1. your cunt

1. your cunt
2. should rent be cancelled until the virus is over

1. flag
2. yes, fuck landlords

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Other urls found in this thread:


>My SOLE source of income
>Multiple properties
>No savings

Lmao how come people like this exists

kek, tell the government that he won't pay taxes or maintenance and utilities and see how that works for him.

my landlord is a multi-millionaire

So I guess reddit screencaps are acceptable to post here?

>hating on reddit

are you expecting people to post personal issues on 4channy?

>32 units
Holy fucking shit. It is impossible not to have savings after getting 32 payments per month. Jewish cunts are truly beyond salvation.

Attached: mao landlords joker.jpg (640x717, 285.38K)

Blessed image

>I lost my sole source of income WTF am I going to!?
>my tenants lost their sole source of income because of the virus? So what? They should still pay me!

>1. your cunt
>2. should rent be cancelled until the virus is over
Rent should be cancelled forever and the landlording thing should end

reading that gave me a boner

better than twitter screencaps

>waaah me hate landlord because he makes me pay for house!
Grow up.

They should be lined up and shot en masse

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>Niagara landlords say they're willing to work with tenants who are facing the loss of jobs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
>But needlessly taking part in a rent strike being promoted on social media and with signs posted throughout the region is "totally ridiculous," said Moshe Mizrachi.

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>said Moshe Mizrachi.

Attached: kuma miko machi.png (677x601, 651.13K)

>totally ridiculous
It's afraid

Ok. Then move out.

Nope, pay up wagie

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>this property I've inherited is my sole source of income

then get an actual fucking job


It’s so hard to be a landlord these days, living from tenants’ paychecks to tenants’ paychecks!

>Inb4 introducing Al Capone 2.0

Im pretty sure that has to be a larp

Wow they’re scummy as fuck lol

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>not the hecking niggerino landlorderino!!!!!

>relying on a $250 rent

Most landlord in Vietnam already reduce rent or rent-free month for low-income class (students, labor workers).

Don't know why in your cunts the landlord ain't doing it? Since govt shut down nearly every kind of service, the real estate got hit hardest as business owner can't pay rent anymore, kid aint going school, people lay off work,...
Thing is, you can't keep the rent as it was before the corona. Either reduce rent or face your renter walk off the contract, going back parent home,...

Pic is a renter cry as landlord announce she won't take april rent. The landlord own 80 house for rent and mostly renter are low-class.
News link: laodong.vn/xa-hoi/nguoi-o-tro-bat-khoc-khi-chu-nha-thong-bao-mien-100-tien-phong-2-thang-793361.ldo

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No, my parents are landlords and I get tendies from them

woah... that poor landlord is so impoverished

I imagine landlords know the kind of shit will hit them if they exhort the working class too much in a country like Vietnam

>it’s another lefty/pol/ cope thread

Imagine liking landlords. Like seriously imagine being this much of a cuck.

>Pandemic threaten everyone life
>Still care about money more than anything
Heartless faggot.

Don't you ever call us "heartless" you freak. Your ancestors killed two of my uncles. Fuck you.

fucking communist faggots

Is this true vietanon?
Were your ancestors megabased?

- Every kind of money exchange shall be prohibited until further notice. No need to pay your rent, services, etc.
- Every person is to be confined at home until further notice. Not complying is high treason and dealt with accordingly.
- Those whose job is essential for society (health care, food production, food distribution, etc.) will keep working, without pay.
- The State will provide everybody with a minimum food supply and neccesary items such as TP.
- Loans of every kind are frozen for the duration of this meassures. You will not have a larger debt after not paying for 2 or 3 months.

How many units do you own?

Pay up pinko

Your uncles died for corporation interests

Yes, I am a communist

America has a very weird kind of landlord class.
Your country will become some kind of high-tech feudal dystopia in a few years

>Oh hecking no! You can't kill my 2 fucking invader uncles!
Eat shit and die.

>Having empathy, willing to help people in the hardest time by cut off some monetary value is communist nao.

>Oh no my rent have to be pay in the same no matter what, even in pandemic time so I can afford a new yard.
Like I said, heartless faggot.

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His tenants get unemployment insurance. He gets nothing

He should've saved something.
How the fuck do you own a entire apartment without saving nothing?

Most of the faggots who bitch endlessly about landlords are probably sheltered children who haven’t been out of mommy and daddy’s house for more than 3 months. There should be a contest to see how long zoomers can live and work in the real world before turning to Maoism.

All speculators are negatively affected during economic downturn


Maoism is based.

I've let homeless people live with me before for a few months here and there. Its really not a big deal to let someone crash on a cot in the basement, eat a few cans of spagetti-o's, and a take a shower. I grew up poor and know what it's like, it makes me really happy that I'm able to help people out here and there. I have a feeling the people who want to penny-pinch every facet of life have never tasted poverty, or read their Bible closely enough

>Most of the faggots who bitch endlessly about landlords are probably sheltered children who haven’t been out of mommy and daddy’s house for more than 3 months
t. 15 year old with landlord parents
Pic related it was you 5 years ago (you are the girl.)

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Yes, do something about it bitch

splendidly based
is what i would perhaps say
if you were not a vietmonkey

>I have a feeling the people who want to penny-pinch every facet of life have never tasted poverty, or read their Bible closely enough
That's probably the case. Most wealthy people really think poor people are poor because they're lazy

It's fair enough that landlords would want to defend themselves. But I have a suspicion that not all of the people defending landlords in this thread are landlords themselves. So why do you defend them?

My Dad fought in Vietnam and said despite the horrors of war it was the most beautiful place he'd ever seen and that he felt shame for being a pawn in the global chess match. He was only 18 and was conscripted, try not to hate them all

t. Moshe

if you're so opposed to paying rent to a landlord buy a tent and move outdoors. put your nonexistent money where you're mouth is

1. flag
2. yes, fuck landlords

Landlords made that illegal you bitch

If he had a sense of morality, he would have refused to serve

If only all of this land wasn't locked up in private property!

>poor people are poor because they're too lazy... to revolt and establish a socialist state

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Easier to say than to do

Yes, refuse to serve just so he could be sent to prison. Everyone sits on a moral high horse until it's them being put into a bad position.

I unironically think that socialism is the future.
With the technology of today there's no reason to have private companies at all.

if a nigger like ali could do it, what's your father's excuse

Easy enough to say in retrospect, but he was still in highschool, his dad had fought in France in WWII, and lived in a time or overwhelming anti-communist propaganda

Sounds like the same excuse the Nazi soldiers gave lol

No one could really blame the soldiers

Based anons defending my pops
Because celebrities get preferential treatment

>i was just following orders

>His tenants get unemployment insurance. He gets nothing
He gets nothing cause he have no job. Yes, being a landlord meaning you have passive income, that's it.
Should have put more into the saving instead wasting on crack and whore.

Yeah, your dad is cool. Tell him being at the jungle of Vietnam at midnight with tropical rain is the best thing.

>sense of morality
Not for 18 year old boy, really.

I'm not even the dude you were replying to, but Muhammad Ali had money to fight a legal case against the government. Most don't.

>Why work hard with my superior talents if the government takes most of my income
>oh I remember now