Which cunt is meanest towards your flag?

Which cunt is meanest towards your flag?

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Hungary for some reason
They're really Jewish rapebabies

It's always americans acting like children and being mean to everyone

Everyone bully’s romania :(

finland or germany. probably the two countries with the highest tism per capital, makes ya think

Everybody is mean but Americans are on another level

poland, germany, france, bulgaria, norway are super mean

>I like being a cunt on anonymous image boards for no reason other than being a cunt.

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Colombia is usually shitting on the southern cone in general

no-ones actually mean to us because of that groveling cuck poodanon

Idgaf. I give as good as I get.
Americans calling me paco gardener? They mutts
Moroccan mentally ill calling me rat? Yes-yes, delete man-thing.
South Americans calling me decapitated narco? idc they're irrelevant or actually doing worse.
yuro faggot calling me violent? Well, at least I don't live in a soc-dem dogtestant dystopia with enforced sjw propaganda since kinder and welfare to foreigners.

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America. Hands down. But they're the meanest flag. Bunch of savages anyway.

>America. Hands down
We barely make fun of you compared to other Euros. Brexit really did you in


Americans just can't stand to be complained about in their unrighteous tantrums.

You should thank him, being a hated flag is no fun. I almost got depression during 2014-2017 because of Sweden hate


>Americans just can't stand to be complained about in their unrighteous tantrums.
Take your pills schizoid.

everyone loves us

Go kys smelly disgusting tranny weeb monster

America, bunch of big dick bully turbo chads buttfucking everyone else

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i actually admired you for it (and the cheeky bait to feed the autists), but roleplayers who impose a country's image onto the individuals are retarded

For some reason Chile and Mexicans have huge fixations on us

It's just that bald manlet


Attached: Amerimutt.jpg (232x217, 10.13K)

Of course it's not all of them. But I've found that Mexicans are the rudest of them all

my fellow Americans

Canada and UK, usually
I've noticed that in the last few weeks there have been a Dutch and an argie who've been obsessed with us

Americans and Japanese but at least the Japanese are cute


Dutchfags, they're still sperging out and posting pictures of our terrorist attacks in their thread

Japanese have excellent digs. Americans are just "Huh duh shitain, loisence, betrayal of..."

>getting depressed over what some fucking loser neckbeards have to say about your country


Dutch are probably some of the most amoral I have met on Yas Forums, but they are often funny.

Nederdraad is very bad even for a general. The worst part is that they seem to run a discord parallel to their general so I don't even see the point of it at all

A lot of Dutch flags are extremely butthurt pendantic assholes.

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But you own up to it. We can be as well just less pedantic and more stupid. But Americans can't do wrong apparently.

Dutch flags mostly

They can't stand incompetence just like Germans can't. Italy is in all intents and purposes third world.

>I am the meanest user on this board.

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And UK flags now.
How is the herd immunity going?

Mostly other spics

Not a thing. Just a suggestion. I mean when Russia and China is giving you aid you know you're fucked.

how do you guys know all the characters of Yas Forums? or are you just memeing?

french flag
wathever the thread is about, there always two french dudes going : tgpd, fils de pute, suce bien ma bite connard, at each other



snownigger flags

Probably Australians honestly. Most other flags banter us but Aussies seem genuinely enraged about America, I don't get it.

I love you burger user~


you must've been talking to a chinaman. most australians are just ribbing or are totally cool

Most yeah, every once in a while there's someone who you can tell is just frothing at the mouth behind the screen and it's always an Aussie flag.

>you must've been talking to a chinaman
In the future I will
>t. Zhang
their post and see if it gets any (You)s

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Pretty much everyone has it out for us


We are the ones that are the rudest against ourselves but Mexicans are also very mean.
I also often get a lot of mean replies from Leafs and Swedes but this seems to happen more to me particularly than other Brazilians, I have observed.

everyone but South and Eastern Europe specifically is our butthurt belt, not really sure what we did to make them seethe so hard

Attached: mem-tv-by-allah-you-people-are-dogs-i-will-40089879.png (500x391, 96.76K)

If you browse /lat/ for at least 3 days you will know who he is talking about. He's arguably the most famous poster there

Mexicans have a inferiority complex over brazil

literally everyone

That is true. I feel that the flags that have it the hardest is India, Turkey, Israel and Sweden.

I sometimes wonder how frequent users from these countries feel about it? Has it ever affected you? I can't deny I sometimes feel a bit butthurt about people hating Brazil for reasons that I find incomprehensible.

We love you bro

every flag

it's all shits and giggles anyways, I'm not a racist irl and no one was racist to me so far

99% of the time is reacting to badmouthing coming from there, not initiating it. And 99% of the time, what he says

For some unclear reason, USA
Apparently they hate all nations they didn't wage war against (yet)