This is a brazilian classroom, can you fucking imagine what a COOF can do? god help us all

this is a brazilian classroom, can you fucking imagine what a COOF can do? god help us all.

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wtf brazil is white??

>middle schoolers in brazil have full beards

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Public universities are hell.

Universities around here closed weeks ago and everybody has been moved to online classes. Brazil truly is 3rd world.

15 million dead Brazilians

like for example?

imagine the smell

This picture is old.

Universities are closed since last week...

Never noticed that there was a person with a mask in that picture and i've seen that picture a million of times. In fact I've never seen people use those medical mask in public before this corona virus thing. Was that already normal in our universities?

it is popular with otaku and weebs

A Scandi’s worst nightmare

Imagine a place where you can get beatup for not liking socialism.

It's ground zero for feminism and all king of faggotry.

Public universities used to be the best ones in the country during the military regime, but when we got democracy, it quick became controlled by leftists, and those started to fight to see who had the most leftist ideas.
Now people don't even hire other people who studied in public universities.

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You sound like an American

>human contact? disgusting

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>hating degenerates is american

user, even Che Guevara shoot faggots...

noooooo, you can't discuss politics in the university, you can't create political parties inside universities nooooooooo

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Hilarious that people get this butthurt when Universities don't act like military academies. Don't get too mad because your cousin learnt about sexual freedom once she was allowed to think, Paulo.

>user, even Che Guevara shoot faggots...

Which makes it all the more ironic that retarded American college sjw's love to wear Che shirts around campus.

>allowed to think
Imagine being so much of a NPC that you can't think about something unless a teacher explain how to do it in a classroom, like ideas need to be unlocked after doing a bunch of tasks.

Thank God I'm not a humanities student. 100% free of leftists, faggotry and feminism.

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lmao ok, people who learn from those who have more experience are NPCs

I'm gay myself and I don't understand why gays are leftists.

Leftists hate masculinity. Gays like men not women. They want all men become sissy faggots and feminine.

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>Che Guevara shot faggots
Are you sure? I'm pretty sure that was Castro

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user, most public universities are just a place to buy drugs nowadays.
In 2018, they banned the police from the campus, because "reasons" and what followed was hilarius.
It beggan with people getting mugged inside the campus and ended with girls being raped in bathrooms by criminals because there was no police and the students where too much of a pussy to do something when they hear the screams of help.

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The ones that can't learn or think by themselves certainly, yes.

You can't restrain someone's thought.

Imagine the smell....

Why we don't send all these monkeys to China? Just imagine these monkeys in China lel

Me in the middle

I disagree with the first post but I also despise such people.
Yeah that was the point. It goes both ways.

t. too dumb for being accepted in one
Try enem next year again, brainlet

The nigga holding his nose? Yep that'd be me

Why are there so many people going barefoot in class?

Leftists are not normal people. Normal people

why not

It's a classroom full of leftists. I don't need to explain nothing anymore.

That must be southern Brazil

Because going barefoot at any time in public is gross, even wearing sandals to class is really weird.

>Yeah that was the point
Then why do you think that "my cousin" couldn't think before and needed his "freedom" license to do so?

t. never stepped a foot in any uni
Shut up, schizo

Ohh yeah, they don't see the irony of wear a brand t-shirt with the che face on it.
Both. Most homosexuals where shot or deported to USA.

Also, one of the first things that the Soviet union did was outlaw homosexualism in 1922. It did got allowed until Stalin took the control and made homosexuality a crime (1934) punished with 5 years of hard work in siberia (a place where most people don't tactically come back).

They claim that the right is dumb, and don't read, don't know history, but holly shit, they literally want to get shoot.

>The ones that can't learn or think by themselves
The definition of Source: my ass

>Southern Brazil

Go fuck yourself. Normal people behave the same here.

Graduated in Computer Networks in 2017 by UNIVATES, elected by the MEC in 2019 the best private university in south Brazil.

Federal university used to be good. Really good. But now it stink like a mixture of Mortadela, weed and urine.

fucking Humanities scum

It's common in brazilian culture to be barefoot or wear flipflops and remove it to be comfortable barefoot. Amerindian culture
Except in São Paulo, but every brazilian hates SP anyway

Shitposting level: Above 8000.

Only leftist monkeys behave in this way in our university from Manaus.

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This is not a common high school classroom, it's an university classroom filled with Humanities students. They adore poverty, degeneration and misery, which explains the image.

Because your post said that universities are ground zero for feminism, which by the way is true, it's just that people are left free to decide whether they want to take it in as one of their beliefs or not, they're not indoctrinated and pushed into it, yet it spreads more in faculties. And the reason is that there's greater circulation of ideas in universities than there is elsewhere. You're just upset that people's thought isn't currently bent in the way that you'd like.

This. Same shit here in Fortaleza. Jeans and tenis are the norm. You only see these freaks in humanities. All humanities should be private. This is a waste of public money.

That is definition of a NPC. Non Playable Character, someone that can't control themselves and their ideas. A character whose existence is pre-programmed.

He is not me. We just share the same flag, he is the one I am currently disagreeing in different bullshit in this same thread.

Looks comfy to me. I would date the cute guy with glasses touching his nose.

My Uni doesn't look like that keep coping

>MEC in 2019 the best private university in south Brazil.

You say like if this means shit.
If your College isn't UNICAMP, USP(non humanities) or Mackenzie you can't claim you studied in a good university.

Then I believe I didn't say anything about your cousin, if that wasn't you.

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You never stepped a single foot in a actual federal uni schizo

You will never see anyone barefoot in south brazil. Our feets are too soft...
And most places don't allow you to enter wearing flipflops.

Yeah, i extrapolate a little bit.
Also, i did try and pass to enter a federal university, but i could not believe that the classes where during the day. I rather work and gain experience (in it, experience counts much more than a graduation).
Also, the curriculum was quite shitty. They had "basics notions of self higene" in the first semester, and i was WTF, what are those people doing?

Didn't meant to quote (you)

Asides from the fact that it's corona season time i don't see a problem with that. Just annoying if you want to take notes and have no table for yourself

3 of those are mine.

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I study a course in the humanities category in one of the biggest and most prestigious public universities in brazil and i never ever had a class or even a lecture this full in my life. People love to share shocking things that aren't actually true.
The only time I saw an auditorium this full was during a very important assembly that need all students from each specific course. Very rare and unusual.
But anyway, I don't see the problem there. I personally go with closed shoes because I'm a germofobic but it's totally natural in brazilian culture to see people wearing flipflops.

Stop trying to make your agenda work if you don't what the reality is. Yes, public universities have lots of problems but we still are the group that makes science in this country, no private uni compares to the prestige, opportunities and knowledge from public universities. It's the public universities that are making relevant science from Brazil to the world.

why do they look so old?

"Basic notions of self higiene"? Doesn't sound like the name of a class, more like some pre-class lecture for courses related with medicine

This is obviously from a Uni or something like that.

the schizo doesn't speak english very well

Strange, i went to the site, and it was not part of the curriculum anymore (many, many years since i looked it up).
But now there is "Aspectos Gerais da Cultura Indígena, Africana e Afro-Brasileira" as part of the curriculum.
30 hours. I don't think blacks and injus have that much things in their culture to talk about 30 hours...

Yes, you did. My posts relating to your discussion. Not like it matters anyway.

Estadual, graduated two years ago.