to catch a thief Edition
It looms
fucking drugmongs i swear how fucking hard is it to put down the weed
I also have mental illnesses
Mental health illnesses I’ve suffered:
Drug misuse
Schizophrenia (induced by drugs)
Suicidal thoughts
imagine how grim working in a supermarket must be
most commies or full fledged socialist would describe China as a deformed worker's state.
>deformed workers' states are states where the capitalist class has been overthrown, the economy is largely state owned and planned, but there is no internal democracy or workers' control of industry. In a deformed workers' state, the working class has never held political power
> Like a degenerated workers' state, a deformed workers' state cannot be said to be a state that is transitioning to socialism.
didnt care the first time somehow manage to care less the second
Shit edition
it's really weird how it seems most people who glorify communism like you are stoners
Can we genocide the homeless for refusing to lockdown?
haha yea it must fucking suck to have a paycheck coming in when everyone else was told to close
Business idea: don't talk about communism you obsessed freaks.
We see your flag no need to explain.
What do you do you most hope is invented in your lifetime lad?
Me I want a cryogenic freezer type thing that keeps your brain alive and injects fluids to create more lifelike dreams to create a real afterlife
it has a lot of red flags innit
>where the capitalist class has been overthrown
this part isn't true in china but the rest is
china is more capitalist than some european countries, genuinely.
retreating to the astral plane to fight demons that want to manifest themselves on /brit/
Kiwi isn't a stoner he's addicted to opioids
just be happy
just chill out
just stop taking drugs
>Drug misuse
see above
not even a real thing
see anxiety
>Schizophrenia (induced by drugs)
see addiction
>Suicidal thoughts
you should act on those thoughts
see addiction
>spiking your blood sugar before bed
are you like 12 years old
a virtual poo
somethign that gives me unlimited money but only me
I might be wrong but I think most or all business still require the state to own the majority of the company
You’re posting cringe sweetie
wot does that do
Is this the end of the USA as we know it?
I didn't say you can speak
>a real afterlife
eating peanut m&ms
>let's not pay a couple thousand on a one off surgery to fix people's deformities and disfigurements
>let's instead pay hundreds of thousands over a lifetime to treat mental health problems caused by people having deformities and not being able to get surgery to fix them
What did the government / NHS mean by this?
state capitalism is still capitalism. the working class owns no part of state owned businesses
hopefully it's the end of jew york though
china's capitalism more resembles how capitalism in the west functioned in the late 19th/early 20th century before the worker's rights movements gained a lot of currency in an attempt to quell socialism. it's interesting to be able to see it evolve like that, reinforces that capitalism is a necessary stage for societies to go through
Never. They will suffer some losses but go right back to the top.
a virtual poo for me lad
Cup of cha lads
It annoys me that redheads still exist, they're an anomaly and should have been wiped out of the gene pool a long time ago
No highway, freeway, motorway
No bus, no boss, no rain no train
The most powerful Empire the world has ever known is not going to end because of a flu. The wretchedness and unlimited power of the USA will mean its survival for a long time
I have type 1 diabetes it does nothing especially for people with working pancreases hes full of shit.
Even after you pay your house in full you still don't own it. Now you have property taxes till death.
Nothing wrong with being a stoner, despite what my boomer dad might think.
It's proven cannabis once every few weeks is safer than the lager he drinks daily.
The fundamental law of revolution, which has been confirmed by all revolutions and especially by all three Russian revolutions in the twentieth century, is as follows: for a revolution to take place it is not enough for the exploited and oppressed masses to realise the impossibility of living in the old way, and demand changes; for a revolution to take place it is essential that the exploiters should not be able to live and rule in the old way. It is only when the “lower classes” do not want to live in the old way and the “upper classes” cannot carry on in the old way that the revolution can triumph. This truth can be expressed in other words: revolution is impossible without a nation-wide crisis (affecting both the exploited and the exploiters). It follows that, for a revolution to take place, it is essential, first, that a majority of the workers (or at least a majority of the class-conscious, thinking, and politically active workers) should fully realise that revolution is necessary, and that they should be prepared to die for it; second, that the ruling classes should be going through a governmental crisis, which draws even the most backward masses into politics (symptomatic of any genuine revolution is a rapid, tenfold and even hundredfold increase in the size of the working and oppressed masses—hitherto apathetic—who are capable of waging the political struggle), weakens the government, and makes it possible for the revolutionaries to rapidly overthrow it.
>capitalism is a necessary stage for societies to go through
wow I feel better now
but you just assured me that I could, speak
Send in a vocaroo there lads
I would like to hear those delightful accents
Think you should be more worried about the current state of your country there big guy
It won't collapse but it will never be the same in the eyes of the world or it's people. It will be a sea change.
AI holo gf
sounds pretty cringe bro
been a while since I've seen this one
this movie was kino
Yeah no empire ever collapsed after a plague haha.
wonder what this virtual poo doohickey would do
posted right at the end of a thread didnt i
day wasted
exactly what it says on the tin
AAAAAAAAAAA Stop lad don't hurt yourself
might stay in bed tomorrow til about 2 or 3 and start drinking immediately when I get up
bit strange for a CCP shill to do it in /brit/ for free
mental how much jewish propaganda people are consuming whilst locked in their houses 24/7
What is the point of staying up so late? Get some fucking sleep. Seriously. You're just going to feel like shit tomorrow.
Go to bed
This is the northern Irish poster who lost the plot hahahaha
You got the bane monologue?
bloody nose?
it comes in a tin?
Yeah we've all seen this already
Good post.
night all
Calling it a plague is funny but it's LARPing. Spanish Flu killed 15 mill, Black Death killed 75 mill. COVID has barely gotten 20,000.
yeah, in a tinned fart
That machine from Eternal Sunshine. I want to erase my existence from the minds of everyone who knows me so I can disappear
yanks can't even push iran around paper tiger
Am I shadowbanned? Nobody has replied to any of my posts for the past three threads.
Which one of you was this?
lmao wow you cut your finger
shut the fuck up and stop doing that
back in my self harming days I did e
way more than that
stop glorifying self harm
its only been a couple of weeks
spanish flu was only minor at first and then came back and killed everybody
This but unironically
A quick one before the eternal worm devours Connecticut
theyre just shit
Spanish flu was literally just a flu bro
In parts. Villeneuve doesn't do it for me. Like Nolan. There's always something missing, something to take it to the next level.
>back in my self harming days
*skips to bloodhail*
Is there any banter shiter than "which one of you was this?"
you are some twat mate
christ, state of you
Climbed Mam Tor the day before lockdown
eating sugary foods after 8PM spikes blood sugar 50% more than eating the same food at any othe time
And spiking your blood sugar(hyperglycemia), is bad because your body produces insulin to to normalize your blood sugar levels. Modern foods are so sugary though that they spike it to abnormal levels, causing your body to overshoot insulin production, with so much insulin, it normalizes your blood sugar levels, but to hypoglycemic(below fasting blood sugar levels). Meaning your body now thinks you're starving due to abnormally low blood sugar, causing it to dump fat in to the bloodstream.
This whole cycle makes you feel like shit and causes inflammation and a whole host of health problems.
>virtual poo delivered in a tinned fart
can't keep up with this future stuff lads. miss the old reassuring poos of the 90s.
Where's the timestamp
Let them pretend
been in bed since half 9. you'd think I'd be tired given I've been up since 04:00 and toiling and other active shit, yet here I lie wide awake
I'm talking about the sex doll movie
Probably one of the most tragic stories of history desu
haha remember this, absolute mental thread, lad went down to the train tracks to off himself and everything. What was his name again?
>self harminng
think lisicki just accidentally let out the fact that he's been poleaboo this whole time (my theory)
Pretty sure at one point the black death had only killed 20k too.