>all world leaders are put on an island for a battle royale match
Which head-of-state wins and how?
All world leaders are put on an island for a battle royale match
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Putin because hes probably the only leader that knows how to fight
Queen Elizabeth
Telling you how she's going to do it at this moment would ruin her plan
Tony Abbott.
The president of suriname
i can imagine xi jean peng gettting mogged by bees trying to feed himself from the hive.
putin would likely lead a killer slav sniper squad and have orange man bring him supplies like a bitch only to machine gun him when his back is turned.
Probably one that isn't old as fuck like most of them?
Shinzo Abe kills everyone else with the discipline and honor of a samurai
saudi arabia
Supreme Leader Kim. His people believe he has the power of a god.
Our president would probably die the first, he is very old.
Do they really or this another propaganda from ameriliers?
forgit jordania
he was a special forces membzr
>Orc people can will something into existence
Seems canon to me
only the young and spry will survive
yeah this
if trudeau survives he wins
if trudeau is killed he wins
trudeau wins every time
Honestly, Putin.
He's probably one of the few that knows how to fight
Not Ir*land
This scrawny old fuck would probably be killed by Queen Elizabeth
>guy who need help of 7 man just to go in toilet know how to fight
Mexica I hope now you see why you suck us dick all time?
Mongolian president in hand-to-hand combat. Putin in tactical combat.
He's 67 and 170 cm
What stops literally anyone from digging a hole and wait till everyone kills each other
So what?
It's not like someone like Trump could beat anyone, even though he's tall and extremely obese
Our Prime Minister wins by teaming-up with Putin who knows martial arts and Bolsonaro who knows how to fire a weapon and take a stab wound, then stabs them in the back as they're discussing plans while being the last three left, thereby achieving the epic victory royale.
So? A bunch of world leaders are either older, female or literal manlets.
I only see younger ones having a chance against the RUSSIAN BVLL
No shit, but that doesn't mean Trudeau wouldn't kick Putin's teeth in
>Bro let's just talk, no need to figh-
>*Gets curb stomped*
Trudeau bows down to the Queen, unironically.
If provinces count then I have other humans in mind
do you guys eat sunflower seeds
Putin was KGB/Stasi agent. He should know how to use weapons
Putin is incredibly fit for his age. He's taken very good care of his health over the years
Hi Lebanonbro. You must be new to the internet, it's fine though. You'll get the hang of it eventually
our guy has retard strength
Imagine Abe vs Xi jinping i would pay to see this
Yeah, I noticed that was missing after clicking the Post button.
^ Trips even confirm
He would still beat your president up and assfuck him
Whoever camps for whole match, battle royales are shit
>not stealing legendary weapons from cucks
>not racking up kills
>not demonstrating your dominance by riding around in noisy vehicles
>2020 still believe in cheap propaganda shit
Xi would beat the fuck out of the jap, of course. Xi had a tough childhood
Putin is an old man, that being said he's still probably pretty dangerous. Solid contender but not top spot. Maybe the leaders of Bhutan or Quatar
You use wrong picture.
I meant this one
Wrong again.
Your "yes" image would be Mongoloid looking, quit coping
Undoubtedly the president of Mongolia.