Which country/region do you think has the worst posters?

Which country/region do you think has the worst posters?

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i think it's just one guy but he's a complete retard


>no australians

>No chicano option

Euros in general no contest.
Yas Forums somehow is even more unusable then usual whenever these fucking retards wake up.


>Brazilians leading by 31%
wew lad


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We are southwest region


>t. Vasya Shaharov

>Yas Forumsposter
>Having the audscity to complain about people

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Chicanos are the worstest. Prove me wrong

any diaspora at all

I just wanna talk about video games sometimes and almost any time i show up the catalog is filled with dumb eurofags making shitty ps4 console war threads.

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the US hours is the worst period to browse Yas Forums.
most of it is cumbrain threads such as "this X women belong to my country cock" or "how do i get this X country GF" threads.
of course they're not neccesarily made by american posters, but canadians must be included into account of the US when we're talking about region.

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i'm not convinced its just yanks doing this.
one of the most infamous blacked posters was an aussie who shitposted Yas Forums so hard they rangebanned all of australia for like a month

He used to raid e i g h t chan/b/ & 8kun/rand21/ all the fuck time. Was annoying af and was also wondering if he spammed his pedo shit here too lol

Germans. Idk why Brazilians are leading, they're great posters.

Germans are the best european posters

where is the Russia option?



because its not, most of it are made by canadians and sometimes even some europeans, still, they are made during american hours somehow.

No they're not. Best European posters are Slavs, TVRKs or Brits. Spanish and Portuguese honorable mentions.
French and Germans easily are the worst.

Russians, Poles, South slavs are different.

or maybe its just one autistic guy

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Monkeyzilians of course

What did he mean by this?




Japan due to the schizo and davido

>getting an entire country rangebanned for banter
this is hilarious


>So many votes for Brazilians
Most brazilians from Yas Forums seem pretty chill


i only voted for germans because germans are usually unfunny and have a stick up their asses. i would not have voted for them if the frenhc were an option.

>Slavs as one category
Oh no, OP is fucking retarded

i have not once seen a single bad post from the indian flag
pajeets are based

>Americans (USA)
>Americans (Latin)
who do you think made the strawpoll?

This, it unironically makes me cringe when Canadians claim to be so different when they could've just as easily been a US state

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i hate Canadian poster more than US desu

I'd agree here, extremely rare to see either an informative or a funny post from a german. They're all miserable and very vindictive, I think french posters are alright though

never seen bad pajeet post, they're always okay at worst

poles, every post they make screams butthurt

pajeet posters are based, they deal with the banters just like israelis.
i don't get the hate for the posters.


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The asian kids living in Canada/America/Australia responsible for all the interracial spamming are the worst. Seems to mostly be coming from Canada but it's the same group no matter which country they're posting from.

Pajeets are based

Japan with no contest
Biggest schizos come from there and they didn't behave like real humans which is fucking creepy

Pajeets are fucking good posters, they're top tier compared to amerilards

From what I've seen it's South Korea


Pajeet banter is Godly. They're all pretty chill too.

any poster that comes from the country without skyscrapers and uber eats


tfw bwc loving gf

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Definitely Brazilians.

A lot of countries are worse, but I fucking hate Swedes on Yas Forums