Is it bad to enjoy when your male friends hug you?

Is it bad to enjoy when your male friends hug you?

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depends on how hard they're fuggi- oh sorry I meant hugging you


it's perfectly normal, i like to sniff their neck and hair too when we hug

I forgot what it's like to have physical contact with another person

h-hot Italians probably smell great

aww that's so sad user when was the last time you got a hug

cuddling with boys is one of the best things on Earth...
they're kinda heavier than expected though, I can't really move when someone is on top lole

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I mean hugs are meant to be enjoyable and because you like the other person

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I wish I hugged anyone and cuddled with someone...

But what if I get a tingly sensation in my stomach when my male friends hug me?

No? It’s nice to hug someone, i’ve cuddled with friends before and its nice, its all platonic though

You deserve a hug

Well then you should drag them to the toilet and suck them off

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The problem is that I get so flustered when my most attractive friend hugs me

What sort of feelings do you get? Sensual?

I can't do that it's lewd and I'm too shy for anything like that



What sort of hugs? Just regular greetings?

Why flustered? Its just a hug, hug him more often and it will stop feeling so special

He's so handsome I wish he'd hug me all the time

Kinky slut :3

Greetings and good byes mainly. Also fun hugs


I'm diagnosing you with the gay and will be administring a bf to you shortly. You can pick up your recipe at your local pharmacy. It's imperative that you perform daily exercise and follow the recommended doses.

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I'm not gay I just like getting hugged and held tight by other boys

it might be but it might not

you're the big gay

There's a friend of mine who hugs me all the time when greeting, but I get uncomfy and just lay still. I wish I could be less bashful and enjoy hugs more

Are you questioning my degree in medicine, user? Be careful with what you're implying so that I won't slip some rohypnol into your prescription.

user that's not safe, you're not even supposed to shake hands.

"Lay still"? Do you greet each other with prone hugs or what?

qill he get boipregnant?

I know it's rly bad

I mean, I stay still not hugging back. Public displays of affection make me uncomfortable, but I wish I could just hug back and enjoy it without issues.

Oh damnit he might

>hugging male friends
are you gay or what ?

I hugged my friend once, it was awkward af, never again.
I really hope a hugging culture will never develop here, we nordics are not meant to hug each other

how is it gay?
i hug my friends as a farewell and we're straight

in France you have to French kiss your friends cheek as a farewell, any other physical contact is gay

Not between males though, although you can when it's family or very close friends.
Dudes generally just shake hands.
You have to kiss females if you're a male and females have to kiss females.

So you shake hands with your friends when you say goodbye? Lol

yea, also when we say hello haha

It depends on your ethics. If you think that everything you enjoy is good it can't be bad

Just say no homo

No, it is good. In Spanish class a while ago we had to do some dance together with the person sitting next to us. He held me for a few seconds, and while obviously he was not being sincere and just doing it because we had to, it still felt really nice.
I hope to have a boyfriend one day I can hug and cuddle with, but unfortunately I will need a lot of plastic surgery before I can get one, which is prohibitively expensive. If I cannot afford it I think I will just kill myself. Thank you for reading my blog post.

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and people say my country is autistic

all faggots should unironically kill themselves
I'd like to believe it's shitpost, but I know faggots are here on Yas Forums, and it disgusts me

Plastic surgery wtf? Why?

>So you shake hands with your friends when you say goodbye?
yes, what do you do ? autistically wave your hand like an anglo to your friend who is 1 foot away ? Lol

>kissing beautiful females with your hand on their hips is autistic
u just mad cuz u can't get sum of that good shit lmaooooo nerd

only if you fon't kiss
on the cheeks
ya faggot

Yeah we say goodbye to each other. Handshakes are way too formal to do it every fucking time you say goodbye to your friends

My face is disgustingly masculine and my body is gross. I cannot bear to look in the mirror a lot of times and often feel trapped or cursed with such a hideous freak body. Also I am a jaded asshole as a result of being an autistic loser who never had any friends or a real childhood. Obviously I could never have a boyfriend in my current state so it it my duty to try and improve, or in my case desperately try and claw myself up to "average". And if I fail I guess I will just kill myself.

I bet you're perfectly fine user. It's always good to keep striving to better oneself bost physically and mentally but I've RARELY seen cases where plastic surgery actually improves ones features drastically. More often than not it just looks weird. But I guess I might be biased since in a perfect world where the surgery was done well you shouldn't be able to tell that it's fake.

hugging boys is the best thing ever

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No, human contact feels nice and so should you.

I-is it really? I wish I could learn how to...


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i have no friend