I'm going to move to South America one day. I even started to learn Spanish for that purpose

I'm going to move to South America one day. I even started to learn Spanish for that purpose.
Which country should I pick?
I'm thinking of Paraguay because it's cheap and easy to acquire citizenship there, and it's a low-cost country.

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uruguay, legal weed is cash

first post /thread post

Chile is the nicest.

What is your plan to make money?

What are you looking for ?

Not true

fast citizenship
i saw OP around, he always mentioning that

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Uruguay has been known as the Switzerland of Latin America due to political and economic stability. The taxes are high and from what I read on El País, the murder rate is growing.

no idea really, I guess it'll be some sort of meme company thing. I'll force my luck and take what I can get.
unironically economic and political stability.
I just want to live my life peacefully without others (from street level to military-industrial megacomplex psychos) interrupting me, and in return I'll try to contribute to the community and fit in as much as I can.

i think uruguay is the more stable one, you should move there.

>unironically economic and political stability.
don't choose argentina

Paraguay is a good choice, only downside is that it's landlocked.

Why do you like South America?

>economic and political stability
then don't move to South America at all
orrrr if you're hellbent on it, Uruguay

go to chile, they have the biggest hdi, beautiful landscape and you be seen as white for their standard and so you will have privileges there

whatever country you pick, don't choose a city near a border, especially with brasil

Dude you live in a decent country with a growing economy that is almost first world and want to move to the third world... It's like switching up difficulties in a game from:
Medium Mode > Hard Mode.

you don't know what you are talking about.

seeing a lot of uruguay mentioned, I guess I'll look into it.
yeah it's a shame whatever the hell is going on there
>growing economy
lmao, our currency's dip after the trump tariffs was only surpassed by argentina

if you're looking for stability, South America is sadly not the place to be. Look into Australia, you already know english

You can get citizenship easy here and have free university, healthcare, etc and with dollars you're rich. But economy is fucked up and the post virus time will be hard so I won't recommend here by now

Don't discourage him. Millions of people live decent lives in Latin America. Ask all those Europeans in Medellin if they want to live in Colombia permanently, they would all say yes and you know that.

Where do you get your information?

The best place to live as a Spanish speaker is Miami.

come to chile, we LOVE turks

there are far more europeans/americans in the capital, and yes they might wanna stay, but 9 out of 10 of them aren't looking for stability. They just came chasing or trying to find pussy, also they come with money, can buy their own car or at least use uber all the time. I don't think a turkman can do that, unless he has large savings

not even Colorado?

Remember if Argentina fall, Uruguay will follow it. I think uruguay is very dependent to argentina but im not quite sure.
Chile is probably your best choice.

He ido en Colombia y he intentado de abrir un negocio pero la verdad hay demasiado corupcion y todas las caras importantes quieren plata para llevarte

pero me gusta colombia para vacaciones

medellin is shit
bogota is ok
cartagena is the best

Obviously Chile.

hahahaha what the fuck is this post

Fuck off muslim, we are full

Depends. If he wants to move to anywhere outside of Chile, Argentina and Uruguay then yes, he's mentally ill.

literally nobody who posts under a turkish flag is a muslim. our millenials and zoomers are pretty secular or outright atheisic.
besides, argentina is a pretty big country anyways.
not even brazil?
it's bad but so is turkey

>not even brazil?
Not Brazilian but have done research on living in Brazil. General consensus is that Florianópolis is decent and first worldish if you have the means to get a good job.

Agreed. You should've visited Barranquilla. The biggest issue for opening a biz here is not even corruption, but bureaucracy, that shit can drain your energy badly

Chile or Uruguay.
Besides our own problems, we're still doing better than the rest

Why don't you blend in with rapefugees and come to Germany? I'd consider that the first, if I weren't wH*te

if i go to turkey they sure kill me for be infidel, so you support UK in the falklands war. Fuck you muslim scum

No, this shithole is completely ruined. Stop this fucking meme you idiots
Same fag delusional fuck

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sure, fucker

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I just can't warm up to Europe. Sure it's nice, but I don't feel like I'd really be happy there in the same way I'd be happy in the new world.

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It is ruined, but look at the rest of this fucking continent full of monkeys. I'd rather kill myself than move to Argentina or Brazil.

Look into panama. It has a large thriving foreign community, they use the US dollar as currency, you can get by with no spanish at all. Highest salaries in Latam, near 1st world. prime pussy from neighboring and foreign countries, what's not to like

Brazil is hell, you'll get killed easily. And South Brazil is full of niggers and violence.


>Highest salaries in Latam, near 1st world
Really? I have seen programmer jobs in Panamá for like $800 a month meanwhile Uruguay as jobs for $1500-3000 USD.

In paraguay you get burger levels of freedom to buy guns if that's your thing

not really true

on average. I don't know about Uruguya much, but I don't think a job in finance pays as much as it does in Panama, or anything related to ports and maritime stuff. However, I was talking about entry level unskilled jobs, let's say a cook assistant, you make $600 in Panama, while around $300-$400 in the rest of latam

ignore him, he's a troll from the defunct 8ch. we're underpopulated and muslims here are cool, nobody other than euro wannabees and poltards think like that. our main reason to not moving here is the uncertain economic future, this year we'll see what happens

in ciudad del este I saw guns being sold openly in the markets so...

although this was in 2007

>I saw guns being sold openly in the market
yes and they sell the license to own the gun right there too.... to citizens
license to CARRY a gun is paid elsewhere tho

i'm talking about legal purchase though, illegal purchase is another endeavour altogether

When there's a will, there is a way, enjoy paraguay

How about that for shilling it to gringo tourists?

Peru is doing well. They certainly need more industrialization of their infrastructures. I rate it.

Are you 10yo? The country is going into a default, no doubt about it. You people are fucked.

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Barely anyone speaks spanish in Colorado, whereas in Miami half of the population is fluent in Spanish

>Oye papi dame un biscuit de 50 cents

Paraguay is a complete shit hole, that's why it's easy to get citizenship there.

I don't think that's the reason. We're also a complete shithole and it's next to impossible to get citizenship here for a foreigner

If you come to Paraguay you will have to learn two languages.

do you guys actually use guarani that much?
I know it's used in daily life but I didn't think that it was essential for official business

Pick a country and sell Turkish stuff.
Enjoy having an army of 50yo bored woman at you store buying a lot of shit that they don't know the purpose while say namaste to you.

Peru is poor, just like Uruguay. The only difference is that Uruguay is white that's why people think it's better.

or maybe not. you wishing it doesn't means it will happen in that way


Yeah, spanish is all you need for official business, but i juat wanted to point out that even the upper classes speak guarani so you will eventually learn some words.

it's essential for UNofficial business actually
for example if you go to the market

hey that's a good idea
i don't think South America has enough kebab shops yet

I find it to be very amazing that you guys speak guarani.