Is there a biological explanation for this?

is there a biological explanation for this?

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what I hate about lynn's datasets is how every country posts the most favourable version, zero objectivity

IQ is a meme

africa not smart
south america not smart
china lie
korea smart

Lack of nutrition and proper infantile care.

yeah, like that would make a difference over 5+ successive generations

Fake doctored data


quite simple: lack of ice age glaciations
far east asians and europeans are the only ones who had alpine ice age climate
only ones selected for impulse control, long term thinking, development of better tools, better shelters, better clothing

these other 'people' had no need for intellect, they could pick tropical fruit at any time, just needed to be athletic and aggressive

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Yes. I tell you every thread but you are too cowardly to reply to me.

>cranial capacity correlates strongly with intelligence
does this mean that manlets are on average dumber?

>you are too cowardly to reply to me.

Im not a coward, I dont reject facts like you do

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Yes. Within race, height correlates with intelligence. But intelligence correlates more with body size adjusted cranial capacity than absolute cranial capacity (but both correlations are positive)

Between races, intelligence has a weak negative correlation with average height.

and asians on average are smaller too. Their brain to body ratio is even more superior than others.

so there's nothing to do with the arrangement of cortical neurons (their packaging and connections), its just down to MOAR CORES aka volume? then why was einstein's brain only around 1230g

Please tell me how Lynn went to North Korea and got the Norks to do IQ tests. Please tell me how Lynn went to the Congo and got illiterate militia men to do IQ tests.

Not defending Lynn but IQ tests don't require any kind of literacy. They measure pattern recognition.

we all know he extrapolated neighbouring data for 108 nations and that E. Guinea was 10-13 yo mentally challenged children in a spanish institution, and they manipulated the datasets according to economic performance, and that China was modded and qatar not provided the benefit, and that he purposely withheld african 78-83 datasets fearing they 'wouldn't be representative' while working with less for other countiries

and how Poland and Ireland magically shot up the past few decades, etc

still there are differences in intelligence but they're overblown by insecure autists or supremacists with dunning-kruger and an inability to properly interpret studies

There were no IQ tests done. Lynn is just guessing based on his civilizational power ranking fanfic guide. You have to be completely idiotic to think 2 """"Doctors""""" went to 190+ countries, most of which are completely inhospitable shithole warzones and got people to do IQ tests.

why is Ireland so low?

Friendly remiender that the brownentinian post this everyday just because he felt really happy when he found out Argentina isn't "that bad" with respect to other LATAM countries, according to Lynn's pseudoscientific research. lmao


How come people never reply when this argument is brought up? I'm fully prepared to let either side convince me but this is always where the debate ends.

lmao there are 1.6 billion+ East Asians. NK has a population of 25 million.
I mean I know math is hard but even monkeys can comprehend the scale and see that even if NK has an average IQ of 50 it doesn't change the statistics.


>why are countries poor
>because they have low iq
>proof: iq of these countries which we correlated from economic data

wow that makes perfect sense. definitely no circular reasoning here. fuck richard lynn. he should be sued for libel

all of us here are waiting for the new golden age, third golden age

first golden age of humanity was when greeks and romans made democracy, this created golden age of civilization (africa failed this step)
second golden age was when humanity separated the church and the state, this again created wonderful steps forward in civilization (middle east failed this step)
third golden age will be when we realize races arent equal (briefly here and there we made some progress, but collectively we all failed this step)

imagine how fucking amazing would it be, to have whole eugenic ethno states where everyone is 130+ iq
meanwhile we still have literal tribal africans and fanatical muslims

Where did you get the notion that size is the only cause of IQ differences? There must be other factors. For example, just by looking at the head size to IQ correlation, you would expect East Asians to have an even greater IQ advantage over Europeans than they actually do in reality.

>average IQ
you don't know how stupid you sound when you say this.

why would different geographies, different diets, different climates and different differences over 150 thousand years of separate evolution and zero interbreeding produce THE SAME iq?

how is equality even scientific???

just search IQ data on the web, these retards are coping muh pseudoscience, but the data is out there.
If I spammed this thread with data, this retards will end up saying that IQ doesnt matter in the end

because there is nothing to argue. its literally just a matter of fact that is admitted by Lynn himself. It's literally just guessing. No actual significant number tests took place and funnily enough the tests that did happen were grossly doctored when it didnt fit his fanfiction of brown people = dumb.

The guy is a fucking scam. I'd be more inclined to think brown people were stupid if he actually was honest enough to go to all the countries in the world (or at least a great majority of them) and have like 100 randomly selected people do IQ tests.

He has a formidable IQ of 93, he musn't be taken lightly

because very few people are knowledgable enough in psychometrics/history to accurately comment. there are differences and everyone loves to end the debate there, but what about deeper explanations?

because that's always how the argument is pushed, you're the first in a while with a more nuanced appreciation of it

my guess is that ingenuity relies on greater communication between specific contralateral hemispheric areas, a mix of good analytical reasoning and intuition

lol how much of serbia would be obliterated if 130 was the cutoff point? a near total amount. heck the british or french mean would do serious damage

>just search IQ data on the web,
look at this dummy, even if it were true you're obligated to read the methodology and examine the rigour

I can easily produce a few datasets and push argentina all the way up to 100 and put it on the web for you to run around with

you say that but i believe democracy is gay. if you came here you would believe me.
plus idiots need to exist. they just need to be subdued under a brutal caste system and not be allowed to own weapons. they also have to be white so they don't endanger the privileged

Lmao, Nepal's colour and number don't match on this map. Considering how the creator is probably a white or Asian trying to show their "superiority", they sure are dumb.

stupid argentine faggot never replies to me. How the fuck did ANYONE get into North Korea and have people do IQ tests? Literally how its not conceivable how this is possible. You'd have to be a retard to think this actually happened.

>just search IQ data on the web,
Wtf? Is that supposed to be your argument?

not sure what you recurringly argue about with him but do you really believe niggers are human?


Africans are not as stupid as you think.

It’s just black American niggers that give all black Africans a bad rep

>U.S hispanics: 95
>Argentina: 93
If you accept this graph as the absolute truth, then you have to admit that chicanos are superior to Argeniggers like you

millions of africans got enslaved by a handful of american niggers lmao

what is the biological definition of humanity or species inclusion? Let's see your version

easy those numbers are inflated by 'hispanic whites' with greater euro admixture. argentina has southern italian mix so even worse

on average, yes


lol, you really have an inferiority complex do you?


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I’m Mexican and I tested at 124 in middle school. I went on to get a BS in biochemistry from UCLA and now I bottle skincare cream for $14 an hour at a lab because IQ doesn’t mean shit.

I think brain size correlates with IQ at about 0.4 or maybe slightly higher if measured by MRI and controlled for sex and body size. I'd be very surprised if any other single physiological neurological measurement can approach a correlation that high. It seems size is the main driver, with the other things being snaller modifiers.

Attached: Fig3.png (1080x1080, 266.22K)

>somalia iq = 68
>literally defined to be clinically retarded requiring state employed tard wranglers to wipe one's own ass
>somehow manage to conduct international piracy capable of requiring United Nations/NATO task force to stop

>non-humans can inseminate and generate offspring through whites
get to work with your paper you're onto something groundbreaking

no, you're the 100th latino poster who has done this, I've seen it countless times. I know sudanese people are stupid too on average, i am just here to laugh at self-hating chicanos/latinos desperate to associate themselves with whiteness

We had a hereditary dictatorship thanks to anglos[ranas] and caste system which lead to majority of population basically segregated to pursue education then open border policy happened with india n 1950's which made india easy to poach our talent/migrate .We had 48 literacy rate in 2001.More or less same with india due to caste system i presume

Irish aren’t white, this is well known. They’re Iberian, who are in turn North African.

Honestly I don't understand how people can find the results credible. I get that polfags want browner people to be dumber but why are they so over the top about it? How can the average IQ in ethiopia be 62 and it still exist as a society? That would mean the average citizen would literally be on par with a mentally handicapped person. So a bunch of literal retards managed to repel an invasion by Italy?

Japanese IQ is the highest in the world. This is why we can make anime and Nintendo.

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shut the fuck up spic

source on that image, you've piqued my curiosity, I want to see how it was built esp. the mixed part

and they operate a global airline too, something is amiss, but poltards will say, those scales aren't even, 62 on one against the european mean isn't the same as 75 being the clinical definition in another set

You shut the fuck up sub 95-IQ potato nigger

you need to go back fucking paco

Argentinans are predominantly european, they are not self hating.

>anime and Nintendo

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You need to go back smelly Fenian ape

But between races, you may be more right, in some cases. For example, Inuit have the largest head sizes, yet only have an IQ of 91. Pumpkin Person's theory is thst low population size means less probability of generating novel IQ boosting mutations involving neural connections, and Davide Piffer believes it's the increased completion and selective pressures of densely populated civilizations that cause these new mutations thst Inuit lack, despite having large brains as a result of adaptation to a cognitively demanding tundra environment.

your skin looks like puke lmao

>i am just here to laugh
>his posts are pure seethe


Your real country is a giant bog that smells like shit loool

Latinos are white, non whites who inhabit latam are not latinos but injuns

i thought the europeans (indistinguishable) were a minority, either way, good for them

>pure seethe
you see me through the screen? You're just latching on to the first nonwhite because that's your MO, polstyle

If I came at you with a german flag (proxy) you'd be grovelling like some of the brazilians or shouting achmed

cant take any data for china seriously.
everybody knows its all faked for propaganda

this is my real country

>Latinos are white

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dont we have industrial mechanization to cover all the idiot needs?
also, democracy (the real thing not this bullshit we got going on atm) while flawed at least it unties our hands to do productive shit instead of just massive constant barbarism as you have all over outside the white world
if we can at least vote and rule ourselves with laws, we save all this time we would otherwise spend killing each other non stop over property and work and rules

rule of law is at least less time consuming than rule of warlords, think of all the fucking work you gotta do going around beheading people and shooting up villages as they do all over africa, lat. america, etc

>self-hating chicanos/latinos desperate to associate themselves with whiteness
That's called mongrel complex by the way. Sadly, the browner the Latino, the more insecurities he carries on. lmao Just look at this thread.

No it’s not, go back across the ocean where you came from you fucking Mick.

Nordids are a minority but people who are predominantly euro are not

No racial differences whatsoever

Attached: Alabama State HBCU.webm (320x240, 2.94M)

>How can the average IQ in ethiopia be 62 and it still exist as a society?

its pretty easy when you are one of the worst and less advanced societies in the world and all your technology was invented by other people

nobody says there are no differences, the discussions are whether it's inherent or environmental

*competition, not completion

>i am just here to laugh at self-hating chicanos/latinos desperate to associate themselves with whiteness
Basically they are told by their elites to hate themselves and their migration past
Here is video briefing of that phenomenon. So they are desperate to throw natives under rug,hate their mix culture and be recognized as whites.

>text is in Japanese

half those countries didn't even have an iq tests taken + theres environmental factors as well and lack of nutrition like said.

if it was a fair playing ground most of those countries with sub 85 IQs would have close to 85 if not more. Someone should raise a group of healthy children with an education from each country and test them.

is that why argentina is still a country?

>IQ map

Imagine believing in this faggotry

If you're skin is the color of poop, you have poop brain


Anyone that posts this retarded study ironically has a low as fuck IQ and hasn't read a single academic paper in their lives, if you check Lynn's sources you'll realize that this is perhaps the most unscientific """study""" ever made. Just an example, the IQ score of Guatemala is based on a study made on poor, malnourished rural children meanwhile the IQ scores of developed countries are from adults, some countries don't even have IQ scores available so Lynn basically pulled the results out of his extremely dishonest ass and calculated them based on neighboring countries that did have IQ scores available (and again, the only scores available from those countries were taken from a study that measured the cognitive ability of children with birth defects or some shit)

>inherent or environmental
I sure wonder which one

Attached: American schools 2020.webm (404x720, 2.94M)

Yes latinos are white and most mexicans are not latino.
You are an injun not a white aryan latinx
If you are brown you are not a latinx aryan, you are an injun

90% of the board's racial discussion is being pushed by latinos, chicanos, some greeks and 1-2 nafris

not even an exaggeration. Whites can have similar racial beliefs but they're never this obsessive


>latinos, chicanos, some greeks and 1-2 nafris
I am none of those, not even wh*Te.

Latinx are predominantly euro thus white.

Guess my IQ

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Like i said you can watch this video for their self hating image [

>accepting facts means that you associate yourself with whiteness
