We had a 1 out of 5 chance to be born here. We missed a bullet

We had a 1 out of 5 chance to be born here. We missed a bullet.

Attached: china-india-map.gif (320x232, 29.42K)

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I think that psychologically it would have been better living in a country where the future prospects are improving, 2bh.

Sure AFTER they improve, you don't want to be the one doing the improving for other future generations to enjoy while you just die sad.

Only 1 in 5 chance to be born to the greatest civilizations in history? I am lucky.

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>greatest civilizations

Attached: chinse.jpg (882x829, 209.5K)

You didn't get it

Anyone who was born in Shenzhen in the 90s had a relatively good quality of life while still seeing constant improvement AND having access to Hong Kong.
That's the best scenario if you ask me.

>muh dick
fucking nigger

>1% chance to be born in Balkans
>still happens

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>>muh iq
100% nigger

>born Honduran
>parents just jumped the border
gg ez clap

I missed a bullet and caught a mortar shell


I laughed but I also felt bad.
Sorry for that, user.

This is why mother corona snatched your ass up

Shut the fuck up It*lian, you retards literally got counter invaded by Greece. You're a third world shithole

But both aren't Muslim-majority countries.

>had a chance to be born in China
>born in this nigger infested shithole instead
it's not fair

I caught rubber bullet

I wouldn't mind anarchy at this point.

>less than 0.3% to be born Greek

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t. wang

Aww, you should migrate vato.

cope LOL
>You're a third world shithole

AHAHAH yes that tourist love

Would you rather spend a year in China or India?

China, by far. How the fuck is that even a question?
India is actually third world.

I think China must have some good places

I'd love to be born in China, but in a coastal area. It would be an improvement in every way.

In your mom

Depends on where though.

>Population of India: ~1.4b
>Population of China: ~1.4b
>Population of Earth: ~7.8b
>(1.4+1.4)/7.8 = 0.35 or 35% or 1/3 chance

can I rape without consequence?
if not,

literally in what country is the coastal area not an improvement

Imagine living in the country where the future prospects are constantly diminishing. Oh wait, we don't have to imagine that, Luigi.

2 out 5 actually
>China and India combined currently account for 38 per cent of the world's population, with 1.43 billion and 1.37 billion. "This is 2019 data"

I was born cockroach instead

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Stop it.

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The bullet shot straight through the head, but didn't damage any vital organs.

Chittagong sounds like a shithole.

I'd rather be born in India or China than in this brown reggaeton cumbia shithole.

>tfw literally living in the best country on Earth and the closest thing to heaven with everything anyone could ever need or want

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>i suffer in turkey

Attached: turkish2.jpg (1035x1279, 135.83K)

In my country?


Yeah, if you think the disintegration of the Soviet Union was bad, wait to see what happens when Putin dies.

Same, but 3%

Turks and Chinese are somewhat historical opposites

Militarily prominent but culturally mediocre vs. culturally prominent but militarily mediocre

Being Brazilian seemed nice in the 2000s 2bh.

UK and Russia's coasts are grim

take care of your dicklette

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China fucking MOGS India so badly holy shit...

The eastern part of China is an actual 1st world country

if you exclude the placed the qing snatched up (tibet, xinjiang, manchuria) they're basically the same size

Hey, you got Montenegro, be happy it wasn't Macedonia or Albania

I unironically love my country.
I'm proud of its rich culture and history.
Plus I got blessed with beautiful Indo-Aryan genes.

t. joao bembé washington da silva

How is it possible for these countries to have similar populations yet one is on track to become the most powerful country in the world and the other refuses to use toilets

Xinjiang and Manchuria were part of previous dynasties.

preach it brother. crackers must burn

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Democracy is unironically bad if the population has a low educational level.

Hello zhang

Where am i the least likely to get food poisoning ?

Seriously i'd say China, big cities are modern and first world, but there's still a lot of places that have that kind of 3rd world vibe, that i as a westerner could kinda explore without being in danger

90% of the entire Pacific coast of Canada the mountains literally come down and touch the shore.

In what area do you live?

I love my Indian BVLL brothers

I'm not Chinese and hate China. But I have more respect for them than a bunch of retarded pastacucks. It*lians do a disservice to Europe with their third world shithole.

Ming ruled over Manchuria, Han and Tang over Xinjiang

60 percent of the world lives in asia

man, we should all be thankful it wasn't us.


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>but there's still a lot of places that have that kind of 3rd world vibe
Even Hong Kong has places with 3rd world vibes 2bh.

I'm from Bihar, the poorest state of this country.

I'm not wrong

Thanks for confirming you're a chink.

you're literally the reason why the west is declining

Whatever you say man

And that's a good thing.

Are the Naxals still a thing in there or is it only in Jharkand?


coming from a german colony


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why tho

1 in 5 chance to die from some medical condition related to pollution, or swallowed by industrial machinery

Mostly in chattisgarh, mp, jharkhand. Where there's sizable tribal population.

>0.00004% chance of being born in Iceland, the strongest country in the world

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How is it like ? And i'm really suprised at how dense the rural areas are.

I think every big chinese city has places that feel like that, idk exactly how to describe but it feels a bit 3rd world without being a filthy dangerous slum. Also i guess i'd rather spend time in China because i feel like there's less crime there, idk if it's true but it just doesn't seem like a place where u can get beat up or robbed

Still have a higher chance at dying in Argentina

>I think every big chinese city has places that feel like that, idk exactly
it's not just Chinese cities it's American cities too




So its more of a tribal thing?
Didn't know that. Thank you for answering.

>I think every big chinese city has places that feel like that, idk exactly how to describe but it feels a bit 3rd world without being a filthy dangerous slum.
Asian culture doesn't care as much about aesthetics when it comes to urban planning.

>idk if it's true but it just doesn't seem like a place where u can get beat up or robbed
In general I do say I felt safer there than in Rome 2bh.

Yeah tribals don't want the government to interfere with "their land" and "their way of living". Naxals are sitting on huge natural resources.

>safer there than in rome
not a high bar when the latter has gypsies


"Rome, Among World's Cities Safest From Violent Crime"

Ever seen an Elf or a Troll?

Well I live in the capital city of Patna, it's very dirty and crowded and loud. But this once used to be Patliputra, the capital of the Mauryan and the Gupta empire.

I partially agree, but when I go for a stroll late at night in the city centre, gypsies are already back to their slums in the suburbs.

unrelated but how do hindu nationalists reconcile the influence the mughals had on indian history

>We missed a bullet.
You missed the bullet and got hit by a truck.