Our media reeeeally dont like the guy.
So i want it straight from real americans:
good or bad? what has he done anyway??
How has he handled the Corona crisis?
Other urls found in this thread:
i don't think he's handling it very well. i mean, he's essentially letting the individual states deal with the problem but that's just creating competition for supplies on the market and driving up prices. lacking a containment policy for the whole of the states just means states that do quarantine will drive away infected people to surrounding states. there is a lack of coordination with the effort and that's why this pandemic will last for several months in the states without centralized cohesive effort.
i keep hearing that he's bungled it but i don't know what more he could have done short of welding people's doors shut, which would not fly in this country. i don't think it was really on his radar when it was only in china and kinda just a meme, which would've been the best time to act
Should've called for nationwide lockdown a week ago. He's a fucking idiot, talking about beautiful packed churches on Easter and shit. Fucking retard
I don't know how anyone can say he's handled it well, considering how quickly the USA took the #1 spot in terms of cases (and probably not too far away from #1 in deaths either).
He's been fine but our government overall has handled it TERRIBLY.
Crime is de facto 'legal' in a bunch of cities, or will be very soon.
why is anyone surprised we became the #1 nation for COVID-19? we're the third most populated country in the world and can't lie about our numbers like china
The ony shitty things he's done was pretend it didn't exist for two months, announce he takes no responsibility for anything, then give a private patent to a company that's using tax money to develop a vaccine.
Otherwise he is getting some shit done.
>fucked up with the cruise ship
>told his retard followers that the virus was a hoax
>said he would use War Powers to manufacture supplies but didn't do that
>currently blocking attempts to get supplies to hospitals that need them
Our country is on fire.
he literally said he doesn't take any responsability what a coward cuck
Trump doesn’t have the power to do a nationwide shutdown, and he doesn’t have the power to end the particular shutdowns either.
We got our shit kicked in cause New York and New Jersey took forever to shut down schools because they were worried about black kids not getting their school lunches.
We're number 2 in cases, China is still in front, since they falsify their information.
the failures of the democratically aligned government are thrust upon out of desperation. His management of the crisis has been impeccable and the recent surge is down to shitty governors
USA and Europe aren't really comparable using raw numbers though. I would say we're both equally fucked. Europe has more cases rn but USA will catch up
China is of course most likely lying about their numbers.
I don't necessarily agree with how Trump has handled it but I don't really know what I would do differently.
>retarded brit can't understand how more tests lead to more cases
Last I heard the UK has barely done over 100k tests while having a mortality rate 3 or 4% higher than the US.
The only ones testing more than the US now are Germany and maybe south korea if they still even need to do mass testing.
>>currently blocking attempts to get supplies to hospitals that need them
why tho
because we starting ramping up testing, we have done 300k tests in the past 4 days and 100k just this past day
>told his retard followers that the virus was a hoax
exposed yourself as a retard who gets all his news from twitter sound bites with this one, gonna have to disregard everything else you posted
>His management of the crisis has been impeccable and the recent surge is down to shitty governors
Every single line of this is wrong. Are you retarded naturally or are you paid to be this way?
Reminder that Trump doesn't care about you, the "white" race or anything that isn't Israel or money.
Fake news, or classical out of context quotation
So many Bernietards who get their news off Twitter here. None of this stuff actually happened
What a garbage headline. Seek mental therapy in the form of a bullet to the brain.
The only thing he's said is that people need to be able to work again while practicing appropriate safety measures. Those measures include staying home and away from people should you feel the symptoms or test positive.
People would rather have a duplicitous smooth talker like Clinton or Obama. Sick
Trump tried to cut funding for the CDC pandemic response twice. Congress blocked him both times and increased the funding instead. The government is doing a decent job but its not thanks to Trump.
Leaders all over have come or will come to the same conclusion. Countries or states cannot sustain this type of behavior for an extended period of time.
Heres a video of how Trump addressed the corona virus during the lead up to now and how he called it a hoax.
If you could put a link where he actually says those things out of his own mouth or off the tips of his own tumbs I'd be appreciative.
Bad, he's did nothing besides impose some travel restrictions on China at the beginning then downplayed it for a long time and called it a hoax. Now that his corporate overlords are reeeing about the economy he's trying to force people back to work by Easter. It's shown why he's such an ineffective politician, he could have just followed the advice of various Health Administrative bodies to help prepare for outbreak and slow its spread and then go on TV everyday to suck his own dick and conservatives and a lot of Midwest Dems would have applauded him and made it almost certain he'd get reelected. Instead he's behaving in the same flighty and illogical manner he usually does.
>can't lie about our numbers
Literally the only good thing he did was quickly ban travel from China but thats ONLY because of his retarded tradewar. He legit didn't even care about the virus until 3 weeks ago, he just saw it as an opportunity to take a jab at them. Now he parades it around like "no i've always taken this pandemic seriously, see I immediately banned china"
Potus communicates using Twatter, are you saying you're better than him?!?
Numbers in Europe and USA are under reported due to lack of testing
Numbers in China are intentionally dishonest.
he had me fooled for a while, but it turns out he;s the same old idiot
Why do retards like you still say he called it a hoax? He was not referring to it in that edited sound bite you've no doubt pulled from reddit and DNC attack ads. I hope another aussie shoots up more of your non country.
I take you have proof?
really, what is he supposed to do? America's healthcare has been a divided mess for decades and that divide grows bigger with time. It spread because of the lack of testing and it's deadly because of a population riddled by comorbidities that are a result of of the healthcare disparity.
other than saying he didn't think it was a big deal, he reacted as Italy did, as Spain did, and as others did but the violin is busted out for them.
why anyone focusing on trump being le bad guy and not on china suppressing information, pressuring nations to keep travel open, and downplaying the virus until it's fucked the entire world is beyond me.
Just go listen to any of the press conferences the past few days after he expressed the desire for people to stop being told to not work. He's asked about it several times.
You know, inform yourself instead of getting shit second or third hand from others with an agenda.
Do actually believe China's numbers?
>why is anyone surprised we became the #1 nation for COVID-19?
1. you have a fraction of the population of china
2. you have a fraction of the population density of china
3. you have a multiple of health professionals and healthcare budget
4. you were infected last from corona, while china was first
5. in a fraction of the time, you surpassed china in number of cases, soon to surpass them in deaths
Nothing to see here, business as usual, amirite?
Honestly, US performing like that is not surprising, it's extraordinary and mind boggling.
>Last I heard the UK has barely done over 100k tests
You are aware we have a much smaller population than you, right? 100k tests in the UK is still higher per capita than 500k tests in the USA. And the higher mortality rate is because the death rate lags behind the confirmed cases rate, and America only broke 1k confirmed cases two weeks ago.
You do realize that anything you say is immediately disregarded as soon as you bring up hoax right?
This is a trick question since user's opinion won't be based on very many concrete facts and entirely around whether he usually pushes the R or D button in the voting booth every fall.
Funnily enough he's seen a bump up in his approval rates at like 3% aggregate. Decent chunk of Americans think he's doing a good job, and this can be easily spun into a problem that he wasn't really directly responsible for by blaming China/individual states/health care. Then again this is very small compared to other rally to the flag moments in US history like 9/11, the total number of dead hasn't come close to its final figure which could make him look very bad when he took it so lackadaisical at first, and there's a depression coming up which really pokes holes in his election chances.
He flip-flops harder than Romney ever did and inflates his sentences with meaningless word salad so often I haven't been able to stand listening to him since 2015.
I'll go listen to him this time, please don't disappoint me with this user.
Imagine actually believing the CCP
how old are you?
>Every single line of this is wrong.
Trump called it a hoax and said that the virus was like the flu. Stop trying to rewrite history because you are a feminist bitch.
Yet doing roughly the same as Europe, when considering that Europe was infected first.
Do you actually believe that Europe and North America are worse off than China?
i am. if i were in charge it would have been illegal for foreigners to enter this country for any reason long before this virus business started
Reminder that Trump is literally more left wing than Bush and has always been a literal cuckold.
I don't think any of the numvers are accurate. Chinas numbers are suspicious, but you can't just deny them outright while believing numbers from elsewhere, when pretty much nobody tests sufficiently.
He's trying to end the quarentine so the short-term impact on the economy doesn't look so bad, bacuse that would look bad when attempting reelection.
Needless to say that we need to prepare for an era of Biden memes by January 21st 2021.
He has done really bad but his party are also to blame as well
If Biden can stay lucid that long.
>Needless to say that we need to prepare for an era of Biden memes by January 21st 2021.
I dunno, Biden has been doing nothing but making more problems for himself during this pandemic. Instead of rising to a leadership role and presenting himself as a strong alternative, he's flubbed his TV appearances and people still think he's a bit off mentally. Odds are the pandemic hurts Trump's election chances, but Biden hasn't capitalized on this at all.
>when pretty much nobody tests sufficiently.
Yes, but there's a difference between intentional dishonesty andd just not having all the information, which leads to a deflation in China's numbers.
I'm fairly confident that the Western countries have an accurate death toll, but I do not share such confidence with China.
Biden has beaten Sanders (his primary objective.) It's quite obvious that he has given up on beating Trump now.
I'm already impressed he bothered to name leaders of so many other countries at the start of his latest conference, but user are you really gonna make me listen to like 8 hours of shit just so I can find some hope my president isn't trying to kill my grandma at the altar of economics?