
Ilbe guy can fuck anyone

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Why don't white women love white men anymore?

So, as some of you may know, there is a Yas Forums equivalent in South Korea called Ilbe:


Well, as Asian incels have a tendency to do, they talk an awful lot about white people. They obsess over white women (known as the "white horse" in Korea) and detest the idea of white males taking their women.

And yet, it's a bit more complicated than that... because as South Korea is about 99.9% Korean, so too are the forum members... and yet, you frequently get individuals posting racial hierarchy threads that place white men at the top.

Let's investigate! Oh, happy day!

Above is a link to a user discussing a "white horse" (white girl) He is asking if his penis is big enough for a white girl. His penis is 4.7 inches, but he says he plans on getting surgery to increase it's length.

No, there is no irony or humor in his statements.

Here's another thread, them saying Korean women are like dogs to fuck white men, and worse stuff.

" When they come to Korea, Korean women line up and spread their legs."

And then he goes on to say that a white man in Korea is treated the same way a Korean man is treated in Vietnam (or Philippines, etc) - that is, easy sex and admiration.

However, he says that Korean men can end up with the most beautiful of white women, and it is a product of true love, and their kids will go on to be amazing - whereas white men with Korean women will have bad kids (something I see Korean posters say here frequently, weird huh).

This user puts white men at the top of the rankings and black men at the bottom. Lol.

This user says that the most beautiful race is blonde caucasians. He posts images of both men and women.

He's wondering if Indians are white. Answers are surprisingly based and redpilled.

Going to post more.

*white women can fuck anyone


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A user is wishing for all of China to be replaced with white people (don't we all?), because white women are rare minorities, whereas Asians are common place.

He is complaining about how Korean women travel to Europe/USA/Australia and fuck white men.

This one's just kind of sad.

This user posted a "white horse". The commentators get mad at him, stating she looks arabic and that she probably dyed her hair. They may fit in here after all.

One user seems to think Aussiefags are the ubermensch of white men. "More muscular

>dreads-blingbling-face-tattoo-and-crimemaxxed chink


He is also mad about American soldiers taking Korean women.

Everyone in this thread rages about how tall Dutch people (and whites in general) are. One user says he'll kill a Dutch person if he ever sees one (out of envy) so they should just dig a grave if they ever come to Korea (lol).

He's wondering why his brothers don't just admit they're smaller than whites.

Apparently, some Korean women are jealous of white women, so they call them red-skinned instead of white skinned, because of how easily white people burn. This Korean man is angry at the Korean women who do this, because he thinks white women are better. Lol.

He thinks Australians are more handsome than Americans and Europeans (yet another, lol).

He compiled a list of men who have reviewed Korean women (I'm guessing off of pickup websites) and appears to be buttblasted by it.

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This is ilbe in nutshell

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>They have a pic with both of them in it, thats mean they fucked, ahahha

kys ricecel
and she is a slavic golddigger whore

This guy seems to think it's funny that white guys sometimes like Korean girls, but also think that Korean girls lie to themselves about being the beauty standard of the world. Apparently, some Korean women have forgotten that Korean plastic surgeons based their alterations off Western beauty standards. He thinks Korean women are too arrogant.

He straight up states that white men are more handsome than Koreans. That's all. I don't know why.

This user thinks Koreans are superior to white men, stating that all Western Ivy Leagues would be Asian-only if they accepted people based off merit only.

This user talks about black men fucking white women, then speculates that some white men are racist because they have to fuck black women (???)

He talks about converting white girls to liking colored (Asian) men. Talks about raping and kidnapping. Max tier incel.

Is that a white woman?

no one cares
die white sexpat

All women like to cuck their mean, it’s a matter of how much freedom you give them, women aren’t mature you raise them

This is ilbe in nutshell
Ilbe guy conquered all women in the world HaHaHaHaHa

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She looks like a churka, so no.

This user is talking about Japan. Japan is a huge subject of interest on the forum, and they suffer a huge inferiority complex towards Japanese men as well. He's saying that Japanese women are suck ups to white men more than Korean women. Lol.

Btw, in ilbe vernacular, kimchi girl = Korean girl, sushi girl = Japanese girl. That amazing East Asian spiritual creativity at work, folks!

This user is awe-struck by a white father and his daughter. "But why do white people look so good whatever they do?" It's a picture of a bald ass dude and his daughter on a boat.

This user copes by stating that white men feel inferior to black men in terms of physicality. Yet another argument we see Koreans use on this forum.

A fun thread comparing sushi girls to kimchi girls. You can just look at the pictures if you don't want to translate the page.

A discussion about the shrinking population of white people.

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damn he so fucking ugly tho
>tiny ricedick


Not only fucked but creampied spanked face fucked and etc hahahahahHhHhHa

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This user states (almost verbatim) that "White people are truly a blessed race." People in the comments speculate that an average looking white male can come to Korea to be a model. Lol.

"White people always eat oily cheese, meaty meat, why do they have the same lifespan as Asians? I think this is unfair."

I posted this on already, it's the guy who's talking about blonde haired/blue eyed people being the most beautiful in both men and women. Well, the top comment is asking about David Gandy being the most beautiful man, so he asks if dark haired whites are actually the most beautiful. Just thought it was funny how that's frequently an argument we have here :)

This user says he knows that white men know that Korean women are easy.

He thinks Western Europe isn't worth visiting due to large amounts of Muslims

It’s over ricecels


Untreated mental illness is a scary thing


Can confirm, my cousin got cucked after 1 month of marriage!

Kek what a tiny cock

Iranaian comfort woman

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he look like a weak faggot
any BLACK BVLL or MED BVLL could steal his women and beat his ass easily

based leaf dabbing on ricecels

>comfort woman

Hahahaha they are really triggering incels here

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she look like a gook

i get happy when asians pull hot women because ik it means alot more to them.

And finally the icing on the cake . Despite how the amwf spammer and every ricecels spammer likes to present it most Korean women go for white men and not the other way around most of these photos are from paid dates and escorts.

Korean women marry white and south Asian men

Korean men marry sea Asian, central Asian and Russian mail order brides

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The main reason we need women is so that we can have children and continue our bloodline. Who cares how many men she fucks if she gives birth to your child? Her job is done.

So practicly every country is cucking korea

Op sister got probably railed by a marine

Did we ask doe

너 어쩌다가 카톡 영정 먹음 ?

French comfort woman enslaved by her korean master

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Anyone can fuck a prostitute friend

I kekked

this says the most popular foreign husbands are chinese and korean-chinese men

It’s always funny how proud asian men are when they can finally get laid lol

>comfort woman
What does that mean?


Holy cope.

Korean women are notorious whores and fucked Jap and later GIs nonstop. Koreans claim it was some sort of sex slavery and worship these comfort women for some reason

with white women, like it's a big deal

The leaf poster doesn't know how to count

a name gived to korean whores during ww2 who slurped Japanese cum
because its like an incel who scored a 10/10 girl
imagine his shock
asians are the same (exept jomon bvlls)

Same reason with black men. Conquering the conquerors. Most women are insane no matter what race.

You guys wanna be cucked????? Then come here
We ilbe bvlls will show what we got

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Honour is an idea of an era long gone. With woman empowerment and feminism in our times, the society will shift to polygamy/polyandry.

Someone brought this up in the earlier thread. But why do Korean guys do this ? Every time they get their dick sucked or have sex they have to put photos online. Literally everyone else is having sex but doesn’t feel the need to document every time it happens. It’s creepy af behaviour

They're the ones cucking you if their women are moving to South Korea and having hapa babies, dumbass. If you were moving to their countries and having hapa babies there in their countries then yes you'd be cucking them.

My dude your women literally line up to get dicked by foreigners. You fucking some ukrainian prostitutes isn’t very impressive

Speak for yourself

The biggest incels in the world. I think east asia is the only place in the world where finally getting some coochie is a huge accomplishment

We love white horse and riding then hahahahahahahaha!!!

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Ilbe is not real life you autist

this is Op grand father
what do you think ?
because its like an exploit

There is that, but selfish gene-wise you want only your genes to survive (in various circumstance maybe one of your relatives - this why some remarriage practices are like for younger brothers for the widow). So basically cucking/cheating, male or female, reduces the overall resources available for an individuals genes to pass on. Many Inheritance laws/practice also follows this.

Now your argument maybe valid if we live in perfect world with children not needing resources to survive, or the cucker cooperating with cucked to take care of all children, but in reality this is not the case. Also polyandry generally doesn't work due to biological limitations; 1 men can make 4 babies with 4 women simultaneously, 1 women can only make 1 baby of 1 man at a time regardless of how many husbando - and its usually hell for the women.

Muslim women are also starting to take part in feminism or asking for at least their basic rights in the highly patriarchal islamic countries. You aren't immune to Western liberalism.

forgot the pick

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Yes they are but they serve korean guys for free lol

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My fucking sides

Ricels got btfod so hard itt

Whites will become a minority in your country within this century though, and most Canadians will look like Elliot Rodger.

Sadly you aren’t wrong, but that doesn’t mean we should surrender.

>you aren’t immune
No one is but we can fight, things aren’t as bad here women don’t do it with other men they just like to be cocky, typical woman behaviour.

Ohhhhhh real scary Mr hue hue

British comfort woman

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