How's your French?
How's your French?
hon hon hon lower taxes raise benefits
Merci Avdol
je m'appelle nigger
Bonjour, fils de pute. Crossaint, baguette, oui, oui.
I’m learning it right now :)
Je le peux parler couramment
Je me débrouille déjà bien.
Beginner, started learning during the quaratine
Zero percent, it is impossible to pronunciate it
Visiblement non
lol quel enculé
je n'aime pas niggers
je pu saute sur un baguette est aller a la lune
vive l'amerique
I chose Latin over French in school
pas bon :(
je ne pas parle vous francias
je suis ce user
moi aussi
elle est passable sale pute d'espece de vicieux batard
nous sommes en guerre
le cocke
I spoke French on Discord and wrote paragraphs worth of French for 2 days. It was all good until I made a stupid mistake where I conjugated an irregular verb as if it were regular. A native French speaker said he thought I was a native speaker up until that point, and that I express myself well.
l'amour pas la guerre
I should be a native speaker. I'm ethnically French. My family abandoned the language 1-2 generations ago. I am actually quite ashamed of this.
c'est ma langue maternelle alors bon...
tu dois réparer cette erreur du passé et retrouver tes fières racines françaises
Like any reasonable person I don't speak smoothbrained languages.
Restez chez vous
It's never too late user
Should be easy to learn if you really want
From where are you ?
tu es drôle et retardé.
Top tier.
Nonexistent and the French don't want us to learn so it'll continue being so.
I'm an Acadian
It hurts whenever I publicly make a mistake in French more than in other languages I have studied, knowing that I should be speaking French instead of English, based on my heritage. So I mostly just practice where no one will see my mistakes, like Duolingo.
Thank you for your compliance. You are indeed not allowed to learn it.
Cool, hurts my ears anyways.
Yes, I'm sure your cerumen-filled ears are much more lenient with all the negro-hispanic dialects commonly spoken in your "country".
Well I spoke in English so by definition I'm less retarded than you.
nice adjective usage francois
Accent Québecois.
le baguette c'est le merde
Elle court, elle court,
La maladie d'amour,
Dans le cœur des enfants
De sept à soixante dix-sept ans.
Elle chante, elle chante,
La rivière insolente
Qui unit dans son lit
Les cheveux blonds, les cheveux gris.
Oooh, I see your thesaurus is seeing use.
He can't help it, he's a frog. Thesaurusing in our language is talking in theirs. Their speech has no substance, it's all misdirection
Are you stupid? We say cerumen extremely casually in France, everybody knows that word.
Tu me fais trop pitié, tu m'saoules, vas-y parle à ma main.
Si t'as pas compris, ca veut dire oublie moi, hum, hum.
Jt'écoute pas, t'existes pas donc vas-y parle a ma main.
Si t'as pas compris, ca veut dire non merci, hum, hum.
Because French is a corrupt language where pretension is the rule. Yes, we know these things frog
I'd assume it's a cognate, or you're fucking uppity. Also, why would I know that?
Reviens à la maison, homme français
>being surprised at American stupidity
>ameritards trying to be witty
Shut up you stupid fucking bong. You people are the reason English got contaminated by frogspeech in the first place
"Your" language - or should I say your niggerified version of English - is bastardized and contains a lot of French words, thus it is very easy for me to confuse a stupid Amerimutt.
That's right, you don't know anything.
Trés bon
C'est horrible, mais, le plus mauvaise chose c'est que je pratique tous jours. Qu'est-ce que je dois faire? Peux-je m'oblier des livres et de grammaire et jusque lire des autres choses et des nouvelles dan les journales francaises? Je suis trop bete.
And furthermore shut up you stupid fucking frog. That's not wit it's truth. It's easy to see why you would think that though, French is nothing more than wit, bon mot, jeu de mot, motsucking fucking. Nothing essential, noting substantial about it
You're right, and it has been the supreme task of every English language writer since to rescue the English language from the deep pretentions, the shoddy imitations of truth inherent in the French. The passage I posted above is precisely an example of how English can go off the rails, into the most terrible sort of nonsense and sensual bullshit. See how I said a lot without meaning anything? That's thanks to the French rape of English. Even 1000 years down the road the French language is still catastrophic enough to severely damage English speakers. English is valuable insofar as is Germanic and Latinate (ie related to the real thing), and is terrible on every point that it is 'French'.
I maybe have 15 hours of practice so very beginner. I'm going to wait until I'm at 200-250 hours before I start trying to converse with native speakers.
I got a C1 but it's a bit rusty sine I haven't used it in like 6 years
I feel like we had that conversation two or three times already. Are we stuck in a time warp?
If you're going to shitpost, don't be so obvious user. You've got to insult someone enough to keep them hook, but not enough for them to notice.
I noticed right off the bat, and I won't respond to your pathetic attempt to provoke my ire anymore.
More likely poor little French faguettes like yourself are incapable of doing anything but think in circles
>he says, always using anti-French yet composed of French words copypastas
The French loanwords really make your posts more tolerable. You actually sound pertinent.
Il faut lire des livres, des romans, des choses que tu aimes. C'est ainsi que j'ai appris l'anglais, en tout cas. Courage, user.
>this is frogged education in the double twenties
By making use of the French language unfortunately now inherent in the English language, I effortlessly and infallibly demonstrate the shallowness of that language. The French do not think: they quote, they leisurely hypothesize, they please themselves, over and over, in the most immoral and dissipated way imaginable. Their language, which was the language of the nobles, of nobility across Europe, is by design full of hot air. It is designed to be pretentious, to sound like more than it is. My copypastas say nothing, and they do this, only by using the French words English has inherited from time.
Hahaha, tu t'exprimes tellement mal.
C'est pas très gentil ça, user. Et c'est faux en plus.
Ce n'est pas très gentil*
Meilleur que le votre, à n'en point douter.