Built my gaming PC today I'm good if lockdown happens now

Built my gaming PC today I'm good if lockdown happens now.

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make sure you have a backup in case it doesn't boot

Post pic


>Gaming PC
That's a bold statement

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Damn nice bruh does it have LED lights too

nah ;(

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32 GB of 2666 Mhz instead of 16 GB at 3200Mhz+, what were you thinking?

kind of a waste

Idk man it's my first build I don't have the greatest knowledge I just had a fair go at it.

That's a lot of RAM lmao

I heard it won't be until Monday

You think it will actually happen? I'm in QLD and still have to vote tomorrow.

Happy for you!


Absolutely based, enjoy your vidya games.
I'm currently back home with my parents so I can't play on my PC, shitsux.

what are you going to play?

Are those.. are those feet?!

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what a homo lmao

t. posting from a 5000 dollar macbook pro 16 inch

Star Wars Batllefront 2.
Mount & Blade: Bannerlord when it comes out next week
Probably get back into WoW my old comp couldn't run it without serious FPS issues.

It will, all these normies are screaming for it and Scotty From Marketing is the biggest pushover Australia's ever had. Those cunts in Sydney are to blame for how out-of-hand it is.

>first build
>32 gb of ram

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you spend too much for your first pc

>casually drops 2.2k on first pc build

Should've used some of what you spent on RAM on a better GPU/CPU, next time.

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I had a lot of savings lads I am tight when it comes to money it just sits in my bank.

Should have gotten at least a 2070 super
T: 2080chad

Good lad I built mine a few days ago

I built a new PC for gaming but I discovered that I don't really like gaming. Now I'm learning to juggle.

>go to ukranian guy house
>shows me his new pc he just built, liquid cooled and shiet
>"there is not any other like this hehe"
>proceeds to play counter strike 1.6

are you a programmer, why do you have such a high end pee see?

To play games smoothly and watch 4K movies on my TV in the living room.

>RTX 2060


Last December I spent a month or two planning what parts to buy, £1000 buying the parts, and then 3 days assembling the PC and then it wouldn't turn. It's just sitting in my room and I don't know what to do with it. It's like half my net worth

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I bet it doesn’t work or will break soon

Haha faggot

lmao, yup, video games are boring as fuck and I'm currently learning how to sew. I use my computer for recording music, so it's not a complete waste

On the first few days of lockdown/quarantine I played Monster Hunter World and Call of Duty BR but now I'm all out of games and it's back to browsing Yas Forums again


u sound like a spoiled phaggot

take everything apart and put it back together again, you dummy. don't let a grand go to waste.

I had the same problem and a friend of mine reconnected the tiniest cable in the case which connects the power on button to the motherboard. It's probably your problem too

you got the wrong parts, we can probably troubleshoot here if you know what the parts are

kids, look at this retard
if you don't know what the fuck you're doing, just throw a hundred bucks at your nerd friend and he'll do it for you

Not really, it's pretty standard

i had to build a pc for my friend and he gave me a sandwich

Don't listen to these /g/ fear mongering.

*cuts your electricity*

I don't understand gaymenlords anyway with their hardware obsession. I have a GTX 1060 and I can run my competitive shooters at >144hz and all the other titles somewhere in the 70-90 range.

Kind of an overkill for games, but at least you won't have to worry about hardware for years.

i have a vega 64 and it runs most things too

It's not though, no matter the price, it still can only do 60-80 Fps on a 4K monitor.

Just go to the Chinese mobile phone shop and ask one of the g... Oh, wait.

i have been using computers my whole life and i still have no idea what any of those things are or what they do
How do you get knowledgeable on this? i wanna build my own computer too

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I know right
I was actually about to give it to a family friend but his dad died like last week so I don't want to bother him for a while + we're on quarantine
I am NEVER looking inside a computer again.
pcpartpicker told me they were compatible
I really should have done that. But I honestly did think I knew what I was doing, everyone on the internet calls it so easy, "lego for adults" and all that. I even watched three different youtube guides before every step of assembling it. But I guess I really am that fucking stupid

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cute feet uwu

computer hardware is so easy to know that even someone like op understands it. just watch some YouTube videos

retard specs for your usage

But im a brainlet

It's not good enough I know, but it does the job

>I really should have done that. But I honestly did think I knew what I was doing, everyone on the internet calls it so easy, "lego for adults" and all that. I even watched three different youtube guides before every step of assembling it. But I guess I really am that fucking stupid
it's a reddit meme
it's "easy" as long as something doesn't work and you have to figure out what the fuck it is, good luck then

even brainlets are capable of understanding what's good PC hardware and what isn't. Watch some jewtube videos on PC builds.