
Suck me off, I'm horny edition

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fuck the UK and fuck you thread


Janny won't like this pornographic edish and neither do I

give up doc
this thread is dead.

why do men like schoolgirl/infantilization of women, is there pedophilia in there somewhere

I'd like to thank my good friend Steve1989 for donating all these MREs. We can get through this together.

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>Suck me off, I'm horny
Ok daddy!


Fuckkkkk this general is so shite why do I keep coming here

is this the thread for discussion of gay pornography and lewd images?


Shit edition

if the shoe fits

Scroll past it you big girl's blouse.

just ejaculated one my torso after a 30min omegle session. not telling you her age but i can tell she had big daddy issues

NGL Couldnt folllow the last thread, lets just slow things down a little bit ay

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no this is the thread dedicated to benders and bender culture

1984 was a few years early...

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ah i`ll fit right in then x

why do men like scholagladiatoria instead of women, is there homosexuality in there somewhere

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I know that feel bro


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is that true





d e p r e s s e d


how can people be bored after 3 days off toil
imagine being so conditioned that you are baffled to have free time and can't function

the threads over for christs sake move on with your lives

absolutely caterwauling

moving house is listed in the exceptions so I've been hopping from airbnb to airbnb each day

wonder how kev is getting on

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dont care get some powder up your nose or summet

So considering that the UK has only 11k cases, are going to be releasing testing kits soon and are one of the least badly affected Euro countries, is it safe to be optimistic about the outcome of this virus for us?

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is beer essential? where does one draw the line, surely you can survive on just bread and water so everything else is superfluous.

This general was always shite, it’s shite now and it was shite years ago

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Did you ever get the grass stains out of your trousers?

take a look at these hands

the characters are relegated to certain times of day now, you have to stay up all night usually

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ah yes lets politicize a global pandemic
orange man bad
im with her/dementia joe

haha but nah mans only lyk dabbin in powder n tha wen mans gettin wif gyaldem n tha yh

realised i don't actually like "war documentaries" except for the politics of it
anyone got any good war documentaries that don't focus on the battlefiends but more on the political/diplomatic side?

Beer is essential because alcoholics will die if they dont have it.

racists deserve to feel that way

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why is it ok when Italy and Spain do it but when we do it it's 1984?

think /brit/'s apex was when someone sent pics of kev to timmy at flat spracklen house and tim did a vid asking who he was. like to think he was wondering why the big man was walking towards the camera.

how does it feel to have no foreskin?

oh shut the fuck up you imbecile
go back to storke at least he talks properly

imagine the smell


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virg.get a real gf


lad apparently some other poster went to your house to prove that some lad on a proxy was you, do you know about this?

Don't forget nonces too.

what does bio oil smell like?

Did Spain and Italy tail people with drones?

The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara

does quitting wanking have any benefits or is it a big fat meme

you were never the king you fucking mug go and pish your pants you junkie freak

If you got a £30k remote job, where would you live?

thanks lad

Is /brit/ essential?

its a crystal healing tier meme

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just witnessed like 20 n-bombs
not cool dude

makes sex a bit better i find, that's literally it though

nah but quitting porn is pretty cool

Hate hate HATE 190



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>echo falls and adidas tracky
wow classy girl heh
probably make you wait till the second date at nandos before she lets you finger her under the table

i remember that, he posted a picture of the view from his window and some nerd worked out where he lived

need a 6ft tall gf


ah yes
this is a good one i remember hearing about


it's not about politics. when he responded to that world's most basic question from the reporter with personal insults was when I realised it's more than just a flu and we're not in safe hands at all. it's scary to see the most powerful person in the world get so affected like that by an easy question. Boris would have never responded like that and he gets asked much more difficult questions every day at his press briefings.

>If you got a £30k remote job, where would you live?

it used to be class you'd have an active community that sort of recognised eachother like cornwall the smally willy and then youd have 20% runts complaining about extra flags

wouldnt have been my house, it was the other NI lads house who was doxed by cornwall from posting a pic out his window. Doubt anyone went though I've been to his house and it's in a rough estate plus he had anger problems and used to fight like fuck he would have mauled some nerd from here chapping his door where his family live

and who were you haha

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know this feel

Do they drink echo falls in England?

what so you just wank to your imagination? sounds sorta gay

beer is essential because I need it to cope with this entire ridiculous situation

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No BBC? Dropped.

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orange man bad

sounds like one of your posts you racist piece of shit
man up and explain your actions


i need a fucking shit ngl to you

Where you from, definitely somewhere in Armagh

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reality tv president good

let's all do spread trading lads
you simply CANNOT lose money
you become a billionaire
you become a billionaire
EVERYBODY here becomes a billionaire

Stopped me losing my boner half way through sex.

it was 5 years you sad twat get the fuck over it people change

a reddit flagger that used to run circles around you

yes you thick cunt

Grim suggestions

That's where I am right now, why did you choose it?


it's not a tragedy it's a comedy

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pussy feels great tbqh

Got a sudden urge for lamb chops and mint sauce.


Excellent post

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Life's gr8.

>dog walking
Why that doesn't violate the lockdown.
The whole thing is a joke. I feel like I'm living in bizarro world.

>no noo noooo you can't ever change!! you must always be the same!! no uturning!!!

no they don't
once a racist always a racist

also to add on to what I said before that lad who called any foreign flag me on a proxy was a complete weasel who thought 3 seperate posters were the same person (me) all he ever did was rant and rage at us the creep. I was on a proxy but he must have been right about 10% of the time honestly it was embarassing

thats what wanking used to be about

I've been assessing your gimmick usage and I'm afraid you've gone way over the bar with this particular one

Never heard of it, are you sure it exists?

Better than your king nigger.

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theres about a dozen flags now including a couple new ones and some good yanks
why not reinstall it ay

foreskin feels better
you've been robbed

what the fuck is the point of this thread

A Choon? The 2006 Runescape parody of feel good inc., Skillcape

how would joe biden deal with corvid 19?
he wouldnt because he will never be president lmao

Obama was also a war criminal. The United States is an illegitimate terrorist state.

he's a tedious cunt m9 but that's clearly not true

mmmmHhm black cock

Something quite attractive about a girl wearing a school uniform style button-up white shirt. It's like the chebs are in a constant battle to break free but are just held back

Might fire out some texts tomorrow to see how everyone's doing. Wouldn't want anyone feeling uncared for in a situation like this.

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finally finished my villager trading hall, lads

Leftists actively want the world to crumble. The self hatred of the modern leftist is well documented. Specifically that of the white leftist.

>wanking to your imagination

fucking gayest thing ive ever read oh my days

he'd die of it aha

What do I eat with brown souse?

drunk again lads

I tried it but it's not the same at all anymore

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how many old cunts you lads reckon you killed so far

Rural, pleasant, carried landscape, lots of interesting walks

is it illegal to wank to your neighbours changing like they do in movies? what's the charge wanking in your own home? if anything the girl could get done with indecent exposure.