/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends

Yeezus edition

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Uh oh

you're a dork who is just a faster poster than I am.

a DORK? What is this? The Breakfast Club?

I like that movie.


so do I my friend, so do I

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>4 Dixie related threads up
extremely based
I've seen George Washington. It was filmed in Winston-Salem.

tfw seriously thinking about doing myself in over this Coronavirus bullshit.

it's the flu

oh come on, what are you so worried about?

Anything exciting happen to you guys from Corona Summer? I saw a guy riding a Uni-cycle in my neighborhood today, so that was pretty neat.

Corona summer hasn't started yet, but I'm worried all the shit I'm applying to do this summer might get cancelled.

imagine all the newfags
this will be the summer of summers

labor contracts are technically not domestication
update on yeezus in 60 seconds

Considering painting up some schizo signs about corona and being a street corner doom-sayer

Sister is probably going to have to move back in with my parents. Dad just found out he lost his job this morning. The few friends i have live over the border and I can't see them. I was hoping this year to get a job, but that probably won't happen this year now.

do it

Yeez vs SNELL

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its cool your sister can move in with me user
does she like eating eggs

And my support worker is freaking the fuck out by the coronavirus in the media so she doesn't want to see me. Is this year indeed I say the year of the rope?

Okay how does this sound

Is he hiding from the schnell
Silly fish

snell? big fan

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no no no, it's not the bats, the pokemons did it

You could probably make a some decent cash if you bring a cup or hat with you.

Yeah but a schizo wouldn't know that

sometimes he tail swats the snail away
those rocks are his home
hes getting big for it tho

you don't know what the voices tell them

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actually, now that I think about it, preaching about the end of the world on the street corner during a global pandemic is probably not a good way to not get infected

based bowlposter

great but most people wont get it
maybe based schitzoid WOULD write that who knows
a good ol REPENT sign never hurt no-one

if drinking distilled water is bad for you since it has no minerals, how would people survive in space indefinitely if all they could drink was recycled water with no minerals
how would they get water in space anyway

i only drink minerals no water
in 2 weeks i went from incel to gigachad and this is my story:

>hydrate with water?
>nah bro fish piss in it

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when I was in elementary school, I remember that a cop was invited to visit out class and he talked about how drinking distilled water is extremely dangerous and it will kill you fast since it drains the minerals from your body or some shit

lmao just piss a little in the distilled water and mineral it up lmao

how many times do you have to drink your piss until nothing comes out?

report back


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just remembered renting a VHS copy of ghostbusters with my mom when I was a kid at the local cinema

did you know that Turks are M U S S U L M A N S

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look at this chart for zone 8 vegetable plants. most of these vegetables have 2 seasons in a year.

forgot my pic

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chart looked at

sorry ginya. your whole state is zone 7.

>Mexican protesters have shut a US southern border crossing amid fears that untested American travellers will spread coronavirus.

>Residents in Sonora, south of the US state of Arizona, have promised to block traffic into Mexico for a second day after closing a checkpoint for hours on Wednesday.

>They wore face masks and held signs telling Americans to "stay at home".

>Mexico has fewer than 500 confirmed Covid-19 cases and the US over 65,000.

top bants

virginitia is too fat to bend over and plant the seeds anyway

are they actively testing to know what their numbers are?

>implying he doesnt have virginian luxuries

what's that, a redneck sister to molest?

Every time I see someone use the word redneck as an insult I imagine Kahn being behind the post

insult? I'd love to have a redneck sister to molest, it was a compliment

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life is like a box of chocolates
the ones with coconut in them are the worst

I really like coconut

Coconut is good

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debit machines at sobeys were down
had to go to wal mart
i feel dirty

this is a hinds post


Stop trying to guess my posting pattern. Silly Czech.

missed the silliest post in the last thread so I'm going to mock it now:


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this is virginia
this is alberta
this is a flaglet


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>this is a flaglet
No that's Arbies

>this is a flaglet
arbies btfo

>Over 80,000 years ago, Neanderthals were already feeding themselves regularly on mussels, fish and other marine life. The first robust evidence of this has been found by an international research team with the participation of the University of Göttingen during an excavation in the cave of Figueira Brava in Portugal.
my ancestors :)

call me a flaglet

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could REALLY do with some curly fries rn
early humans got most of their protein from foraging tidelines as well

who the fuck is arbies, you mean the restaurant posts here?

>puck on the left
drink with me

I don't know why they keep calling the indentured servant pool oil man that

what is a flaglet

are you talking about slave lake?


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>won't drink with me

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He is Arbies

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>Until now, it has always been suspected that this consumption increased the cognitive abilities of the human populations in Africa. "Among other influences, this could explain the early appearance of a culture of modern people that used symbolic artefacts, such as body painting with ochre, the use of ornaments or the decoration of containers made of ostrich eggs with geometric motifs," explains Hoffmann. "Such behaviour reflects human's capacity for abstract thought and communication through symbols, which also contributed to the emergence of more organised and complex societies of modern humans".

>The recent results of the excavation of Figueira Brava now confirm that if the habitual consumption of marine life played an important role in the development of cognitive abilities, this is as true for Neanderthals as it is for anatomically modern humans. Hoffmann and his co-authors previously found that Neanderthals made cave paintings in three caves on the Iberian Peninsula more than 65,000 years ago and that perforated and painted shells must also be attributed to the Neanderthals.

Fish is what made Grug evolve into Greg

this is either a flaglet or ohio making a castlevania reference

>has ball cancer and parkinson's too
life needs to give this man a break

wish i took a better pic of that, kinda awkward though
should have got a pic or vid of the echocardiogram of my heart valves, shit was pretty neat to watch. literally watching your heart valvesl

this is plant

long term drug abuse will do that to a man

that video I watched on how Greeks and Italians both make olive oil was fascinating. the italians used a Centrifuge in the separation of the juices part. And whats interesting with the Greeks is they used MILLSTONES ... what is this lost technology?!

you got one!

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I can't believe that there were just multiple species of humans at one point, imagine how weird that must have been. Imagine being out minding your own business and then this thing comes up to you and starts speaking some bizarre non-homo sapien language that modern humans could never recreate.

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i am in good health despite efforts by detractors

Sometimes I think about how weird it is that I have your testes saved on my computer
Don't care enough to delete it tho

and then imagine fucking them to extinction

dang freaky looking thing. time to use this bad boy I found on the ground a while back.

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was weirder having to show your testicles to the infectious disease team