what is your favourite thing about australia
What is your favourite thing about australia
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That it's far away from here
Funny accent and slang
good anime locations
That it's nowhere close the me.
Fuck off, nerds
accent by far, people sound like they are friendly banting even when they want to kill you
shoving tim tams down my fat gob
New Zealand
The proposition
steve irwin's daughter's fat tits
I love Australian women
The girl in your pic
Your diverse range of apple cider brands I suppose. Why do Australians love apple cider so much even?
it's literally as far away from me as possible
Unique wildlife.
cider is fking gay
two of my favorite bands are from Australia
King Gizzard?
the lads
Thy Art is Murder and Amity Affliction
>inb4 emo or some other shit
It's america, but without all the worst parts of america.
>People's lives and personalities don't revolve around what political clubhouse they belong to.
>No race politics because everyone knows what abos are like and nobody wants to pretend they're equal.
>Good healthcare.
>Proper gun control so the chances of getting shot in a mugging or barfight are minimal.
>what is your favourite thing about australia
It is Western California, but with worse accents and smaller brains. It just shows isolation breeds a primitive culture.
Australia is just a southern hemisphere version of Canada
>It is Western California, but with worse accents and smaller brains.
Show education and iq sources
Most of the canadian exchange students and immigrants I've spoken to have said exactly the same thing, so probably pretty accurate.
The moments before and after waking up, when the world temporarily dissolves and I am cognitively detached from the fact that I am stuck on this godforsaken continent.
Fucking everything, I want to be Australian so bad.
>It's america, but without all the worst parts of america.
Just instead of being owned by israel your politicians are owned by chinks. Also feminism and nanny state on steroids.
>>Proper gun control so the chances of getting shot in a mugging or barfight are minimal.
No, you'll just get stabbed. Doesnt stop wogs from illegally getting them either
Can I be Australian?
not one, but two of your female citizens have agreed to have sex with me
thank you australia
anyone can be australian
Both true. Can't imagine the chink thing is gonna work up well for us at the moment. I'd rather be stabbed than shot though, better chances of surviving, requires them to get much closer, and gives me a chance to defend myself against it unprepared and without having to own and carry around a weapon myself.
As for the wogs getting them illegally thing, well, obviously. You can't completely eliminate them. Just because the chance exists someone could get one doesn't change the fact the odds are lower that any given person does have one.
Strongies used to be $10 a six pack and in a larger bottle before cider suddenly became the hip thing to drink. It went from $10 to $16 in what felt like the space of a few months and now they charge something like $20 for a fucking six pack of Strongbow.
Strongies and woodies used to be my cheaper six pack of choice. They both drastically shot up in price, both got smaller and in the case of Woodstock, the older normal sized cans are now sold as even more expensive larger sized cans.
A good thing I've since switched to wine and barely drinking.
Last year I saw a cockatoo fly into a large sign, sperg out, launch intself into an arcing circle to try and fly back over the sign, only to smash into it again before flying off in a different direction. It was pretty funny, even for the already spastic standards of cockatoo behaviour.
lole, birb
The weather
I don't like australia
the heat is unbearable and there's too much fucking asians
Your delicious, savory meat pies. Absolutely delectable and so satisfying.
The pastries with beef are good too. Hey oh!
>your politicians are owned by chink
They're owned by the same people yours are, champ. Ignore the retards who sperg out about Chinese influence, they're completely ignorant to the fact that our military is out there right now playing bodyguard for billionaires working with Israel to secure energy money from the Golan Heights. Our politicans are also bombarded with lobbyists working for the same corporate entities the ones in Washington are. Not to mention almost all foreign owned land is owned and controlled by American entities. Most Australians really have no idea just how much of a US client state we are.
Fuck of we're full
I am Vulga Greek.
once saw one perch on a weak branch, which then broke. it only seemed to notice when it was half way to the ground, then it let go and flew off
What kind of bird is a Strongie?
I love you
unironically this, you just need to speak english and drink beer
amity are gay cunts, thy art is pretty sick. what about dealer or make them suffer? theyre pretty sick too.
strongie is not a bird id say who ever the fuck your replying to was referring to strongbow. its a type of cider or some shit. don't know anything else the word strongie would be used for.
I used to watch Home and Away.
Getting ignored by a australian girl i texted
The roaming nomads on camelback
>No race politics because everyone knows what abos are like and nobody wants to pretend they're equal.
God I'm so fucking jealous of you northerners. I am from Melbourne and it's so hard to try and explain to people what abos are like. We don't have abos down here, to the leftists actually believe they're humans. I try and explain to them that a single holiday to the NT will instantly dispell any myth that abos are our equal
More like it wishes it was America
Based. I feel the same way.
You probably don't even have to send them that far away. Surely country Victoria has them.
that they establish a western white beachhead in asia. they're like a forward operating base
tanned blond surfer boys with funny accents
Nope. Country Victoria doesn't have them either. In fact, Melbourne has more abos than country Victoria.
We wiped most of them out here and replaced them with farmland.
Victoria is only 0.8% abo, compared to all of Australia which is 2.8%. and remember that the vast majority of our abos are whites who are claiming ancestry through their great grandmother so they can get an accelerated course at a private school.