
praise kek edition

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are brazilians white? (obviously i don't mean the black/mestizo ones)

who fucking cares


Mama said we were good kids

If the glove doesn’t fit
You must acquit

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despise most of the australian posters apart from the one who calls people anime mongs

big words from a small man


lockdown is a bit of a piss take.
can't drive anywhere to exercise.
so it's somehow more effective social isolation for me to jog in the parks in the city where everyone else has to do it than it is to drive a couple of miles out of the city and jog in a quiet field?

t. fat bastard
im big (tall)

go outside

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why does everyone think he's guilty?
it's because he's black isn't it

I still have to go to work
it's fucking shit just want a holiday like everyone else

The evidence is pretty strong

some of you have never had long and deep online conversations with cute German/Austrian girls and it shows. they're the best conversationalists I've ever met

Come join me in Redditch

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i have a workout facility in my apartment. i'm stuck inside and am working every other day because i have nothing better to do.

got way too fuckin stoned lads

Tuesday new cases: 43744
Wednesday new cases: 48461
Thursday new cases: 60829

when do you reckon it'll plateau?

Mum is now making myself & my Dad leave our shoes at the door because they might be carrying Corona virus. Jesus christ lads, perhaps I should just take the short walk to the M1 & step out infront of a truck.

Feels like pure shit just want him back


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what do you do?
I feel bad for retail workers
earning sit pay, have to work, nobody worshipping them like the NHS

The rest of the UK outside major cities sometimes has a twee historic feel to it that is quite cute but not something that interests me as a place to live. London is one of the greatest places to live in all of Human history. People, thousands of years from now, will read books about life in London and what we got up to. Millions around the world dream of living in London. It's absolutely fantastic.

they ALL have bad breath

yall fellas learnin any languages or just sticking with the one? might learn me some greek

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Brazilians are made up of favela dwelling crime monkeys and their european overlords.

Sick of this quarantine business

government department that has nothing to do with health/hospitals etc
aust gov has said the federal public service is considered essential which is idiotic because 90% of the departments do other stuff

what the fuck man
why is BBC shittalking our quarantine rooms

Oriental way is superior desu. Why would you drag dirt all around the house when you can have slippers by the entrance?

learning spanish but honestly find it really boring
romance languages are just soulless


I’ve been on and off trying to learn Spanish for many years

wait nevermind, they deleted the article

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German girls will make you fall in love with them then they'll sociopathically pretend you never existed when they get bored

>Live in uni halls
>99.9% of people have gone home
>3 exceptions (out of about 300 people)
>1 is right across from my window
>the other is the guy right next to me screaming into his mic playing CSGO 24/7
fucking little bastard
let me have the flat to myself you twat

It's a virus, its going to burn its way through nearly 100% of the population. All quarantine measures are doing is trying to slow the pace so the world's woefully inadequate healthcare systems (no disrespect to them, nobody could prepare for this) can have a better chance at treating the more seriously ill and have less occurrences of "choosing who is going to die" which is already happening.

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detroit seems nice

tell him to be quiet

it's the same here. government forcing all these small businesses do close but the fucking parking wardens are still out giving people tickets for the councils. so it's alright for them to keep making money off the people while they aren't allowed to

Toca me pene puta
Sabe pa jajajajaja

national geographic tier

Shut up you little pube muncher

shadilay lads

Software engineer

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This is genuinely what the baboons did on top of our car when i went on a safari as a kid

the 'rents enjoying social distancing

the abos and pygmies
can barely beat monkeys
on iq tests

leave the house for a bit tomorrow, come back and start having violent coughing fits
then you will have the flat to yourself

be quiet you ape

forgot photo

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Not sure how it works over there, but when the CDC here quarantines someone and they die you'll never see them again pre-cremation. Its not up to you, from the time of positive test results to destruction of the body the government has them. You'll be saying goodbye over the phone if you're lucky.

Solution to the coronavirus? Simple remedies that have been used for centuries. Raw garlic and onion. Also honey.

Damn I'd love to shag her

monkeys cant take iq tests silly

I definitely think many departments do need to keep running like the tax/finance lads, foreign affairs, internal security etc but my dept doesn't do anything overly essential and we could definitely be working from home at least instead of doing officetoil

developed a habit of chewing my hair



Complete nonsense.

Bestiality is illegal you sicko

as long as you aren't giving people parking tickets you're alright by me
if I were your boss I would send you home bruce

yes youtube.com/watch?v=vz9XHsctOtc

I want to smell Emma Watson’s stinky farts.

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am I reading this correctly?
I'm Year 3 out of 4 for a Masters

does this apply to me?
I'm 99% sure it does but I just wanted to double check

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What did you think they're allowing visitors? Medical staff that encounters a potential patient is ordered to take extreme precautions. My mother is an ICU nurse and this shit is no joke. It isn't the flu bro, this is the plague.

If you're doing a masters shouldn't you be smart enough to make sense of it?

funny that it must melt british peoples minds to see houses that big with yards and they are like 400k


sucking an ape

90% of people could do a masters with their eyes closed
it's a walk in the park

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yes but English is my 4th language and it's 3:30am so I'm uncertain

i accidentally saw the sonic film tbf lads
it was alright except the guy's wife was a fucking baboon

are you a returning UG student?

you lot could learn a thing or two from this to curb your racism

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>English is my 4th language

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It's very easy to forget we actually left the EU this year

yes but I'm just kind of incredulous they'd wipe out everything we did this year
we did a LOT of shit

If a patient dies, they aren’t necessarily cremated, some are buried and given a proper funeral depending on the will of the deceased.


>4th language
what nationality are you?

So is racism?

south asian for sure the disgusting paki twat. bet he reeks of curry

Shagging a tissue

monolingual mong
I'll give you a clue
My first three languages are Gujarati, Hindi and Punjabi

might have the rona lads. in one of the biggest hotspot areas in the country and have had a headache the past two dasy

I don't want the virus lads
Don't let it get me
Curse those bat eating ching chongs

No it isn't.

Mmmmmmmm curryyyyy

lmao come on lad, when a man knows 4 languages the first three can't be regional dialects from the third world.

WHAT do you know, I guessed it easily

the only one that counts is hindi

why did literally every grunge band come from seattle

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Hello Kenyan.

You wont die

Gujarat and Punjab are 2nd world.
Uttar Pradesh and Bihar are 3rd world and Kerala is 1st world.

India is a land of contrast.
shut up fatty


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cos that was the so-called scene there before it went global init

Because Seattle is 2 sad 4 u


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because all of them copied each other
except stone temple pilots, they're based

whoever posted this album thanks, I haven't listened to the Kinks in ages, and I've never heard this album.

Its the apocalypse.

Have the Chinese replaced Pakistanis as this general's most ire directed ethnic group?

The gf has been quarantined with her male flat mate for 2 weeks now. Haven't seen her, just ft and text.

Wouldn't give a fuck if he we werent handsome, but alas he is and of course the other female flatmate went back to her parents.

she's got his beans up her minge



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>my gf's flatmate

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Alright, lets run through that scenario.
>virus can survive up to 17 days on a surface without a host
>aerosol form has an unknown survival time, mixed study results
>this virus has tanked global economies and put more people out of work than anything anyone alive has ever witnessed
>confirmed host dies
>medical staff quarantined as soon as contact with the patient is confirmed
>National Guard setting up posts to handle potential patients
>Some of the world's top cities locked down on levels we've never seen in our lifetimes
The Boston Marathon Bombings are a fucking minor hickup compared to this shit. I can't even walk into an HVAC supply house anymore, they have special protocols for that shit right now. You really think someone's last will and testament is still a valid reason to risk spreading the plague to anyone at this point? Shit, you can't even legally gather for a wake bro, get your head out of your ass and analyze the situation. We're way beyond the standard legal protocols right now in all but the most backwoods of counties and they're gonna get it soon too.

does a woman expressing her sexuality with other men threaten you?
would you have her strapped to chains in your basement like all the other men?

Yeah right.

Not reading this dogshit, fuck off

you know what they doin right?

does he really

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Have you seen the bathtub video? If so, do you think it's her?

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undeniably based

why do you do it lad

good LAWD I want mulatto gf



You ostrich ass motherfuckers are what got us into this mess, you fuck off witcho bird ass

So if your family member dies you won't see the body and they'll be cremated?

The bathtub video is Emma no question. I have my doubts about the vibrator video though.

>witcho bird ass

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quarantined without visitation due to plague. Thats where we're at.

can only imagine how many times youve wanked to it

what bathtub video?

That guy is spouting nonsense.


Should just carve out a piece of the woods, as our forefathers did.

Thoughts on a career in the law?


imagine having a gf and letting her live with another man
peak cuckoldry



>Gujarati, Hindi and Punjabi
Are they really that different? I figure this is on the same level as speaking Spanish and Portuguese, or even High German and Bavarian