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Other urls found in this thread:


australians fuck off

the janman is going to have an absolute fit

>You clapped for us right, user?

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not one but eight packets of hula hoops ive eaten in the past half hour

i don't what the purpose of life is
i already tried religion

i've got the clap more like

it really do be like this

literally built for gentlemen of ebony complexion

life's is what you make it

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I didn't because my hands hurt from all the toil i did this week. Got splinters too.

>i don't what the purpose of life is
there isn't one
stop worrying and just enjoy yourself

god my voice is so squeaky


>romans are white


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heading to Grace Brothers, y'all want owt

Remember me?

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>i already tried religion

you chose the wrong religion


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Time to turn to the good book

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Southern English gentleman are allowed in this thread, low bred norf fc's can fuck off.

what do you lot think about the west memphis three, do you reckon they did it or not?

what ever happened to this little nibba

have sex

just realised covid arrive at around the same time as parasite was released

if you could ask God one question what would it be?

ngl I miss Slovak the most

actually not bad advice

Wife get cancer. Man can't follow his own advice which he peddles. Get "'meme depression". Take "meme drugs" to cope. Get addicted. Attempt suicide. Daughter forces into rehab. Rehab no work. Seek out experimental treatment in Mother Russia. Experimental treatment induces two week coma. Apparently still alive but completely fucked.

fuck off virgin

for what purpose

addicted to anxiety meds and put himself into a coma in russia

someone hat this joker

Want a Roman haircut but I’d look like a gimp

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it really really REALLY beez like this

reckon corona is bollocks and those people died of natural causes, people die all the time its what happens

and the actors are oriental too

too many coincidences......

Really not a fan of that crackling sound my left knee makes whenever I have to bend down.

In fact from reading the thread I'm certain this is joe posting the picture who was going to bash someone who was too pussy to come out of his house, probably the rat who kept acting big balls to us, the guy whos house its meant to be doesnt type like joe at all whereas the guy whos going there to fight does, using colloquialisms such as "lapper" (means a person who runs from a fight)

he debated Zizek and got destroyed so badly he went mad and ended up in a mental hospital

Bizarre how Atlas Shrugged was supposed to be written as a book for billionaires and elites but it's the second most owned book in America after the Bible

Getting stuck into the vino again, Pierre?

>it's the second most owned book in America after the Bible

Snake oiled himself

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atlas sucked a nigger

>putting yourself into a coma because you don't wanna face benzo withdrawal

kinda pussy move Tbh, even though I agree with a lot of his points

I became Catholic because I thought religion would give me an objective meaning to life

Why did Grace Brothers shutdown

>get in the car virgin, it's time to party

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Catholicism is mega cringe

how's antarctica dealing with the virus

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Used to be until recently I think, yeah.


You dont go to God to give your life meaning m8.

none of your concern

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do you need a purpose?

>United States Surpasses China in Coronavirus Cases; Now Leads the World

why do burgers win every race?

imagine what a 13 inch would do to her

That's not following religion, you cant just say I'm this or that it and hope it fixes problems

You have to let it come to you you cant force it

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It's called a Caesar, you flid

unless you own a horse, was born in the 20's, are a fighting man that sends jaws flying, it should be illegal for you to wear one of these

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>don't have any idols besides jesus and that
>has heaps of saints and bs

gay af has the best aesthetic out of all the religions though

remember when he had that breakdown and got addicted to benzos

read the Zhuangzi, that guy figured it all out thousands of years ago. He managed to explain the closest thing we have to the meaning of life and the universe while cracking jokes and engaging in banter with his friend at the same time

teeny tiny little can mate,
5% packed into a tiny can packs a punch can put 3 of them away in 10 mins, how about you think next time before you talk UTTER RUBBISH, UTTER FRENCHOID RUBBISH

the artist of this generation
fucking supermarket faggots

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what about farmers?

poor girl... kikes really fucked her in every way

chinese students at my uni started wearing these

american 30 year olds into brewpubs, tattoos, and mustaches can pull this off tho

The Shelbys were born in the 1890s and 1900s idiot

horny as x

cheeky bastards after what they've caused

>unless you own a horse, was born in the 20's, are a fighting man that sends jaws flying
it's called being a yorkshireman lad

clearly spies trying to blend in

Need Banksy to draw some massive gold stars on banks and see if they remove those ones

i'm sipping on 50% white rum from the colonies, "mate"
have no patience for your antipodean piss water

hope banksy gets done for non-essential outdoorsing

>spotted right before hitting the wall at 120 mph

quintessential British hat that and the goofy ones the guards wear at Buckingham palace

they'll be wearing my fist pretty soon

I'm a yorkshireteaman

dont know who the shelbys are

Dad's 130kg

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Americans were polled on what they considered the finest books of the 20th century. 7 out of the 10 novels they selected were written either by Ayn Rand (founder of Objectivism, world's most retarded philosophy) or L. Ron Hubbard (founder of Scientology, world's most retarded religion).

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>chink book
uh, YIKES!

Whoever it is was convinced that slovak is ryan and was OBSESSED holy shit, just dont get drama like that anymore fuck me


Choose one gf and only one

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Your thoughts on anime?

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banksy or twansky as I like to call him can suck a fat one

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COVID-19 is an absolutely shit name for a disease especially written in all caps. makes it seem like people are getting killed by some generic robot

hey cunt, Why did Grace Brothers shutdown

You can literally cure it (like almost anything) with extremely high doses of vitamin c

>not drinking beer
CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE, can't believe I actually gave you time of day
have a good, hard look at yourself mate, can't believe you.
seriously, fucking stop and think, get a beer right now

can you elaborate
also Laozi


You posted a shelby cap

pretty sure banksy is a team composed of robert del naja, jamie hewlett and some literal who called robin. Mad to think they're still vandalising in their 50s

the Frenchman cowers at the Aussie pintman

spit on the ground after saying yorkshire to get the scent of shite the words left out me gob


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what a wanksy

enjoy your kidney stones

is this digimon


there hasn't been a good work of art in over a century


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americans from which states? sounds like they were polled exclusively in Los Angeles

Don't really like Ayn Rand's philosophy but I love the aesthetic of her books. All art deco, 20th century skyscrapers, leaders of industry, etc.

Americans are regarded as the world’s most retarded people

called a cap around these parts

if you gf has a fanny like this and not a nice innie she is a slut

this is a trick. the c stands for coronavirus

very cool and based

sounds like a videogame haha wonder when COVID-20 is coming out

Prime Lohan is untouchable

brunette in the purple could learn a thing or too about a fringe fuckin hell

it's called a peaky blinders hat I think

god i wish it were raining teens on me

Banksy art always makes me stop and consider that we truly do live within a society

would send your jaw spinning for saying that

Is a man not entitled to the seat of his brow?

You cant follow god with a motive

pic of something not happening in this country

havent wanked in 2 weeks got a stiffy from this

they're just like any other born and bred british lad

yes. can't believe some anons here still recognize me after all these years. did beto finally kill himself?

>I love the aesthetic
it's shit

What if she has a mixture of both

would you fuck

Forgive me I had no idea

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My life changed immeasurably when I gave it to Christ, user. I responded to you yesterday as well, maybe you didn't see it. But I sincerely don't see how life could have meaning without God. And ignore the anons saying, "Dude, there's no meaning so just have fun." You're right to be sad if you don't think God exists. But He does and I hope and pray you'll stay the course and keep putting your trust in Him. Not to be sectarian but I'm not a Catholic and I think you shouldn't turn your back on God because Catholicism didn't fill the void. Read the Bible. Start with the NT. Try to find a church with some congregants your own age and solid preaching.

More retarded than Somalis, Eritreans, Congolese or Equatorial Guineans?

you had your chance to raze it to the ground in 1775

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nobody asked or was interested

I want to go back lads



beto... now thats a name I haven't heard in a long time...

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>no Blood Meridian

Pleb list

all good mate

no worries lad

sad again lads

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so i have to give it all up and just let god guide me kinda thing
embrace unknowing kinda thing?

There's really no other valid choice is there

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I haven't left my house since the UK went into full lockdown. Now I'm really dying for a beer. Is it frowned upon to go to your local shop just to buy alcohol or do you have to include it as part of a massive shop for your essentials because you're supposed to leave the house so infrequently? Like, will I get shitty looks from people if all I have in my basket is alcohol?

Seems unfair to those of us who live with our parents, who don't drive, and are literally going insane being stuck inside all day.

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Watch "Those Magnificent Men and Their Flying Machines"

youve built up some nerve over the course of my absence
need it slapped out of you

If only.

Yes, by a factor of about 3.6

the classic 20 year old redditor post
I hope you find the utopia you're looking for in this planet. They'd surely accept you with open arms.

fair to say corvid 19 is an american virus
#1 infected
American virus

be starfished clean on the floor

Wonder if the morgues need extra staff, always wanted to work with dead bodies


doing what
cleaning the bogs

WTF hes gone schizo, that must be joe then? he mentions "ryan" (me) being a good friend of his and then in the same post goes on about pummeling me. I haven't spoke to him on Yas Forums since he was considering suicide on the train tracks and havent met him irl since way before that

going to try and find out the story from him on steam

said he had some government work to do then never came back

there was an irish flag earlier saying Cormac McCarthy was a hack basically
what a ridiculous poster

If you truly believe, then believing and following his word is what it is about, not trying to find your own benefits

Ok boomer girl is already forgotten. Extreme one hit wonder.
Can't believe that mong thought she was going to be this generation's boxxy

bruce, i'm right next door to belgium
drank more chimay bleu than you've had hot dinners
be a builder, contribute
there is no god, only man so work for the betterment of man

>get back in the bucket, crab

I'm a fan but that image is quite honestly the most disgusting thing you've ever seen.

mate we are all human, nobody will judge you harshly if you go out just to buy some beer. But if you really give a shit buy some bog roll too


What anime is this?

they conclusions they come to in regards to shaman and rain dances might be retarded but their thinking process, instincts and intentions are at least right . the same cannot be said for yanks

You want to fuck them is that it

like a yorkshire man could knock a Lancashire man out, living in dream land, shower of bastards

C + O + R + O + N + A
3 + 15 + 18 + 15 + 14 + 1 = 66

coincidence? i think not

If you sincerely believe that then you've convinced me that Americans are indeed retarded

cant wait for corvid-20
gonna be sick

where do the numbers come from

youre lying if you say you wouldnt shag a corpse stuck on a desert island with one

A West Country man would send you both flying

ahahah you're alright mate was just making fun

you're a paki

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A = 1
B = 2
C = 3
Z = 26

I don't know, how fresh is it?

Fucking hell Cormac McCarthy IS a hack. "ohhh so grim so dark ohhh i just said in 20 million words what i could have said in 5 and it was all bollocks anyway aren't you just so cool for reading me oohhhh"

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can't stop masturbating


>shitty looks from people
those won't kill you la
it's just dust in your eyes, blink it away

what was the last film you saw in the cinema

coconut fell on his head last night

Probably baiting

The age old question, who could play the judge? I feel it requires a colonel Kurtz esque performance

What if I do aint anybody gonna talk thats for sure

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Americans are only slightly dumber than Europe, it's the ridiculous arrogance that they're always right that makes them seem dumbest

Now that I think about it yanks have the mindset of a middle aged woman

er his or her haha

>A West Country man
a what? where?

absurdly bad post

Unironically never read anything more horrifying than the cannibal scene in The Road

dude just take your hand off your dick lmao

ah yes, boxxy

fuck off hobbit

NHS claps for me niggas

mental, how long have you been away for then because he was accusing that slovak lad of being you for the entire time the lad had a proxy on which was like almost a year

cousins got a white rose on his forearm

yeah no, I'm gonna pass

so am i la
truth is i'm fucked beer wise, my beer shop where i'd cases of the good belgian stuff is closed now cause of the virus
since you're in the anglo world, ever had old tom's strong ale?

doing more for the anglo race than you all will combined

wow that worked thanks

i haven't seen a doctor in about 18 years

Come to Devon and you will shit your teeth out

you couldnt reach my teeth you dwarf