Kraut scientist shows that corona is a meme

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well that meme is currently putting NYC's hospitals to critical capacity. so why don't you go down there and tell them that it's all bullshit?

>believing anything a g*rm says

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NYC deserves to suffer

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not that i give a shit, but i am kind of offended that people are still saying 'it's just a flu' when hospitals are nearing capacity dealing with this shit that doesn't happen with 'just a flu'.


The Americas is the "its just a flu" continent

Honestly I couldnt care less about the hundred of thousands that are going to die
In fact I am going to enjoy it

Nigga, each year 135,000 americans die of respiratory diseases

german scientist >> some leaf on an onahole enthusiast website

Tell me more about the putanha.

>well that meme is currently putting NYC's hospitals to critical capacity


It IS just a flu, corona virus family causes flus every year. A lot of these people would never go to a hospital if this panic wasn't going on.

He has to defend isra- I mean the evang- I mean Bolsonaro/Trump everyday at everycost.

she thicc

Notice that evangelists/bolso shills don't care about the earth/amazone/nature being destroyed, wich is already pretty high on the subhuman scale, but now they're ready to sacrifice millions of lives.
New level of satanism everyday.

Hope the daily israeli sperm gift is worth it.

What's the problem with defending Bolsonaro and Trump? They're both the greatest leaders in the history of mankind

I don't trust krauts


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don't even try bro, they are literally sheep, they are waving israeli and american flags in the street, i'm not joking you, this shit is actually getting me depressed

Evangelism is a destructive ideology.
Leaving the catholic church will lead brazil into bigger chaos that it already is, a spiritual one.

"Using data available from October 1, 2018, to May 4, 2019, CDC estimates that influenza virus infection has caused 37.4 million–42.9 million symptomatic illnesses; 17.3 million–20.1 million medical visits; 531,000–647,000 hospitalizations; and 36,400–61,200 deaths in the United States."

An american has said that the hospitals in NY are at the bursting point nearly every year when the flue goes around. You never hear from it because it happens so frequently and in NY, so nearly no other newspapers report it other than the cities´s.

Do they realize that israeli/americans doesnt give a fuck about them? like, at all?
The only thing americans care about is profit and fucking them over their economical interests. US has no friends.

whos this semen demon

I have seriously doubts they can even speak english or spot israel on a map
it is just hopeless

>Sulistas actually believe this.

First of all, it depend on the seaon, pic related. Some years it's 12,000 deaths. Most of the time it's around 20-30k.
And it's flu-related, not directly caused by. The number of france goes from 20,000 deaths to 500 if you count only the real cases. Probably less than 3k in the usa.

The lethality of the coronavirus is around ~20-30 times superior.

>An american has
nice source.

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The vast majority of them only repeat what their pastors say.
That's why they're obsessed with Israel.

don't even try, you're discussing with literal sheep, I can get my lab coat, make a shit 420p video on youtube and say you can drink piss to cure corona and some retard would repost it here


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Piss not, but hot water with pineapples can actualy cure the corona

compared death rate of flu vs corona

Also new york is in a total lockdown and despite that their hospitals, with major help from the federal states, are collapsing. And it's just starting.

Yeah I saw few documentaries on that, it's pretty scary (and pathetic honestly).
Pretty sad for Brazil, it deserve better.

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Like Mozart.
What's the joke here?

It's strange, it feel like they're totally unphased by facts, reality, truth, they seems to live in a different univers.

Are they in some sort of cult?

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BTW what will be Bolsonaro's strategy when the bodies pile up and you get a thousand death per day? Straight up denial? Calling it fake news? Will the fanatics eat it up?

They're a cult, yes. Their leaders have been involved in the drug trade and human trafficking.
Naturally politicians will pander for them because the favelas are usually 100% evangelical

>Are they in some sort of cult?
you could say so, this shit is brewing to some sort of Jim Jones cult of personality, anything Bolsonaro does, anything Bolsonaro says is the truth and anyone who goes against him is the communist enemy

This is Caiado, he is the governor of Goias a Brazilian state, he is a doctor and was one of the biggest allies in Bolsonaro's campaing in 2018, yesterday he said he wouldn't stop the quarentine because Bolsonaro was understimating the virus and he as a doctor wouldn't allow people dying

this is today, Bolsonaro supporters calling him a traitor and shit

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I literally have no idea. Anyway, we were fucked then and we will stay fucked in the future, I just hope people here are able to learn from their previous mistakes next time they try to elect a retard as president, but unfortunately I doubt that's gonna happen.

I think the government will just ignore what Bolsonaro want.
The government of my state just ignored what the president said. The entire country is like that, even some of his ministers know that he has mental problems

the governors are doing a really good job, yesterday all of them had a meeting WITHOUT THE PRESIDENT to discuss what to do in this crises

this shit is ridiculous.

I need to Impregnate her. How can this be done?

That's really scary, good luck to the sanes ones still in Brazil, gonna be a rought couple of years to deal with this shit.

Well Bolso's strategy seems like a political suicide, even if he "saves" the economy the death toll will be huge. Every country on earth is basically in total quarantaine/confinement right now for a good reason.

Anyway, gonna sleep, don't let them destroy your country br bros.

>compared death rate of flu vs corona
Not all corona infected are being tested, over 80% of the infected have no symptoms. It is a normal flu spreaded by retarded histerical people and stupid poleticians, that made a lot of people get infected in hospital bc they were "sick".

New vinus arrives from the east, a flu that is normal. News about a new deadly disease. "Sick" people go to the hospital, get the flu. Doctors say they have nothing. Infect everyone with the fucking flu, repeat a thousand times. Thousands of elderly people get sick and fill the hospitals that become even bigger centers of contagion. Repeat a thousand times. Then repeat it millions of times.

>Well Bolso's strategy seems like a political suicide, even if he "saves" the economy the death toll will be huge.
It's a economical suicide too.
Our economy is focused on exportation, the way things are going we'll end up producing a lot of things that we will not be able to sell

Why are there so many conspiratards in the comments?

she thicc, look at that chest and dem hips, very shapely


thicc isn't fat. Thicc is breedable

Some people are always going to be mindless followers. If you're charismatic enough or simply percieved as strong facts and proof simply stop mattering to them.

>fake tits


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go ahead and call it a flu but don't also deny it's a significantly more severe flu. panic definitely is exacerbating the situation though

Why are there always conspiritards popping up? Do these people have nothing else going on with their lives? I live in NYC and have many friends in healthcare. Most of the hospitals are already overwhelmed and it's just the start. How is it just a flu? What flu overwhelms countries so bad they have to start rationing care? Fucking retards

Forgot to add: the flu deaths are spread over a lengthy flu season. Because of the virulence (how contagious it is) it hits hard, fast, and all at once.

how can anyone think this
what kind of life does somebody have to live to genuinely believe this

He's either retarded, brainwashed, or both
They did have some good points to make while campaigning and people wanted to believe them badly enough that they elected incompetent crooks.

you are shit.

its not "just a flu": its a powered up flu, and maybe a man-made bioweapon because the virus has some atypical qualities that dont exist in other corona viruses.

thats bs: anything with vitamin c helps to improve the immune system, but doesnt kill the virus directly.
Corona exposed by Indian PhD Doctor

Ask an underground chinese lab to make a female clone from you, and then do you thing, and then die.