Just so we're clear, no one here actually gives a shit about Palestine right?

Just so we're clear, no one here actually gives a shit about Palestine right?

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No reasonble man would.

What board do you think we are on

We all stand with our african-palestinian brothers

Fuck Palestine, Jews are BVLLs

The Thad Hezbollah

You kike vermin will have your guts open everywhere in the world

Those are the facts

apathy is the name of the game

not in our lifetimes


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I don't understand why they can't just come together for their own collective benefit.

>no one here actually gives a shit about Palestine
white hands typed this

I honestly prefer palestinians over your average israelite. Most palestinian I've met saw death in their eyes and are chill people in general. Israelite tends to be weird people. There was that one israelite who tried to attack the teachers who gave him 20% on a test. The most chaotic persons I've seen in my life were from israel somehow. Tho these were all fresh migrant from tel-aviv. Despite being weird they were cool. The worst bread of israel citizen are american who goes there believing it's the land they were destined to. Dangerous people.

Latuff is that you

Too retarded, and their minor religious differences from over a thousand years ago too.

Honestly could not give less of a fuck about either group.

has lebanon ever won a war?

No, that part of the world has always been subjugated by bigger and more powerful neighbors.

We've only been in war against Israel and Isis. Both were won.

I wish I could find those newspaper cartoons that came out around the time the last war with Israel and Lebanon ended. Man they were funny.

Israel is an apartheid state and I can't condone that

Israel is #1. Post GoFundMe and I'll donate 1000$ to israel right now


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What did he mean by this

Ad "uses his own children as shields" to hizbolla

for me it's rania "midget" khalek

True, nonjews are treated better there, cause military-service isn't mandatory for them

I just pretend to because it makes Jews seethe but I actually don’t give a shot about them.

Based Leaf

from the river to the sea
Palestine will be free

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>Leb banters Israel
>Sharts seethe and rush in to defend it

This joke of a country wouldn't last a week if kikes didn't metastasize in every corner of American politics, media and banking to artificially keep Israel from crumbling by leeching off Mutt taxpayer bux.

>same amerimutt making threads about Israeli girls

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we never fought against Lebanon, which was our biggest mistake in the second Lebanon war.
and it’s more of a stalemate than a victory


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>and it’s more of a stalemate than a victory
I know; that was what made the cartoons so funny.
>arab, burnt to a crisp standing at the bottom of a crater, holding a sign that says "VICTORY!"
You probably couldn't even get away with that these days.


Not one tiny bit, still don't care for their neighbors much though

Not only this but we were severely outnumbered.
>Israel having the support of the sole superpower Had a """""stalemate""""" with few hundred Lebanese farmers

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i wonder who can be behind this post ...

They technically beat Israel

>But Palestine didn't give me cancer

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Yes, because your people did sanctions on South Africa and Rhodesia and did the civil Rights movement now no matter how subhuman Palestinians are you must give them human rights and equality.

my arguments Israelis use about muh people is the same that could be used to justify south Africans and Rhodesian apartheid.

>coping arab whose failed "country" declared bankruptcy

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I just need to.copy paste the multitudes of anti nationalist and anti European propaganda and my work is done for me, we are all African, and no people is native to any land.

The jews in the Us sanctioned South Africa Rhodesia and Portugal not the jews in Israel
Israel did business with South Africa and Rhodesia

The Jews in the US support Israel.

The conference was named the International Conference for Economic Sanctions Against South Africa. This conference, Lisson writes,

established the necessity, the legality and the practicability of internationally organised sanctions against South Africa, whose policies were seen to have become a direct threat to peace and security in Africa and the world. Its findings also pointed out that in order to be effective, a programme of sanctions would need the active participation of Britain and the US, who were also the main obstacle to the implementation of such a policy.[3]

Jew Jew Jew, why can't you win against few farmers?

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[Citation Needed]

I would defend Palestine with my life

Yea but they didn't directly influence Israel's policy with Portugal Rhodesia and South Africa
Only in the Us

good goy

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Aipac doesn't influence the US to Israel's will?

The disinvestment campaign in the United States, which had been in existence for quite some years, gained critical mass following the Black political resistance to the 1983 South African constitution which included a "complex set of segregated parliaments". Richard Knight writes:

In a total rejection of apartheid, black South Africans mobilized to make the townships ungovernable, black local officials resigned in droves, and the government declared a State of Emergency in 1985 and used thousands of troops to quell "unrest". Television audiences throughout the world were to watch almost nightly reports of massive resistance to apartheid, the growth of a democratic movement, and the savage police and military response.[5]

The result of the widely televised South African response was "a dramatic expansion of international actions to isolate apartheid, actions that combined with the internal situation to force dramatic changes in South Africa's international economic relations".[5]

[[Citation Needed]]

>starts a war that caused only destruction in it's shithole and gains nothing for it
>has to cherrypick specific battles
>even then censors the casualties and losses
lmao dumb arab, enjoy your next civil war

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>leader of the opposition at the time
the only one coping is (you)

In 1963, after South African police arrested six Jews and seven blacks in a raid on an African National Congress hideout in the Johannesburg suburb of Rivonia—a sweep that eventually landed Nelson Mandela in prison for more than 25 years—a white nationalist newspaper asked whether Jews were unhappy in South Africa. The community’s Board of Deputies responded unequivocally that the opposite was true, promising that South Africa’s Jews were loyal and patriotic. “No part of the community can or should be asked to accept responsibility” for the actions of a few, the board insisted in its official reply.

In time, of course, Mandela became a hero, and the actions of those few became a point of pride for South African Jews. Beginning with his years at Johannesburg’s more or less integrated University of the Witwatersrand—aka “Wits”—and later as an apprentice to a Jewish law firm, Nelson Mandela had a political life that was profoundly intertwined with those of Jewish activists who, to varying degrees, found in their Jewish identity the imperative to object to a system that, while almost completely welcoming to them, treated blacks in a way that many of these children of European refugees found discomfitingly familiar.

While most South Africa Jews took the silent, implicitly conservative position of the Board of Deputies, the great majority of white South Africans involved in “the struggle” were Jewish. Many were Communists. Most were lawyers. A few had money. But all faced what has been described as a “double marginality”: not fully accepted as white, while also alienated from an organized Jewish community beholden to the powers that be.

That so many Jews surrendered the comforts of their own relatively privileged lives—indeed, in at least one case, surrendered life itself—to join Mandela and the ANC, though they had little material stake relative to their black comrades

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American lobbies and politicans don't just walk into Israel and control their politics. Israeli politicans registered in their own country do.

hands were tied by the international community with forced one sided ceasefires, rather than your ability

Just like the new york shitpost, spewing words with no credible source.

post casualties

Jews in South Africa and Israel were on both sides of politics during apartheid
Slovo worked for the Anc and he was jewish
Meanwhile Israel and South Africa were both developing nukes together anyways
Divide and conquer

While most South Africa Jews took the silent, implicitly conservative position of the Board of Deputies, the great majority of white South Africans involved in “the struggle” were Jewish. Many were Communists. Most were lawyers. A few had money.

Do you agree that the drivers for anti apartheid were south African and western Jews who were following their core Jewish values in seeking justice and equality of humans?

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English south africans predominantly were against apartheid, jews are a minority in any country that they ever tried to push their influence in
>Do you agree that the drivers for anti apartheid were south African and western Jews who were following their core Jewish values in seeking justice and equality of humans?
To me it doesn't matter if I agree jews were on both sides of politics in case if one side loses they were on the winning side anyways
Divide and conquer

Were Jews responsible for the end of apartheid, yes or no