How do bongs feel knowing most of the planet was against them?

How do bongs feel knowing most of the planet was against them?

Attached: falklands conflict map.png (1400x625, 38.79K)

Kek, fucking faggots

Proof that NATO is a scam and a farce.

Population of less than 3 thousand inhabitants, who cares?

NATO explicitly excludes colonial possessions.

Probably really good knowing that they fucked the argies up easy as fuck lol

Thanks India

>North Atlantic Treaty Organization

And you still lost lmao

chile no deberia aparecer azul o al menos gris?

The Argentina junta had been propped up by the US State Department and they were surprised and disappointed at the refusal of Washington to come to their help in the war. In addition, the anti-communist stance of the junta did not prevent the Soviets from providing material aid to them, one reason being that Argentina did not participate in the international embargo on grain sales to Moscow following the Afghanistan invasion.

Why did so many people side with the invaders?


With Turkey on your side, who else do you need?

>grain sales to Moscow
Since when does Russia import grain? Isn't their country one giant wheat field and endless pine trees past the Urals?

It's not really a colonial possession since there are no natives other than Englishmen.

"Rest of the planet" are mostly a bunch of 3rd world fucking monkeys.
No surprise.

Usually one of three reasons:

*Country had some kind of butthurt against Britain
*Country had important economic ties to Argentina
*Country had some kind of autistic "Us Latinx gotta stick together" thing going on

It's complicated. Russia is the biggets exporter of grain, but also one of the largest importers. Fuck knows how that came about. Economy doesn't make sense to normal people because it's designed not to serve normal people, but to enrich the rich beyond all measure.

Also, the wheatfields are all in the South. Nothing grows north of Moscow except mutated manlet birches.

Uhm what? It's literally on the United Nations list of Non-Self-Governing Territories

eso de que chile ayudo a uk y peru apoyo a argentina es un meme
chile solo le vendio un poco de inteligencia a uk
peru le vendio un par de aviones defectuosos a argentina
asi de simple

CANZ, South Africa, and France I get. But Turkey, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh... what?

>fucked shit up
That's all because of this braindead cockhole

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massive cope

>Russia is the biggets exporter of grain, but also one of the largest importers.
I guess that's like us with oil. Well we import oil and export natural gas. There's no real difference though.

It feels good to be on the winning side

Moscow also sold weapons to the Brazilian dictatorship in spite of its arresting communists and torturing them in a dark basement somewhere. Though the US ally with Romania and China back then, so...meh.


I think it does something to change of seasons. Like in winter it's really cold here and nothing grows but we need something to eat so we buy. But I'm not sure.

I know corn has ears, but brains?!

Was that before or after Thatcher threatened to start a nuclear war if you didn't give her the Exocet launch codes?

90% of Russia's food is made in a tiny region between Krasnodar and Voronezh (well tiny by Russian standards). Elsewhere either the land is too shitty or the farmers are lazy retards.


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Countries that sided with Britain were either Commonwealth members or they had territories that could have a similar thing happen to them (eg. French Guyana). And most Irish supported Britain's claim on the islands, the pro-Argentina stance was from their PM at the time who was unpopular and soon out of office.

>implying 98% of that map mattered at the time
The worst was the US refusing to comment

France gets to be a good ally once in its entire existence and it chose to waste it here.

16k (united) vs 16k

Ukraine was historically the breadbasket of the country.

>lazy retards
They are not lazy retards. It's all up to climate and land development.

The rest of the world saw it as an imperialist war, which played into the hands of communists, so we had no choice but to stay silent per the Truman doctrine.

let's analyse this map:
for Britain: core anglo-colonies, france, turkey
for Argentina: latin america communist regimes, communist regimes in the east, african shitholes, butthurt irish, indian
USA remains neutral, they are apparently partly butthurt against Britain partly do they adore them, same apparently for the remaining germanic countries and greece

>Did not voice any position

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Yes that was the only thing it was good for before soviets industrialized it.

They also have random colonial shit all over the world, including Guiana which is in S*uth Am*rica

Like I said, the Argentine junta was disappointed at getting no support from the US. In fact initially the Reagan Administration offered Britain military assistance but Thatcher be like "I see you America-kun but I do this one all by my lonely." So after that Washington declared neutrality.

>Officially neutral stance

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Your shitty military government waged a war on British citizens to save themselves. It comically backfired for them, boo hoo.

Imagine being Fr*nch

>USA remains neutral, they are apparently partly butthurt
Oh no no no no, motherfucker. When the US finally decides to stay out of a conflict, not even just to rake in corporate profit or whatever, you don't get to talk shit.

So in the end colonization was good for those ungrateful people living in those shitlands right?

and they still won lmao, not a good look argentina, not a good look at all

What the fuck Israel? Usually they're with us on colonial subjects

favoring one side and actually helping are two different things.

>In addition, the anti-communist stance of the junta did not prevent the Soviets from providing material aid to them
Not just munitions but also intelligence regarding British military movements since Argentina didn't have any intelligence capabilities of their own.

I thought Chile helped the Bongistanis in some way or maybe I'm thinking of something else.

the eternal curse of the corn struck again
>latin america communist regimes
what are you even speaking about
only cuba and nicaragua were communist at the time

Israel also supported Serbia in the Kosovo conflict so you tell me.

The referendum is the only thing that counts.

People have the right to self determination.

>he is in NATO

Falklands War is fucking retarded. I don't understand why people take Argentinian side when they had virtually no claim and war was started purely for internal political reasons. They had no desire to fight at all, that's why they sent clueless conscripts.

wrong, autistic squabbles about treaties and concessions that occurred centuries earlier are more important