Do you think this style of illustration is suck?

His nickname is Shibafu, illustrator of Kancolle.
I go to fandom sites and many users call his illustration a potato.

Do you think it sucks enough to call like that?

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Anime art style is potato.

Shibafu's design is actually based on Intrepid's historical look though
And the potato charm makes it endearing since its his signature art style

He deactivated his twitter and pixiv account because people sent him messages about why Intrepid's design sucks

Attached: __intrepid_kantai_collection_drawn_by_perfect_han__sample-0f59d6ed71c7b5c1573a6d4ed76774c9.jpg (850x1611, 145.62K)

Looks like the average anime style out there


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He deactivated his pixic account last year. I think he is just not into social media anymore. Good for him.


Honestly it sucks that Shibafu went silent considering that he designed most of the characters in Kancolle and he even got as far as collaborating with World of Warships and Tanks since he designed promotional art for them
I just hope he's still in Tanaka's payroll and continues to do art for Kancolle

Attached: __souryuu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_51_akiduki__sample-c72543de0a155e4c4d28353abd88bff2.jpg (850x1212, 239.71K)

Absolutely yes, but he still isn't nearly as bad as the likes of ASK or g-d forbid >hao.

Attached: hack_to_end_all_hacks.png (873x1299, 1007.27K)

very cute niimi

Haocuck is better than shitbafu

i exclusively judge anime illustration based on lolis they draw.

Reward of the last event I cleared and made me laugh.
I dont think shibafu is shit, the problem is she was event complete reward bote.

You think Reward ships are bad try new ships that only drop on final maps
The html update screwed up all levelling maps so I'm stuck with pvp

Attached: __graf_zeppelin_kantai_collection_drawn_by_nona_goodboy__db6749707489862ca1b1f60697018d16.png (800x800, 826.57K)

Moe shit is cancer

World of Warship ditched KC years ago, they are collaobrating with AL now to make all their sekrit documents paper ships into anime waifus.

Attached: __friedrich_der_grosse_azur_lane_and_1_more_drawn_by_toriumi_harumi__6f5c261e41632bb907d84b6f3f0460b6 (2).jpg (2560x1440, 1.56M)

Yea WoW collaborates with AL nowadays but back then they ran some events with Arpeggio and collaborated with Shibafu to create promotional art for them like this

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a я нa фaшингтoнe aгaгaгaгaг

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Kancolle designs are hideous

formaldehyde should fuck off

That's a funny way of putting "boring on its best days". 401 is the only one I remember thinking looked nice.

Stfu I love her, I love fat dinos

>playing on EN

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she's a dumb lazy bitch bro

Yes and I love it, pastaniggers btfo

god I love thuis game so much

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I just want to say I really want to fuck PoW.

Coomer Lane

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that's a Hololive girl actually. didn't even think that it resembled Formi when I posted it

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>all this slavfamili

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I'd want to fuck her if that meant the previous art director returned, really fuck 68cunt

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been edging to botesluts for the past few days, really good shit

I like him because I have a thing for plain girls

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the face is bad

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Are you on quarantine there? Can't imagine stupidly wasting time in such a manner.

what is this? why are the boats anime girls?


Honestly, I find a lot of Kancolle's designs to be a bit too boring most of the time. I mean, by all means, let's have another Yuugumo or Fubuki class bote in the exact same outfit. And I'm not exactly sure why you'd put the damage CGs in if you're not going to show some skin. I'm not saying they all need to look like Zuikaku or that drunken carrier's (Junyou?), but some of them show barely more than scratches.

Yoshinori Shizuma, though, is a god among men in this game. Zeco's pretty good among the newer artists.

OTOH, while I find Azur Lane's to be livelier on the whole, some of the emphasis on fanservice and sexiness is a bit too blatant and on the nose for me. The lack of consistent themes is basically the inverse of Kancolle, which is often formulaic to a fault. Also, the /alg/ general is a fucking shitshow.

Ultimately, I prefer AL's style of game (shooter/bullet hell/shmup) to Kancolle's. I also like how AL keeps a regular trickle of skins and art going even between events, while Kancolle is quiet in between events generally, unless there's something like Comiket going on.

Thank you for coming to my blog post. Sorry I didn't bring alcohol or food.

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yeah, the fee for breaking it is like 30k, but I would've been doing that regardless of the quarantine

Because it fuses a hobby (naval history) with willy waggling. Nothing beyond that.

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if it exists, people will want to masturbate to it

New Azur Lane event is pretty fucking great.

Attached: CasablancaSport.png (1372x1400, 1.04M)

whats wrong with it exactly?

It would be, if I were able to FUCKING LOG IN AAAAAAAA

I haven't been able to login since the event started...

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The boats are eh. Reno is good I guess.

It's pretty shit desu

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fuck the memelists, I'll use her in my main fleet whether she's T3 or not, can't let a good designed /m/ ship go to waste

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why cant asians be original? 99% of asian artists are just some variation of le generic anime

I don't consider memelist parrots to be worthy of even basic respect to be frank, they're worshipping some chink's word as gospel and he doesn't even play the game.

Based stealth boteslut thread

Based on what?

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If only two faggots didn't deface an innocent boat out of nowhere and fucked everything up.

You have no one to blame but yourselves.

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Yo, when I'm gettin my Hagikaze Kai Ni?

Attached: Hagikaze_Full.png (572x1018, 126.63K)


Just about his illustrating style