That's because you've tried to watch retarded shit.
Try Dragon Ball instead
Dominic Robinson
Anime is shallow as fuck. You need to have a very low IQ to enjoy it.
Robert Morris
based colombianon dropping the truth bombs here
Nolan Sanders
aged like milk, hokuto no ken is better as far as old shounenshit go
Jeremiah Rodriguez
I used to enjoy anime, but the average show in Yas Forums is just poorly written.
japs can't write for shit.
the issue is that most anime writers are literally the bottom of the barrel.
Makoto shinkai and urobutcher are the few that can write.
Bentley Ward
lmao I watched a few episodes of it and all episodes were just >villain of the week does retarded shit >ATATATATATA >head explodes ad infinitum
Ian Howard
try Detroit Metal City, Cromartie High School, GTO, LoGH I doubt you can describe those series as childish
Jackson Davis
>Recommending Dragon Ball to a spic as if he hasn't seen it 6_9
Isaac Smith
Even weebs think most anime is horrible.
Jackson Reyes
it's not some acclaimed moeshit """""masterpiece""""" but it's fun as hell
Nicholas Gomez
even the best animes like evangelion and madoka in terms of writing are just very low skilled genre fiction shit.
The best stories anime has ever done are genre fiction literature. And genre fiction is just the low IQ version of literature.
Alexander Ross
>evangelion and madoka >best anime not saying that they are horrible but there are far better series out there the thing about anime is that there is always something that you can enjoy because it's so diverse
Jose Howard
unrealted but fucking Yas Forums tranny jannys gave me a global ban for making fun of moeshit.not even the gigafags of Yas Forums do shit like this fuck anime anf fuck weebs
Elijah Thompson
>pepe >Rly think he could call something manchildren garbage Funny.
Nolan Johnson
Try Spirited Away. Tone is completely different from the shonen stuff you find on TV.
Parker Hall
are you that guy who always shit on kyoani?
Leo Rodriguez
>I've tried to watch anime but is the most cringe and manchildren garbage I've seen. based >Comes to shitpost here cringe, kinda balances it out innit?
Lucas Lewis
no, it was my first post on the board
Logan Johnson
Older anime from the 2000's were good but the newer seasonal anime is top garbage
Isaiah Martinez
there's some good shit.
I enjoyed berserk, baccano, makoto shinkai movies, One punch man.
Shonenshit like DBZ and One piece are ok if you're 10. Even naruto is ok for 12 year old kids.
Shonenshit is not ok if you're older than 25.
Most anime is made for people that are teenagers mentally. Even shit like Clamp works, Samurai X, ranma 1/2.
It feels ok to watch if you're a preteen.
Samuel Thomas
>japs can't write for shit. Yes.
Now time to spend your time in better ways than weeb shit.
Daniel Adams
Ironically enough 90% of the youtubers I follow are journalists, that talk about science, music theory, economy, political pol youtubers, ayy lmao conspiranoic schizos.
I don't follow anime or even games on youtube, beyond one or two youtubers that like to talk shit about console war shit.
Joseph Carter
I personally am a moetard, I love K-On, Yuru Camp, Aria, YKK, LoveLive, im@s, Bandori, CCS, Pretear, Precure, etc you can always find something that you can enjoy (mecha, cgdct, shounen, delinquents, etc) but if you don't really like the medium as a whole then I can't say anything, maybe not everyone enjoys chinese cartoons as much as I do
Jacob Jones
It's all just so weird, especially how the characters talk
Owen Baker
Yeah I started to hate the fuck out of it as I got older.
Especially the moe stuff that's been tanking that industry from a watcher's perspective. The audience fucking loves it however.
Like, give me some deep shit you can't do in live-action that last seasons upon seasons. Anime can do that in Japan. You don't need a huge as fuck budget to produce that kind of cool media.
Something pushed in absolute seriousness without all the dumbass tropes for the neetbucks. Where did those animes go?
it's kind of funny making games of it, try counting the number of times the phrase "after all" is uttered or "because" followed by an unnaturally long pause
Robert Fisher
fucking ironic weeb
Hunter Long
Yeah, you start to hate that shit the older you are.
I dropped anime when I was like 20-22.
Nathan King
watch Steins;Gate as many times as you like
Brandon Roberts
t. Anime Pro
Josiah Sanchez
Reality starts to set in and the animated characters become more of an analogue for something else. Too many anime are adolescent power fantasies. Oh no though, they're also adult. Like get the fuck out of here with that no they're not.
0n is right for once, if you watch anime you're immature and there's something wrong with you. Like go outside or something. lmao
Chase Rogers
yeah, would be nice an anime about just being an average 30 year old something who lives a mediocre wagecuck life and has a wife who is now becoming fat and she now wants children, but you're stuck in a shitty office job.
American adult cartoons are great now that I'm older. And Is just average people just talking about adult stuff like paying taxes and you're concerned about becoming bald.
Oliver White
the target audience is changing and the industry has to adapt economy is not doing well and producers want to play safe imo
Jaxon Campbell
One Punch Man is that anime. The dude goes from being a career salaryman to just fucking up random things and not giving a shit. It's actually pretty good.
I will fully vouch for that anime. That character is the pure "fuck it."
Nathaniel Rogers
anime is a wide field and most often it's tailed to the lowest paying denominator read good stuff try hxh
The diference between child entertainment and adult entertainment is that child entertainment is about big dreams and saving the world.
Adult entertainment is about real life responsabilities, is a bit more cynical because you're now jaded and tired of the world and is about not saving the world but just realizing you're just another cog in the machine of society and you're insignificant.
Teenager entertainment usually is about things they think are edgy or what adulthood really is, so is filled with violence, drug and sex.
Daniel Brown
what's so good about it is that it takes the normal anime power fantasy and turns it on its head
Caleb Moore
it sounds like you've been stucking reading shounen stuff
It cuts it at the quick. Everybody else does their speech, fucks around but the baddest guy there doesn't say shit. It's truth in a bunch of hyperbole.
It's like the venture bros. but in a more obtuse way because blatant fun isn't the sort of thing the Japanese do all that well. Rules first because, how can you have fun without rules?
Camden Cook
do everyone in Latam watches dbz?
Mason Green
that seems pretty good.
Isaac Scott
this, there are a lot of jaded cynical series if you actually try to find them I love moe cute healing and positive stuffs though, anime is perfect for that
Brody Fisher
Why do old animes are full of roided fighters but modern animes are full of feminine characters?
Christopher Taylor
not really.
I'm not that into anime stuff.
Isn't NHK the one with the fat otaku that is a seinen manga?
Eli Perry
maybe it's because that's what sells nowadays, Japs are getting lonelier and they want cute shit to alleviate some of that
Andrew Thomas
Nah, is because the industry realized they can make more money if they milk the waifufags.
Jacob Ward
it's about a schizo neet trying to climb his way out of neetdom while having some dark humour here and there
Leo Butler
waifufaggotry came about because they are lonely, it's a catch 22