/cum/ - retards and faggots

realizing how empty and lonely your life is edition

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You're not lonely, you have yourself.

That is my real phone number you can try and call me.

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No. It's because they're actually mentally ill
No sane man would suddenly want to become a girl and no sane man would feel attraction to other men
homosexuality and transgenderism is a mental illness and needs to be treated like one

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i am so fucking ugly its not even funny

We'd have nothing to talk about, I'm sure neither of us are very interesting.

My mom told me not to talk to strange perverts

if you have so little going on in your life that you don't have to worry about being doxxed it means you're so uninteresting you're not worth my time so I shant be using that phone number

i am no pervert

that movie is really good

just because you don't look the way you want to doesn't mean you're ugly.

im not giving you my phone number cara

I am fapping

can't believe this guy is still simping for ale

im ugly because i am not attractive

while posting here? what is your material?

If you're not a pervert, why are you taking pleasure in denying me my well >(You)?

>he isn't constantly edging while posting


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Giving out such an easy (You) with this economy? in these trying times?

Can't believe this.

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hes a different connecticutian

Dr. Deborah Birx is delusional

listening to this

saw a cps worker in a Yas Forums feels thread who posted about how a kid got beat to death on his watch and he missed all the signs. it was some heavy shit

What is it about you that attracts people from CT

Cara is an ugly freak and I'm glad Annie broke up with that WHORE



I remember that support from parents during adolescence and acceptance by peers greatly reduced the suicide attempt rate.
Not every mental illness can be treated in a traditional sense. For some, treatment is about ensuring the patient has a good quality of life. If transitioning does this for transgender people, then that is the treatment.

I don't gamble, I speculate and it's not affecting me negatively whatsoever

im cold like ct

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Why does everthing


has to discuss


every fucking day

it is all so tiresome

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we need to bring the percentages up

I think the place I worked in was Transcribme but I don't remember if they offer Spanish work if that's something you'd like. Try googling around, Transcription work is always In need so I'm sure there's a bunch of different companies seeking people out

Let me warn you once again that it's very repetitive work, though. It'll also take you a bit to get the hang of it so your first transcriptions or two will feel mind numbingly slow.

biden has corona doesnt he?


ive started noticing that almost every celebrity is asked to say "trans rights" whenever they go online
why do they do this

>has rapidly accelerating dementia
>hiding with coronavirus
>supposedly takes his campaign team a week to set up a simple livestream
>get sexual assault accusations
>disable all ability for people to chat or comment on the livestream

this is who the dnc chose lol

god I hope so

Why would I support my son suddenly wanting to be a woman/faggot?

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how do you get the job it sounds cool enough.

I wouldn't support him. What I would do is kill myself for failing as a father.

why do they need this reeeeeee

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maybe i should look for a job translating stuff.

that would be easier and i can write really good in spanish

Lots of job applications nowadays give "alternative" options for gender

Why do rightoids even care if AGPfags want to go down a path in life with significantly higher chances of suicide? You don’t hear them most of them with similar concerns about other risk of death issues like smoking, or speeding on the highway. Could it be that nazi faggots are just projecting their inner repression on others and also want to fuck spiders?

Because they might kill themselves because of your parenting. They didn't chose to be born anyway.

Just google around. Most companies don't require you to have any experience so it's easy to get in

bad time to get into that industry. i can right click and translate /mammi/. One thing there is demand for is bilingual support like at call centres

What’s the average period of total isolation required to turn into a complete lunatic?

tired of toil and actually having to do things during toil and not just watching tv shows for half the toil shift
last day of toil tomorrow then i get a day and ahalf off haaha

>Could it be that nazi faggots are just projecting their inner repression on others and also want to fuck spiders?

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Smoking should be illegal as well as being gay.

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Imagine being literally bilingual and being able to eat pussy and ass at the same time

i have a friend who worked at a call center for some electricity company in the united states

he told me every week he would call some nigger family and they would cry about getting their power cut because they had someone on life support.

>tfw no smoking, spider gf

big peepee

i love smoking

i am afraid of the rona ngl but that won't make me stop now

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>They didn't chose to be born anyway.
True, but I didn't spend 18 years of my life raising a son for him to one day tell me that he wants to suck cock and doesn't want to pass on his genes

122 years, 164 days old. She smoked.

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this is my logic for abortions being legal
most people dont ask to die but nobody asks to be born either

All humans should have access to legal, cheap or free, medically assisted suicide.

ngl the only reason im in favor of abortion is because its the woke thing to do
i do not like abortion
i think this too

So you subject him to alienation to the point where he sucks cock anyway and then just kills himself because his daddy didn't love him.
Dead people reproduce the same as gay people.
If you want to spread genes go to a sperm bank.

Phone posting sucks. Gonna just play video games instead

Any woman with such outrageously bad mothering instincts as to not only want to commit infanticide, but to actually think it’s the morally right thing to do, doesn’t deserve to pass on her blood, so I support it and it is morally right for them to do it but only if they want to, because they want to

why do you hate ypipo

>Dead people reproduce the same as gay people
Wow are you seriously saying we should kill all gays right now wtf shitaly

abstinence is the same thing as infanticide, murderer

I wouldn't disown him until he actually tells me he's a faggot though. Of course I'd try to get him some help to cure his mental illness especially if he told me he's trans

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I love everyone.

I'm a big fan of the smoking aesthetic but I can't stand the smell

It’s just a cluster of cells in a tissue, bigot

smoking is disgusting it stains your teeth and you smell bad

but when i stop smoking for a bit and smell the sweet odor of tobacco i almost fall to my knees

Just start smoking and then you won’t care :^)

No, I was saying neglecting your child and abandoning him because he won't reproduce will lead him to die and not reproduce anyway.
There's no treatment for homosexuality except acceptance, there's also no treatment for actual gender dysphoria that isn't transitioning.

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all this talk of smoking. im going to run to the gas station and buy so camels. i hope this tastes as good as you peopel say.

Rolling a cigarette right now
My body is ready

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If I had a daughter that was raped I'd abort the cretin zygospore as well as the rapist.

Camels aren’t very good imo

>There's no treatment for homosexuality except acceptance, there's also no treatment for actual gender dysphoria that isn't transitioning.
So what you're saying is the only option for them is death?

>No, I was saying neglecting your child and abandoning him because he won't reproduce will lead him to die and not reproduce anyway.
Oh are you talking about like a sunk cost fallacy thing where you keep dumping resources into a failed project?

the best american cigarettes are raleigh, or rather, were since they were bought by lucky strike

they keep making those cigarettes here in mexico by the brand "luckies" but i don't know how it is in america