
Attached: 91023950_2844889705586919_3083610880938383336_n.jpg (1080x1346, 177.56K)

Other urls found in this thread:


whos this

Grilled cheese off the radiator

The elderly? We're leaving them in 2019


>Made by a Frog
Just like England

did the 'chon just fuck up for you lot as well?


her shirt is being held together by a nappy pin

it did for me

Normans weren't French. France as we know it - the nation, the culture or even the language - didnt exist then.


Attached: 645464564.jpg (640x640, 50.58K)

more like @sexeesmith

holy PENG

she looks like she has a black bf

Drank to much pepsi and ate too many doritos now shitting and sharting all over the place


fuck off

i said lads finished working from home so now i am drinking scotch and listening to the verve bitterseet symphony on rrepeat its ed by the way juul up a storm too while we're at it

careful lads, jannys on the prowl

Good job this isn't /Brit/ jan man must be working from home

finished toil but I can't drink on account of my stomach being torn to shreds by my STI antibiotics

Fun fact: if your image has virus written on it the 4channel algo will think it is a malicious file

*approuches you*

how the combined effects of the STD and antibiotics turn your bones to chalk and make you infertile

how many instagram followers do you lads have? i've got 689

got mycoplasma doesn't impact fertility

Attached: virus00.jpg (1200x630, 87.86K)


i have an erection

Try it

had 8k or so on a meme account, might start posting on it again for the coronavirus

got dat damn muddafuggen coonvirus

Attached: coon virus.jpg (120x120, 13.5K)

Kek so many thinskin poltards

deleted my account

oh no no no
hope you already have a gf lad

Never made an account. Good website for cooming purposes I hear

that post is based
dont need one for gf

deleted instagram after a few weeks cause it was boring (though it had some good pictures) and it started trying to get me to follow people I know irl when I just wanted to browse it casually and anonymously

Miss the 70s so much

hope my sister finds a nice black lad to breed her when this is all over

Yeah but look at the replies. Not a single one cheering his post. The board is full of soibois

mate of mine from school married and has a kid with the girl he started going out with in year 10
what a loser

Made a thread on Yas Forums with this

on one hand its based on the other its boring

I can see him on the horizon

Attached: download (9).jpg (195x146, 3.15K)

what about an indian lad?

eating a new-range bag of crisps from lidl and noticed a load of cyrillic text on the back and got suspicious but when I looked closer it was just uppercase greek and was reassured and went back to munching away on them

just don't like the thought of eating something imported from russia or some ex-soviet shithole

are you really indian or just vpn


mate of mine was with a girl from when they were 14 and didn't have sex until they got married at 28. he later turned out to be a bender. bit grim for her desu

Insane that in the moment we wake up we open up /brit/ and ruin our day.

cope on

no youre not

>imports 100 000 poles

what flavour? x

Attached: 1550470528961.jpg (689x768, 64.82K)

yeh, nothing to say. thought so lol

>he's not an essential worker

any racists outside of Yas Forums about today?
*cracks knuckles*

Attached: robot.webm (720x404, 1.81M)

essential workers only

non-essential worker trying to function without essential worker

Called up the local stores and everywhere is out of stock of xboxes and pretty much every other console. Felt relief when she told me, made me realise it'd be a dumb purchase

how long it take for humans to evolve tho init
that thing is only 50 years of technology

theyre actually pretty cool 2bh

Attached: Atlas.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

very cool


enjoy mocking the polish lads at toil for the indiscernible grim looking shit I they bring with them for lunch

flame-grilled steak. they're literally just repackaged mcenedy yank-range ones 2bh

yummy yummy