marriage and people went mental and it had to rescind

Ashlyn Rae

imagine if someone sends their coronavirus test back via the post and during transit the test tube breaks and the whole post office get corona and spread it via the mail aha

copealone crying because he gets no rent

Mad how in 1000 years time the scots will still be under the thumb of english might, having voted no to 60 different independence referendums

made sure to clap faster and harder than everyone else so everyone knows I care more than they do

State of the boring twats clapping for the nhs

Humanity goes extinct in the year 2132

should have saved a little maybe?

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might do some essential shooping soon, reckon all the panic buyers have got their stuff now and since everyone is indoors, i reckon the shops will be empty, albeit a tad bit bare

pretty sad 2bh

This is why I can't take Anglicans seriously at all. They change their creed all the time to fit the prevailing social context, unlike based Catholics who stick to their guns. Anglicans are just atheists who like listening to church bells

proto gf got mad that I said when the 'rona gets me I'm going to get an angel gf in heaven


ye they should have thankfully i did so i can weather it a bit

I have a war chest filled with snacks and tinned food. Actually it's more of a drawer but I like to call it my war chest.

mad how I could have delicious cake and custard at any time at the drop of a hat and nobody could stop me
nobody would even know

lol gonna use this line later

>a stairwell nonce bashing that left him braindead and quadri-spaz
okay, this is good

Racist wtf

Also have a comparable number of confirmed cases
Glad we're more like Norway than some of the others e.g. yankistan

didn’t the protesters actually get their way too?

can any of you burgers give us bongs some tips or advice on clapping
america has a lot more experience on clapping

so this was trumps plan all along to stop mexican immigration

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Who are you quoting

take it you're not a fan of francis haha

peadophile blasted into space

on a lifeglug

chris morris

he prefers not to say