Post pics that give you hope for your country

post pics that give you hope for your country

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your entire country will be replaced by hispanics and there's nothing you can do about it


The pills are taken everyday without exception user

I wish nothing but the best for Iraq. I'm sorry my country is so evil :(

Based retard

switch your proxy, chang

yeah, your country is one the edge user, one little push and you're going to collapse harder than the USSR.
kek what a time.

just post nice pics that might cure depression, okay?

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Based. Fuck mudslimes and the cucks that defend them.

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i just wanted to feel not sad for a while

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India collapsing into a genocidal civil war is the best outcome for Asia. Certainly would be a cleaner world without you street shitters.

My country irak is so beutiful.

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Hey OP, is that natural? Or are all those trees for palm oil farming or dates/figs/etc?


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comfy thread derailed

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Don't ever reply to any of my posts ever again, street shitter

There's literally nothing that could give me hope for this country
it's unsalvageable now, it's far too late now
Another fine burgerkingdom specimen

for both palm oil and dates!

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And we bombed it to hell where it belongs. Shut up shitskin.

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The mountains of irak..............

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why are you so happy about palm oil
palm oil is the devil, I have participated in destroying a few plantations of palms

They just refuse to try to do anything about it. If they woke up and really tried, they could easily fix it. When the diversity gets too severe it's not unlikely that they'll wake up.

I hope china is next honestly

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You say that like if it's a bad thing.

Only if good nature is destroyed to grow it

Hey burger, mind if I park my plane here?

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it's not a bad thing

Like only 3% of the US is muzzie. You must be Chinese or something. Reminder that Terrant supports the PRC.

>Don't ever reply to any of my posts ever again, street shitter
kek seething much?

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Sure, let me just valet mine to your house.

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it is

cringe. Just build roads, roads are the future.
No one will use a train in 20 years

oh too sad, we ain't collapsing anytime soon, and we're killing off the aboos in the south because their birth rates are pretty much first world at this point. Indian will NEVER collapse. Keep seething amerishart.


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these are Iraqi forces, one at least killed 10 mutts.
no!! palm oil is good and holy and can be used to make healthy yummy food!

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>It's almost like they want us to meme them into nuclear armageddon with Kashmir

since when this board is flooded by pol?

Since your shitskin ass got WiFI and it became necessary to chase you back to your bombed out sand dune.

we haff river to escape if the forest that we live in catches fire someday

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What is this food? It seems tasty

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Iraqi baklava, nuts and other sweet things and honey, it is yummy
also nice pic user

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Thanks user that's a lake close to my home. That's seems pretty godtier desu I'd like to try it one day.

I know it's unrelated but you know the model of that dark car behind them?

Americans competing hard to get their place back as the worst posters right?
Not happening on my watch, FAT

i hope you will enjoy it whenever you try it!
i think we used to make cars for local people before the invasion so i don't really know i need to ask a boomer and my boomer parents are sleeping.

Thanks anyway user, I will try searching for old Iraqui auto industry to see if I can find it

Hoping it gets finished this year

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gramps always took me to a nice bakery to get these
unfortunately it closed over a decade ago along with gramps life and for some reason baklava whereever i go is INSANELY expensive, tiny 350ml packagem is fucking $16.

Why did saddamm start wars with Iran and Kuwait when he was threaten by nato?

go brazil! i like how you guys are going strong among the south american nations
i'm sorry about your grandpa, baklava or any other middle easteren food can be expensive outside of the ME ofc, here 1kg of baklava might only cost 10$

i don't know user i'm here for comfy pics im tired of politics

Stop seething so hard

For a cartoon?

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thanks, the man was all work and only splurged on his grandkids, great role model.
>here 1kg of baklava might only cost 10$
that was about the price we paid so i'm a little pissy about spending nearly double that for a quarter of the amount.