Do you live in a megacity (urban region of 10+ million people), Yas Forums? Do you want to?

Do you live in a megacity (urban region of 10+ million people), Yas Forums? Do you want to?

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I've been to New York. The environment was so disgusting that sometimes I thought that urbanization was a mistake.

I do. Wouldn't want to live anywhere under 9 million.

t. DC

Impossible here

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No, less than 100k

Yes I do and I'm not sure if I want to

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Toronto + Hamilton + Oshawa is getting close to 8 million. If it sprawls enough to pick up Barrie or St. Catharines, it'll get to 10 million fairly soon.

Yes and i don't want to live here.

I wanna leave but i feel like if i do i'll miss all the comforts and easy access to stuff.

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38 inhabitants here. Forest all around. Feels good.

It wouldn't be a metro area though

yes i live in tokyo
nothing special

I don't know if this shithole is over 10m already but it needs to be nuked

20854 here

> Do you want to?
Only if it's Tokyo


Seoul sucks. China smoke flows across the East Corona Sea and arrives here. Too many people on every sidewalk. Now is Corona time, so I stay home. It's much better home than the roads of Seoul.

if there was a place like this is Germany I would already live there
nfortunately Germany is stuck with shit tier small cities and even our biggest cities are lame for Chinese exchange students from "small" 8 million people cities

No. Fuck no. I live in a 1 million city now, but I am getting out soon.

But DC has only 705,749 people

I hate any place where I have to spend more than 5-10 minutes to go from one spot to another.
So, any city above like 300k.

Sadly, I live in Athens and spending 3h in transport to go to work.

Washington is a minor city

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No, I think 300k is comfy.
Big enough that there are things to do, but not too big where it feels soulless.

OP said urban region not city proper

No. My city is 600k and it's overpopulated as fuck.

American """metro areas""" are literally 90% suburbs and shouldn't count as proper cities

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the higher your IQ the bigger the city you can handle

>urban region
what a cope
by American standards probably all of Germany is a 80 million metro area


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if i ever hit the big time i'd like to live in nyc. that's how you know you made it

no and no, that would be a nightmare

>i'd like to live in nyc. that's how you know you made it

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About 50k where I live. Big cities make me nervous.

so you be sayin us niggas is high iq n shieet?

tbf almost all high iq jobs exist only in big cities

I'm saying this

Daily reminder that the bigger the city the more likely the schizophrenia

Germany wouldn't be, unless it looked something like pic related

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İstanbul here
it has its ups and downs but I'm content really

I'd agree if it weren't for the constant freeform jazz on public transit

maybe in greece, there are many labs and research centers outside of the big cities here


I live in the Paris area, I'm content with it.
It's far from perfect of course, but I lived in villages my whole life before so I'm not bored of it yet

No and no. I'd live in an unpopuated area if I could work from home

I grew up in Chicago and now live in a smaller metro of 2.2 million and the idea now seems bizarre, in 23 years I had been to such a small percentage of the area that it feels redundant to live somewhere with more than like 500,000 people. Now in an area almost one fifth of its size I spend 95% of my time in one quadrant in my city.

except we do have a 10mio urban region, chinkcel

I live in a mega-village with 347 inhabitants 80% of which are over 50

>Do you live in a megacity (urban region of 10+ million people), Yas Forums?
No, I live in a small rural community of a few hundred people.
>Do you want to?
Fuck no

not him but it's literally just a cluster of towns and villages that happen to be close together, nothing close to being a mega city

No we have no big cities here.

Yes the Netherlands is one big city that extends to Brussels and Cologne.

my city barely has 3.7~4 million and i already want a nuke to hit it

No, I live in a small village

>extends to Brussels and Cologne.
why do people believe such non sense
right next to cologne is leverkusen and no one except for americans would talk about both of these as one city.

not a city

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indeed a city

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I live in the Bay Area which is probably like 7m. I have lived in other urban areas with similar size.

I have been in LA, NY, Mexico DF, Shanghai, Paris, London, Shanghai, Beijing and other metropolises of more than 10m, and I can't stand it.

I feel like 5m to 8m is good enough. Less feels boring, more feels to insane. I like cities of the size of Madrid, Barcelona, SF, Boston, Milan or Berlin.

explain indians then

pic related, the centre of the west european mega city

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they live in big cities but they can't handle it

+3 million

A 10+ million people in a city. Thats twice as much as my entire country

Do you know those cycling tours that shows really pretty places in France and Switzerland? I'd probably love to live in places like those

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what a fucking autist