/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico

cum here babi

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Hi, I don't belong here

Just because I'm into anime lolis doesn't mean I want to rape real little girls
wouldn't mind beating up and having some pure lovey dovey sex with an anime loli though

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>into anime lolis
absolute cringe

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surprised the army didnt figure out Urkel's a pedo

then again, letting someone like him in the first place was already a mistake

shit start to the thread.

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arrrglle baglebarglebaglelflfllflelfkdlfkdlfkld
poopppie ppooooop

I'm not a pedophile though.

end your life tranny

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Bathroom's next door.

I am based

just blocked a girl I was simping on on snapchat
got a really satisfying
"why did you unfriend me :("
literally shant
dont date zoomer girls lads

tfw no ethot gf

do argentina girls like our accent

Why would you want that?

i'm not trans ._.
being into children is pedophilia, just sayin
wow, what happen there, user? something you wanna tell us?

What ftm penises look like?

but i'm a zoomer too

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>being into children
I'm not into children I'm into anime lolis

why would a kara boga bull like urkel want to be a chinaman. was it all a work

i'm not into men i'm into anime males

and what are anime lolis exactly?

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why are the germans so obsessed with our numbers bit creepy lads

zoomer girls are literally cancer
I thought she was cute with her tsundere shit at first but its their way of controlling you, thing is they think theyre so original
like no bitch, you just played yourself
date older girls like 24+

*taps sign*

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put your flags back on jason

They aren't children

you just happen to interact with bad people who are zoomers, that's all
obviously all those who are playing a character are fake

Important poll


what will alpha generation be like?

they are; the people who draw them make them with the purposed of being children, look like children and/or act like children
the fcat that you are attracted to those means you are attracted to children

>date older girls like 24+
i'm 19, what would be the benefits?

Never understood the being into anime lolis means your a pedophile
I have no desire to rape children at all.
I do have an urge to have pure sex with a cute chinese female.

>or act like children
You've clearly never seen an anime loli
they dont act like children at all.
they act more like better looking midgets.

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3 in the last month, all basically the same bitch. nah hermano, fuck zoomer girls


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screamer don't click

This thread needs tits for nerds

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>Why would someone who's born a subhuman want to become a superior race
I don't know

but urkel you are black and are a good boy

just find one that doesnt have kids, benefits are they actually know what they want, they have real world experience and dont force you to watch whatever just popped up on their feed or the latest ticktock every 5 seconds
downsides are they are just winding down from the cock carousel at that age

no he's not he's an annoying piece of shit all e-personalities are

Chinese women are extremely cute, it's a shame all of the chinese women I've talked to have rejected me but that won't stop me from trying.


I'm going to become a hermit

I bet you use reddit flags

urkel u never been to prison and are good behave

I bet your mom and your dad are the same person

I wish

you get the point of what i'm saying, don't act like you don't
those drawings are children and you like them for that fact

if "urkel" uses flags he doesn't show them.

Quarantine made me realize how terrible 98% of TV is and I regret buying bunny ears

urkel would have a gf if he here just himself

I still don't find real kids attractive

I'd have a gf if I were a chinese male

am i allowed to go outside yet

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damn... a sad peek into the pysche of urkel

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Sauce ?

Sure if you wanna get sick

would you want to go out with a girl that would date a nigger?

my biggest fear is that i have coronavirus. but still i rather have coronavirus than have cancer

I guess we really do live in a society

um no sweetie
chinese are not really seen as attractive to women


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then why are there like 1.3 billion of them?

one child policy and cultural preference for males

kys cara

yeah sure I wouldn't mind

you lack social skills

How? I've talked to them just fine
it's literally just my skin tone and nigger features





I literally havent been attracted to any other race since I was 12

nwords are way better than insectoids
>would rather live in Africa than China
>would rather a black gf than Chinese gf

>new approach
>novel approach
Why people are choosing the word "novel" nowadays?
What's the difference?

um no you didn't sweetie. they thought you were a weirdo.

a lot of asians are super racist towards blacks dude.

>>would rather live in Africa
stopped reading right there

How do I talk to women without making them think I'm weird?

wtf hiroshimoot let me post